Best IELTS Model Essays for IELTS Academic and General to score 8+ Band in IELTS Writing Module

IELTS Essays

How to write IELTS essays has always been a thorn in the flesh for IELTS test takers. However, a bit cautious approach in IELTS essay writing can make your essays unique. Camford Academy presents you with best IELTS essays.
  • IELTS Essays
  • IELTS ESSAY No: 45 Today  many people spend too much money on leisure activities. Is it advantageous or disadvantageous?

    Answer penned by Netto, Director of Camford Academy

    Today  many people spend too much money on leisure activities. Is it advantageous or disadvantageous?

               Leisure activity is what makes one’s life de-stressed and hence, worthy of living. So, the practice that a great deal of one’s income is attributed for the same is truly advantageous.

    Admittedly, the ratio of satisfaction is directly proportional to the quantum of development that is tremendously supplemented by the leisure industry for which a lion’s share of one’s income is used up. Even though spending too much on leisure activity can be considered an extravaganza of luxury, the index of happiness conspicuously surges ahead with the utility of such actions that apparently make life more meaningful and romantic for which the lives of Europeans are mention-worthy since they are the ones who allocate a major portion of their revenue for leisure such as visiting far-away countries enriching their experience and lives.

    Barring the exception of fiscal stress brought about by the reckless spending on past-time activities, the money flow created by it in a market cannot be forgotten as the spending is potential enough to create countless number of jobs propping up an economy and cushioning up its stability. Despite the fact that it is too dangerous for low-income group to go on spending spree, the impact of the leisure industry results in the creation and expansion of various infrastructure that becomes the face of a nation. On top of it, the bonding of familial affair and social connectivity on a broader spectrum are amalgamated into a more satisfied entity.

    With that said, the spending on leisure activities evidently suggests a robust trend in all walks of life. However, wisdom will prevail if we can decipher how much is too much and if a fine line is drawn between income and expenditure with regards to spending on leisure.(Answer penned by Netto, Director of Camford Academy)

    IELTS ESSAY No: 44: Today you can see increasing number of vehicles on road. Why is it so? Is it constructive or destructive?

    Answer penned by Netto, Director of Camford Academy

    Modernity is apparently wedded to comfort, luxury and convenience. Hence, an exponential rise in the number of vehicles on the road can be seen. Various factors conspicuously contribute to this phenomenon that I consider truly encouraging.

    Population effects huge changes in terms of anything. The larger the number of population is, the more the number of vehicles is needed to meet the diverse purposes and utilities. Time factor directly corresponds to the quantum of the growth of both individual and society. By using private vehicles, an enormous amount of time is saved which otherwise might be lost waiting for public transportation. As luxury has become an individual’s identity and status, a private vehicle is the most common with every modern man .The ever-rising purchasing power makes it an essential one. The techies at Technopark in Trivandrum are the epitome for this because every one in three people has a private vehicle. The factors like easy availability of loan, increasing number of nuclear families and limitation of public transportation add up to the growing number of vehicles significantly.

    The rising number of private vehicles undoubtedly speaks volume of the development that a society has reached. It reminds us of the life-index ticking up sending across encouraging messages of perfect growth. Time factor is synonymous to the productivity of a person. As vehicle adds to the flexibility and mobility, life becomes worthier of living. It is too hard to find how much a nation has developed without counting its vehicles. Cuba as an example is worth remembering here because it has recorded the fewest number of private cars signaling the depth of its poverty and underdevelopment.

    That being said, the utility of private vehicle triggers its rising numbers. Despite the fact that this trend is a constructive one, a balanced approach between the environmental stability and individual needs should be exercised. (Answer penned by Netto, Director of Camford Academy)

    IELTS ESSAY NO.43; Some people think that killing animals for food is cruel, but others claim that animals are the necessary part of diet.
    What is your opinion?

    Essay penned by Netto, Director of Camford Academy

    The existence of human beings hinges on various food items. Even though there are different people like carnivorous and herbivorous, the former is seen the more. However, a school of thought believes that animals should not be slaughtered for food. Another section stresses that it is the vital part of human diet. My conviction tends me to go with meat for diet.

    As meat records a long history as diet, it is very much indispensible in man’s life. What pops up human health is the nutritional value of the food consumed. Being rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals etc, it keeps a man as fit as a fiddle. There are certain terrains like desert where people can only be carnivorous because those terrains cannot have any agricultural yield. That people in the Middle East depend on camel and lamb meat for their existence is the best example in this case. Owing to the exponential rise in human population, the amount of cultivable land is reduced alarmingly. Hence people are left with only the choice of meat for diet.

    Meat has as much therapeutic use as herbs. In the absence of meat consumption and with the only consumption of vegetables, a human body might become a hospital of many diseases. Even though the intake of vegetables as diet sounds to be logical, the unpredictable weather patterns cannot assure the cultivation throughout the seasons. As animals unlike plants survive in testing conditions, it turns out to be the most dependable food. Even though the slaughtering of animals appears to be bestial, something has to be sacrificed for the survival of humans. As animals are part of natural food chain, if it is not killed for diet, its growing population might destabilize the ecosystem. The factors like its easy availability and long preservability make it the most dependable diet for human beings.

    Having dwelled on such thoughts, the human survival is not as easy as it seems. In the midst of depleting natural foods, slaughtering animal for diet cannot be held heinous. The cycle of the nature puts human beings on top of its priorities. Hence the consumption of animal meat should be considered a humanly activity not a brutal one. (Essay penned by Netto, Director of Camford Academy)
    IELTS ESSAYs 42: Even though science and technology has improved a great deal, the type of diseases increase day by day. Why is it so? How can it be controlled?

    Essay prepared by Netto, the director of Camford Academy


    The development of science and technology has undoubtedly reduced the number of occurrences of same old diseases. However, can it prevent the spreading of new diseases in the future? New diseases are reported along with the passage of time. Various factors evidently trigger it. A host of suggestive touches might bring about encouraging changes in it.

    Admittedly, the sophistication of science and technology has massively enhanced the luxury and comfort level. Thereby, the physical exertion witnesses a backlash. The very same scenario forces people to lead a sedentary life style, a perfect abode of all lifestyle diseases. Technology is good enough to identify diseases once contracted with and science is capable enough to suggest curative measures to it. However, the chances for the development of new diseases are still left open. The radical shift in lifestyles created by science and technology leads to the spreading of new diseases. The technological appliances like TV and refrigerator deplete the environmental stability which further results in subsequent fresh ailments. For example, the consumption of food stored in refrigerator heavily contributes to the growth of cancerous cells. On top, food adulteration due to scientific and technological innovations creates unexpected and unpredictable diseases.

    As for suggestions, return to nature seems to be the need of the time. Human lifestyles should synchronize with the beats of the earth where pollution and adulteration find no place. Science and technology should foster the fine fabric of human life and the nature. Tampering with it could lead to apocalypse. The needs should be prioritized as unrealistic demand forces business fraternity to devise unscrupulous ways for quick bucks. The application of cosmetic products and the intake of instant and junk foods should be limited as to see an encouraging reduction in the new diseases. A fine line in terms of the use of gadgets and appliances can also be drawn to reduce the possibility of new diseases. As an instance, an illiterate farmer in rural India lives healthier and longer than a techie in urban set up.

    That being said, the speed of modernity triggered by the development of science and technology has made the world an inhospitable one with unpredictable break-out of new diseases frequently. Prudence will prevail if a concerted effort by both individual and government is taken to check the menace of new diseases and to see the life healthier and the nature greener.( Essay prepared by Netto, the director of Camford Academy)

    IELTS ESSAY No: 41: Should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among poorer nations by providing such things as food and education? Or is it the responsibility of the governments of poorer nations to look after their citizens themselves?

    Essay prepared by Netto, the Director of Camford Academy

    Even though different countries are cut apart by geographical boundaries, the mutual international cooperation between them has seen rapid growth especially to poor countries. Despite the fact that every government is committed to creating basic facilities and utilities such as education and food, it is the richer nations that can contribute more to poor nations in this regard.

    Admittedly, the reciprocal help has benefitted the poor nations a great deal. As rich nations are already self sufficient with regards to basic needs like food and education, they can set up a trend of benevolence among the global fraternity. It is too illogical to demand the cash-strapped governments in poor nations to create such basic things. As the number of population increases exponentially in poor third world countries, it is likely to turn out to be massively herculean task with limited revenue and poor agricultural yields. It is crystally clear why a nation is categorized poor. So, given the conditions, the richer nations with vast amount of growth of agriculture and education can lend authentic helping hand which might see unpredictable tilt towards economic prosperity in poor nations. United Nation’s frequent help with food and other aids to African nations like Uganda is a life saver for those in there.


    Are the poorer nations as developed with regards to technical knowhow and refined farming methods as richer nations? Certainly not. The former has to take a giant leap to reduce the distance between the rich and the poor. These countries are notorious for the lack of financial investments, the pillar of development. Hence, the distribution of things like educational infrastructure and food by the rich to poor countries could fuel the ideology of welfare. On top of these, such help could foster the international brotherhood and cooperation. As every nation today is no longer an island, the instability caused by the internal conflicts in poor nations due to the lack of basic facilities could have its reflection on rich nations as well. To make it clear, the emergence of terrorism from micro regional level into global is an apt epitome to remember here.


    In the view of above said facts, asking already underdeveloped countries to provide the basic needs like food and education seems to be rather impractical and utopian. The world would see a sea of conflicts emanating locally and spreading universally if rich states do not help the poor. ( Essay prepared by Netto, the Director of Camford Academy)

    IELTS ESSAY No: 40: Even though students are trained by governmental organizations, they perform for the private organizations and not for public. Who, in your opinion, should they work for?

    Essay prepared by Netto, the Director of Camford Academy

    Educating and training an individual is the responsibility of a modern government. However, despite being trained at the cost of public funds, they don’t work for the public and the government as they ought to. They are attracted by huge pay back offered by private sector. In my opinion, they must serve for the public and the government in their country.

    Admittedly, the prosperity of a nation thrives on the general welfare. As it is the result of the application of various factors, human productivity in terms of his professionalism and knowledge is the most imperative one. Since the training and education is imparted at the profound public expense, it has to have public utility. The concept of welfare always dwells on reciprocal help. A state always nurtures the skill of a person through extensive academic programme expecting it to be utilized for the collective well being. What more, parity is a most repeated word of a modern society. It cannot be materialized unless and until state trained professionals work for the public or else the sector might become dangerously crippled by the absence of talents.

    Every present investment in talents has a futuristic effect. Hence, the training offered at the expense of public must create an impact for the generations to come. The skills and expertise imbibed from such training is to be spent constructively as to create a milestone with regards to general empowerment. Even though a private sector is part of the whole society, what they stand for is individual profit only widening the gap between the rich and the poor. A government cannot afford brain-drain that might leave many public departments in dire straits for the lack of skilled brains. Even though private sector looks for individual achievement, it is the collective growth that a government wants to attain.

    That being said, the trained professionals at the expense of the public must demonstrate their solidarity for the collective development by utilizing their skills. Then ‘welfare for all’ a long held dream can be on the cards enhancing the concept of equality for one and all.( Essay prepared by Netto, the Director of Camford Academy)

    IELTS ESSAY 39: People in many countries do not wear their traditional costumes. Some argue that they would forget about their history and tradition. Do you agree or disagree?

    Answer penned by Netto, the Director of Camford Academy

    What makes a society uniquely identifiable is its long tradition and history. Clothes are easily associated to this. It is believed that the history and tradition of a nation could be forgotten if its people do not follow its traditional clothes. As a matter of fact, I do not favor this view.

    Even though established cloths share a close proximity and resemblance to one’s tradition and history, it should be too illogical to say that only clothes can make it up. In a wide angle, various components like practices, festivals, values, ethics, etiquettes and customs make the tradition and history more meaningful and wholesome. Despite being a part of it, attire has only negligible relation compared to other components. As an example, many literates in Kerala do not follow traditional attire any longer. However, the long exercised traditional activities like marriages and festivals like Onam are observed with its traditional flavours and attributes. The terms ‘tradition’ and ‘history’ are so broad that it cannot be limited in terms of meaning and application.

    Similarly, clothes being peripheral keep changing with the times because it is not as much static as customs and practices. History and tradition not being instantaneous dwell more on age-old practices like beliefs, culture, rituals, festivals etc. It’s not too tough to find a particular community or a tribe wearing the same costume for generation. Seemingly, external exhibits like fabric are not as much connected to tradition and history as one’s traditional attitudes and thoughts are. To make it clear, my urban cousins in Trivandrum closely follow the traditional beliefs and superstitions despite wearing trendy clothes.

    As history and tradition are too big to be confined to clothes, it seems to be belittling attributing it only to clothes. The meaning of these terms would become perfect if it is analyzed in a macro level.(Answer penned by Netto, the Director of Camford Academy)
    IELTS ESSAY No: 38; The advantages of considering English as a global language will continue to outweigh its disadvantages.
    To what extent do you agree?

    Essay prepared by Netto, the Director of Camford Academy

    A language is tacitly a medium of expression. However, of late, it has started linking different regions into a unit. English, being the most predominant language, interconnects various nations cut apart due to ideological differences. It is almost predicted that the blessings brought about by English as a global language is likely to outdo its demerits. I completely agree with the same.

    Even though every language has its unique importance, it is the English language that unites various thoughts, ideas and feelings into a single platform benefiting the international community a great deal. The world would have been blatantly broken apart had English not become global language. The future world will tremendously cash in on the sharing of ideas due to its flexibility as a global language. Being the gate way of knowledge, it has already started showing the symptoms of unity in terms of knowledge sharing, its application and experiments. This trend is unlikely to wither in the future. The prosperity due to the creation of abundant job opportunities by the same is likely to produce a stable future that no other language can claim about. On top, as a common language, its capacity to boost up tourism is a healthy sign.

    Trade and business, being the principles of material development, will be more enhanced by the language by creating a global market where geographical boundaries will not become a hurdle. It will serve as a linking thread between different customs, practices and rituals by creating a unique communication channel in a multi-cultural environment. The co-operation between English speaking countries is a best case in the point. The ill effects created by English language cannot be belittled as its dominance over other languages in the future might result in the elimination of heterogeneous legacies and heritages worldwide along with its traditions.

    That being said, English as a global language will create constructive ripples in terms of life style changes, economic prosperity and the sharing of knowledge in the future. Despite the skepticism of the destruction of different regional languages with its cultural values, the benefits of English language will continue massively outweighing its demerits. Essay prepared by Netto, the Director of Camford Academy

    IELTS Essay 37: Today people watch TV programmes enormousy. Hence, they don’t find enough time for social interaction or interaction between family members. Do you agree or disagree with this? Give reasons and examples from your own experience.

    Answer penned by Netto, the Director of CAMFORD ACADEMY

    Interaction has been the prime factor of socialization for ages. However, the introduction of television has led to tremendous reduction in it. So, it is generally said that watching TV enormously leads to little interaction in society as well as in family. As a matter of fact, I would favour it.

    Ostensibly, what makes a man’s life get going is how he spends his time. Entertainment hugely caters to tackling one’s free time.TV programmes being synonymous with entertainment eat away a lion’s share of their time leaving a little space for interaction between members in family and in society. The more interesting the TV programmes are, the longer the people are hooked to it. The real time communication becomes a distant possibility because the characters and the events in programmes replace the real people and the real events in his life. However, in the past, before the introduction of TV, people had ample time for social interaction enhancing familial bonding and social stability. The presence of Tv channels has pushed the people into the virtual world as it is live round the clock. Being couch potatoes, they have only sedentary life style at hand. How would one find enough time for social interaction in this scenario?

    Similarly, watching Tv has become a family affair where everyone in a family becomes passive rather than active actors. It makes no difference between living room and dining room. Consequently, they become stingy speakers with the words are well measured. This undesirable practice adds up to stress and strain pushing the social being into an indoor creature. The very lack of interaction destabilizes the long experienced solidity of human relationship. The availability of wide range of TV programmes suiting to various individual interests make the otherwise sociable people into a TV buffs. The people in European countries like the U.K have already started feeling the heat of this scenario. As TV programs are lively updated and filled up with mesmerizing news, views, colours and flavours, the real world of communication shrinks to the world of sounds and fury with no interaction at all.

    That being said, human interaction has witnessed a setback owing to the towering influence of TV. So, the time demands a judicious approach from one and all in terms of amount of time spent on TV channels. A balancing approach between the amount of TV programmes and real time communication can make a person sociable befitting a human being. (Answer penned by Netto, the Director of CAMFORD ACADEMY) 

    IELTS Essay Question No: 36; There are different types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heard everywhere now a days.

    IELTS Essay written by Netto, Director of Camford Academy

                    Being the most benevolent art of entertainment, music soothens mind, body and heart. People take to different genre of music ranging from Classical to Jazz to Pop to Western. It apparently caters to various purposes and moods. In my opinion, it is the traditional music of a country that makes more meaning than international music.

                    Admittedly, that which acts as a stress buster in a man’s life is something to be cherished. Music, being synonymous to it, rejuvenates senses by enhancing productivity. In addition to serving the purpose of entertainment and meditation, it revives the traditional and cultural traits which otherwise could be lost. Likewise, as music is potential enough to stimulate thought process, it can convert monotonousness into vibrancy. Amidst the heap of purposes of music, its therapeutic value cannot be forgotten. The presence of music in allopathic operation theatre speaks volume of the need of music.

                    Ostensibly, traditional music is preferable to international music because the former hinges on melody and the latter more on instruments. The traditional music always sharpens the senses, pampers feelings and elevates the sunk-spirit. In a broader perspective, the fine fabric of tradition and culture of a region is enhanced by the traditional music. It is admitted that international music being the mixture of all the available music around the globe represents universality. However, in the modern world, people conveniently forget their ancestral roots. Hence, blindly embracing international music might push traditional music with its associated arts onto the verge of extinction. What would be the fate of the tradition and long history of people if traditional music is neglected?

                    That being said, music serves purposes like stress buster, entertainment, preservation of cultural values and medical therapy. Undoubtedly, traditional music is far superior to international music in all respects. Beware of the trend of neglecting traditional music or else, a day would come where people would live sans history and sans identity. (IELTS Essay written by Netto, Director of Camford Academy)
    IELTS ESSAY No: 35; The world has seen an enormous increase in the number of flights for leisure, business and commercial purposes around the world over recent years. What do you think are the main advantages and disadvantages of such flights? Do you think flight should be taxed more?

    Essay prepared by Netto, the Director of Camford Academy

    The world has witnessed revolutionary changes in terms of transportation facilities with airways being the most prominent. Hence, an exponential rise with regards to number of flights made for various purposes is recorded periodically. Admittedly, it brings about a mixed bag of both banes and boons. However, taxing it heavily will not be a fair deal.

    The rising digits of flights apparently makes air travel affordable even for the less affluent.  Resultantly, it effects a paradigm shift which sees financially unstable people making rapid strides. Besides, it brings down the stress on alternative mode on transportation like roadways and railways. It makes the world sans frontiers and within a reach.

    The heavy toll in terms of environmental destruction effected by the increasing number of flights cannot be forgotten .The more the number of flights is, the larger the scale of pollution is. As other modes of transportation like railways and roadways have already weakened the atmospheric stability, the increasing number of flights makes it more vulnerable. So, the air transits might look as uncontrollable a mess as road traffic.

    Despite the pros and cons of the increasing number of flights, the question about taxing it heavily seems to be illogical keeping in mind the world has to progress a great deal again. It is a verity that such a move would disquiet the silky growth of the current society. What would grow at the exorbitant price? No wonder, the populace could be deprived of their dreams to see through the prosperity.

    That being said, the growing figures of flights evidently results in erratic sequels despite benefits. It is the high time that a fine line was drawn in terms of the number of flights as it might cause air traffic disruption as well as environmental depletion.

    IELTS ESSAY No: 34; In many countries, women join armies as men do. However, some people argue that army solely needs males. What is your opinion?

    Essay prepared by Netto, the Director of Camford Academy

    The participation of women even in dangerous fields is no longer a myth today. Army sector especially has witnessed an increasing number of women enrollments as soldiers. However, some find it so skeptically that army sector should be only for men. My conviction forces me to think the other way.

    What makes army uniquely contrasting from other sectors are physical strength, courage, dedication and emotional stability. Even though men are good at all these attributes, the efficiency of women cannot be belittled as perfect training and right amount of encouragement can elevate an ordinary women into an extraordinary. As army sector is synonymous with extraordinariness, the adaptability and flexibility of women could facilitate them to be so. Women, unlike their counterparts, being multi-taskers, can stand shoulder to shoulder to the latter. The courage of Ms. Joan of Arc in France who defended her people and became a martyr for the same is worth remembering now.

    Today, army is not only a field of physical strength but of mental strength. As a woman is a perfect embodiment of it, her counterpart can only be inferior in this regard. Emotional Quotient is what adds to the stability amidst adversities. A woman unlike her counterpart can be an epitome for emotional stability. Today, that wars are being fought technologically undermines the importance of masculinity which women lack though. Hence, a woman irrefutably holds the key qualities of a warrior in dire straits. So, it would be too illogical to keep them away from army as women stalwarts like Ms. kalpana Chaula had reportedly proved tough even in the space odyssey.

    That being said, as the world has moved by leaps and bounds in terms of fighting a war technologically, keeping a gender out of it sounds impractical and illogical. Hence, it is the time that mental strength, multitasking ability and diplomacy of a human being were valued more than just physical strength. So, the world would be more open and broad minded if women take part in army sector.

    IELTS ESSAY No:33; Some people say that it is good to research into past family history and some believe that present and future are more important. Discuss both the views and give your opinion.

    Essay prepared by Netto, the Director of Camford Academy

    The inquisitiveness to know about the bygone days is on the cusp of search today. What between the past and the present should be prioritized?  People are vertically divided between researching about one’s past history and stressing on present and future for various reasons.

    The proponents of research of family history believe that past is an account of both splendid and vicious actions of human beings. So, narrowing down into one’s past family history presents a person with an analytical ability between vice and virtue. As the present world has been evolved into the current form after the continual transformation of the thought process of human beings, learning about the past can act as a curative measure for how to avoid the past follies.  Today’s family, unlike in the past, is more ultra-nuclear and hence, more fragmented. So, the pedigree seems to be of less importance. Here comes the magnitude of researching into family history that could fix the broken relationship. Such studies can enhance the need of strengthening relationship. Hence, decoding the past lineage fills up a man with positive human attributes like sympathy, empathy, fellow feeling etc…

    On the other hand, the supporters of stressing present and future feel that each period is quite different from the other. So, present and future has its own peculiarity which is quite different from the past. The technology, which was absent in the past, calls the shot for the growth of the coming generation .They question why the fuel of energy and optimism should be burned on futile past family history research. Even though it can bring up some moral and ethical lessons, the quantum of its impact on the current and future generation would be too little to be utilized. What needs today is not an analysis of the past but a right approach of present that builds up future with stability and tranquility.

     That being said, in my opinion, the society cannot be too slow by looking into the past but it is the journey ahead filled up with optimism, daring thoughts and quest for further growth that lifts up the overall development of a person and his society. Hence, prioritizing the present and future more than researching the family history is what would befit the generation to come.
    IELTS ESSAY No:32;  We can get knowledge from news, and still some people think that we cannot trust journalist. What do you think? What qualities do you think a successful journalist should have?

    Essay prepared by Netto, the Director of Camford Academy


    People’s attitude and perspective are tremendously influenced and revolutionized by various media with journalist and journalism being the most prominent of them. However, is it wise to trust them blindly? The gush of first thought tells me the other way. Certain desirable qualities would make journalist more humane and authentic.

    Admittedly, the misrepresentation of facts by journalist has become a broad daylight fact which wrongly forces people to develop a fake attitude. As every journalist has his own biased views, the news he reports tends to be more partial. In addition, complacency of media in terms of reporting various views acts as an impediment for developing a neutral outlook. For Example, my friend who ardently reads Malayalam daily Deshabhimani that supports a staunch leftist view has become hardcore leftist. Competition being the face of modern industry dilutes the integrity of journalists who are prompted by the dictum of survival of the fittest.

    Any profession is glorified if it is rooted in professional ethics which are the prime attributes of a good journalist. Most strikingly, today’s unscrupulous atmosphere forces every journalist to move with the current trend of personal gains. Conspicuously, it is the objectivity of facts while reporting that facilitates a journalist uniquely different from his currupt fraternity. He should look at events with an unbiased attitude and without prejudices because, in the absence of these, his reporting could turn out misleading and venomous. It could be powerful enough to dismantle the fine fabric of a community. For instance, some political parties stemming in religion spread communalism among various religious groups through their newspapers. Can a professional like journalist become a philanthropic if he loses empathy, fellow feeling, generosity etc.?

    That being said, the field of journalist has become the most competitive sector where news is manipulated with views forcing people to develop a fragmented perception. So, journalists had not better treat the profession of journalism as a job but a selfless service and sacrifice for molding a generation with right outlook and commitment.

    IELTS ESSAY NO:31; Today Television is tremendously watched. Some people say that government should control the contents telecasted on TV and others feel it should be let free for the individuals. Discuss both the views and give your opinion?

    Answer prepared by Netto for Camford Academy, Trivandrum, Kerala (India)

    The development of technology has resulted in the revolutionary inventions of gadgets with Television being the most prominent of them. However, the contents telecasted on it have created bipolar views where one section believes that governmental control on it is very essential, and others feel that it is a choice of individual viewers.

    The proponents of governmental control on contents on television argue that a great deal of TV programs mislead the youth by hyperbolic visualization of negative elements. TV programs are such powerful that it can penetrate into human minds easily. Violence has become the face of modern such programs which, through the exaggerated narration,  cajole viewers into the trap of violence. Consequently, people lose their objectivity and develop behavioural disorders. As one’s thought process is the byproduct of what he watches and hears from around, the contents on TV programs enormously influence a person’s perception and attitude. What more, the destruction of ethics and morality triggered by such potential TV programs is the worst part in modern man.

     However, the opponents feel that the freedom of choice is what makes a man truly independent.  Since the wide range of TV programs present him with tremendous analytical ability and reasoning power, it prepares an ordinary person into an extra-ordinary. Hence, controlling the contents on TV might make a government a dictator. It is noteworthy that no country has ever prospered by curtailing the freedom of expression. What else can it bring if not anarchy and poverty? The sad plight of the people in the Middle East a few years ago under few dictators like Saddham Hussain in Iraq, Hosni Mubarack in Egypt and Colonel Gaddafi in Libya is worth remembering here.

    However, in my opinion, the world benefits a great deal by enriching the freedom expression and by encouraging the art of creativity. Censoring the contents on TV is like pushing the world back into stone- age. So, respecting individual choice and creating atmosphere for its application should be the obligation and concern of a modern government.

    IELTS QUESTION NO:30; Differences between countries become less evident each year because now-a-days all over the world people share the same fashion ,advertising, brands ,eating habits and TV channels. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh its disadvantages?

    Answer penned by Netto for Camford Academy

    Unlike before, geographical distances between countries have shrunk to a level where even regional differences are less conspicuous and unrecognizable. Thanks to the advancement in science and technology that has made fashions, adverts, food, media etc available across the globe simultaneously as well as instantaneously. However, even though this trend has both merits and demerits, the former outshines the latter.

    Admittedly, globalization process has effected a paradigm shift in terms of market development. Hence, even far-flung regions have easy accessibility to products and ideas introduced elsewhere. This opens up the threshold of the world market which in turn unites people otherwise fragmented and displaced. This trend forces people to bury their differences between nations, castes and creeds. It eases out the stressed and strained relationships between countries by healing international tensions and putting an end on consequential wars. It breeds universality which reduces parochial attitude, an impediment against individual prosperity.

    Even though the customs and practices of a people are worst hit by this modern trend, the uniqueness triggered by the same should not be forgotten. The heterogeneity in identity between countries does not breed unity but division that could hamper the international brotherhood. The less the difference between the states is, the stronger the relationship between them is. The reciprocal help and the great rapport between the members in the European Union in terms of trade and cultural relations highlights the benefits for the countries being less different.

    In hindsight, the uniqueness in lifestyles, consumption and habits across the globe has tacitly made different countries closer and hence almost identical. The advantages brought forth by this trend are truly encouraging and tremendous building-blocks of unity in heterogeneity.


    IELTS Question No: 29; Is freedom of speech necessary in a free society?

    Answer penned by Netto for Camford Academy

    What makes a life more meaningful and a state more prospered? The gush of first thought tells us that it is the freedom of speech. It conspicuously demarcates between the prosperity and poverty. So it is imperative in a free society.

    Even though many an event trivial to serious has led to controversial wars in history, freedom of speech has witnessed more rebellions and revolts. And callously, many people have been massacred and hence become martyrs for this cause. It speaks volume of the relevance of freedom of speech. A state that allows uncensored liberty in terms of expression gallops along with the development faster than that which does not. While the former, being a free society, employs corrective measures to rectify the flaws in it, the latter being adamant rots with the rotten system. Freedom not only breaks the shackles of the oppression of a regime but fosters the innovative thoughts and lays foundation for the growth of a society. A free society is highly rated for the overall growth rate. European countries like UK are the best cases in this point.

    A free society admittedly thrives on the uncensored freedom of speech of its members. It allows them to air their views freeflowingly, which in turn makes the authority in a state to be more vigilant and committed to the protection of collective consciousness. It stands as curative measure in an administrative or the political system of a free society that acts as the custodians of the free will of its people. A society cannot be called free in the absence of freedom of speech because it, like the spine in a human’s body, props up a state from being faltered due to the dictatorial follies, authoritarian excessivism and administrative complacency.

    In retrospection, freedom of speech weeds off inhuman practices by unscrupulous regimes as a free society with such provision judiciously accommodates heterogeneity and entertains egalitarianism. So, freedom of speech is doubtlessly the greatest constituent of a free society.


    IELTS ESSAY NO: 28; Now a days the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology. In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships people make? Has this become a positive or negative development?

    Answer prepared by Netto for Camford Academy

    Communication and relationships are two stand-out parameters that distinguish human beings from animals. However, of late, it has been hugely influenced by technological advancements. Admittedly, it has affected these practices in several ways that I find negative.

    To begin with, the pace of communication has been accelerated by the technology which bridges the gap between geographical boundaries by bringing people from different parts of world together. It has increased the sense of belongingness that otherwise might be missed in the absence of technology. Technological gadgets despite being artificial have made communication easier than before and thereby the human relationship is improved a great deal. The speed of the communication makes people, who are apart, into a closely knit unit that makes human relationship more enjoyable and more durable. To illustrate, my relationship with my brother who has been overseas for years has grown thicker and more stable by chatting on mobile apps like WhatsApp and Facebook.

    The physical isolation despite living in a closed community is a destructive effect brought about by the influence of technology. Consequently, human relationship is made superficial in both integrity and reliability. It makes life too selfish to be depended on. The elderly is the one who bears the brunt of the technological development as it alienates them from main stream. Technological development being synonymous with self centeredness and egoism breeds inhospitality by which people lose their compassion and warmth. Hence people are made to live in virtual island cut off from the reality. The worst part of the technology is that the distant world is made closer and the near distant. For example; my sister, a technophile obsessed with latest electronic gadgets, always chats with friends on social networking sites but finds little time to interact with me.

    That being said, technology hugely affects the way people interact and how they keep relationships which in turn results in artificiality, lack of compassion, self-centeredness and egoism. Even though technology in a way is a blessing in terms of reducing distance bringing people together etc, unfettered use of it might destroy the softness of human relationship and genuinety of their communication. So, using technology without losing human relationship is the need of the hour.



    IELTS Essay 27 :Now a days people are watching movies and TV programmes containing criminal activities. Why does it become so popular and what are its effects on society.

    Essay Prepared by Netto for Camford Academy

    Admittedly, movies and Television programmes are what cater to the quest for leisure. Sadly, such programmes are loaded with enormous nerve raking criminal activities that hook viewers .Various factors breed its popularity .However, it begets harrowing upshot on society.

    What causes the popularity of movies and TV programmes having crimes? The showcasing of criminal acts on screen are picturised fast paced that glues viewers on tenterhooks. Criminal acts being synonymous with violence create cliff-hanger scenes, which in turn add to its popularity. The very nature of crime has different shades demonstrating the various aspects of its execution and its impulse adding to the unpredictability of the scenes to follow. Scenes of crimes are spicy enough to rouse human conscience which sometimes rebel against atrocities around. As it fills human tastes with thrills, the number of viewers is multiplied. A violent thriller movie “Sholay” released in 1975 breaking box office records thitherto is worth mentioning.

     Admittedly, violence can breed nothing but discordance. Since visuals of crimes can fast penetrate into human thoughts, its temptation is too tough to be resisted. Hence, one’s actions and thoughts are restructured in tune with the bloody scenes on screen.  Youngsters are the vulnerables to be affected by such extravaganzas creating lasting weird impressions. Its dismal consequences are potential enough to create wide fan followers from whom human values and ethics are isolated. Evils are glorified when impulses are satisfied by the scenes of bloodred retaliations as to avenge a wrong doing. it consequently could tempt people to redress their grievances by resorting to violence. What else could violent scenes bring about if not lawlessness and anarchy?

    That being said, the popularity of visuals of violence on movies and televisions serves to the human instinct craving for venting anger. However such expressionism damages an individual as he might willfully challenge the tranquility of his society by being a law breaker. So, common sense will prevail if such scenes are monitored and censored.


    IELTS QUESTION NO: 26; Some people say that Television should be used for educational purpose and others believe that it should be used for entertainment. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

    Essay prepared by Netto for Camford Academy

     Television, a breakthrough technology, satisfies the quest for variety by connecting one’s living room with heterogeneous facets of life outside. The two main functions served by television are educational and entertainment. However what the television should focus on between the latter and the former is debatable as one school of thought stresses that Television ought to be educationally informative while the other emphasis on recreational for various reasons.

    On the one hand, the proponents of  Television for education feel that TV, being an essential part of a modern home, can widely be utilized for educational purpose as it incorporates informative facts that form the very basis of a learning system. The reach of Television is so vast that it can carry a huge volume of academic facts to nooks and corners through either a wired network or a satellite dish. Moreover, learners are more inclined to believe what they see rather than what they hear as the former stays longer. Now that curriculum has become more learner friendly, visualization of academic data on Television channels can fasten the rate of learning. History Channel, for instance, has multiplied its rating because of its sole televisation of world historical events like world wars.

    On the other hand, some believe that Television should be used only for entertainment. Television as an entertainment medium carries a huge role in easing out work related tension. As modernity is wedded to the practice of workholism, it takes a heavy toll on their health. The entertainment can refresh and invigorate the otherwise depressed state of mind by the nerve rousing visuals of amusing programmes. As the very survival of many television channel hinges on commercial advertisement, academic programmes cannot guarantee it. As entertainment programmes are fast-paced resembling movies with high octane visual sequences, living rooms can experience theatrical experience which could become productive leisure time activity. Television programmes all over the world are famous for providing fun that in turn acts as stress buster. For instance, ‘star singer’ on Asianet draws more viewers than any educational programmes.

    However, in my opinion television should be used for amusement that can save people from plunging into solitude, dejection and fatigue. What a modern man strives for is redemption from monotonous and laborious routine tasks. Television is capable enough to meet this requirement. Hence, it would be better if Television is used more for entertainment than for education.


    IELTS QUESTION NO:25; Some people say that people should keep all their earnings and don’t have to pay taxes to government.     Do you agree with this statement?

    Answer prepared by Netto for Camford Academy

      Tax, being the largest source of revenue for a government, constitutes a lion’s share of a state returns. Even though various taxes like commodity tax, consumption tax and personal income tax are widely practiced across the globe, the tax paid on the personal earnings has seen many opponents with the belief that tax does not need to be paid and hence people should keep all their income. However, I do not favour such school of thought as it might unsettle the functioning of a state.

    How can a state prosper without revenue generation? Tax is a rock upon which a state fuels its wheels of administrative mechanism. Developmental face is what a modern state is striving for. Financial stability solidifies the various departmental organs like health, education, road infrastructure, judiciary and sundry other. That a nation ought to safeguard its geographical boundaries as well as the rights of its people is rather unpredictably a costly affair where money calls the shot. The tax money is what helps a state to meet its expenditure as any rolling system involves a proportionate running cost.  Besides being expensively non- profitable, education and health care are what form a modern welfare state which aims at creating parity between different classes. A state without money is a bird without wings.

    Likewise, a nation ought to maintain many sections that do not generate income but eat away a fair share of  its fiscal assets. Money is imperative for welfare activities like education and health and maintaining judiciary and executive. To illustrate, USA allocates it’s almost three-fifths of federal budget to education, healthcare and defense. The tax collected facilitates a state to uplift the sad plight of the poor through many developmental projects. While a state cannot mint money from thin air, tax is the only source of its income. Moreover, the very concept of tax makes a man socially committed as he is a stake holder in the development of his nation. The more the tax paid, the larger the context of development is. United Kingdom where as much as 30% of personal earnings is remitted as tax, is an epitome for the welfare that its citizens enjoy.

    In hindsight, a state is a common property where everyone is a party to its development. If people do not pay tax, nations will struggle to maintain the essential services. It might consequently lead to anarchy, poverty and instability. So, tax must be an imperative responsibility for everyone who earns.



    IELTS ESSAY QUESTION No: 24; Some local languages are disappearing from the world. Why does it happen? Is it positive or negative development?

    Answer prepared by Netto for Camford Academy

    Admittedly, linguicide is not an odd term as the death of local languages today is faster than before. Various languages in different regions have enriched the heritage of the world. However, a number of regional languages have been massacred by the onslaught of industrialization, globalization and various other hostile factors. However, this trend seems to be more constructive a development.

    Many local languages fail to withstand the ruthless impact of modernization process that revamps a language rudimentally as well as lexically. Since local languages are rigid and hostile to changes, the chance of getting updated of changing linguistic trends seems unacceptably foreign. Hence young speakers of a local language distance from the conventionality of their language and become more inclined to universal languages like English because of its flexibility and adaptability. Besides, the universal phenomena like globalization and privatization push many endangered languages into extinct ones and consequently into oblivion .The scanty presence of elderly speakers does not guarantee the revival of their endangered dialect despite its presence in scriptures and sermons. Sanskrit an ancient Indian language, in spite of its relevance in hymns and temple sermons and epics ‘Mahabharata’ and ‘Ramayana’, is verbally dead since it is hardly used for regular conversation.

    Even though the death of local languages results in the eradication of multiculturalism and indigenous cultures, it could be perceived as progressive makeover as it polarizes linguistically fragmented people into a few widely practiced languages. It in turn fosters universal brotherhood because linguistic similarity can shrink the geographical barriers which would bring about more prosperity and stability. To substantiate it, the co-operation between English speaking countries like Uk, USA and Australia in terms of foreign policy formation as well as strategic alliance of partnering is a proof of language similarity .Too many languages could downsize the growth as it reduces the mobility of people between regions and limits their cultural exchanges and expression of ideas.

    To brief, many local languages die out because of its rigidity, lack of adaptability and limited application. However, it does not end up in a complete loss but in global merging of split people to peace and growth that is what the modern society thrives on.

    IELTS ESSAY QUESTION No:23;    Media hugely influence the attitude and thought process of readers. Why is it so? Is it negative or positive?

          Essay Prepared by Netto for Camford Academy

     What make a man a real one are his attitude and thought process. Besides various factors, media, being prominent and unchallengeable, refine and formulate the outlook of people for various reasons. Admittedly, the influence created by media throws up constructive changes.

    Apparently, diverse news materials brought up by media evoke huge responses and emotions in people. With wide network coverage, media manage to unravel the latest happenings around the globe to the living rooms. Such information acts as a bond between people and media. The way news items are reported influences the way people think and act. As people always approach news items on media with a nonaligned approach, it easily influences their views. Moreover, media always present news items cosmetically and aesthetically cajoling to be liked and followed.  They deliberately either beautify or exaggerate events as to impress people. Such is the power of media presentation that people find it hard to be neglected. That the quest and eagerness of people to know more about the world is undoubtedly well catered to by media. For instance, that the media in India significantly contributed to the brutal majority of the BJP in the last parliament election is an ostensible proof for how media can shape people’s actions.

    However, the influence created by media is doubtlessly encouraging as knowledge about one’s fellow beings makes one more compassionate and humane. The fact that media update people with both evil and virtuous latest happenings is a constructive influence. As an example, media’s wide coverage of Ms. Nirbhaya’s rape and murder in New Delhi has created sympathy as well as empathy in people. Further to being informed, the events reported by media influence a person’s character and sharpen his outlook about the outer world. The sundry other information like entertainment, sports and arts is good enough to ease the stress level. The live televisation of instances like Tsunami and Hurricane and extremist attack help people to be proactive. For example the bombing and shootout in Paris in November 2005 prompted even a far away country, India to take precautions against any imminent terrorist attack. Despite unhealthy practices like gutter press journalism, libel writing and cheque book journalism, media always act as custodians of the interest of general people in a larger context.

    To conclude media is powerful enough to influence ones attitude and thought process. However, such changes always act positively despite some drawbacks. It would be wise, if a person used his own analytical ability and judiciousness while shaping his attitude and thought, media could become more facts-oriented and trustworthy.




    IELTS Essay 22: Today elderly people are cared by health care professionals. What are its advantages and disadvantages?

    Essay prepared by Netto


    Old age is a period of fragility and vulnerability. The fact that trained health care professionals take care of the elderly is

    trending now. However, this practice brings about a mixed bag of both bane and boon for various reasons.

    On the constructive part, rendering timely medicare to the elderly is the most effective part when he is nursed by a health care professional.

    The older one grows, the weaker one’s body becomes. It becomes a shelter of mental as well as physical ailments which are too tough

    for non-health care professionals to deal with. The fact that health care professionals are well-trained in this regard is a shot in the arm

    for the elderly. The success of the Care Homes being run with the services of trained health professionals in Europe validates this

    notion. Unlike untrained family members, they being tolerant and mannered can easily read and attend to the emotional imbalances

    of an elderly.

    On the destructive side, health care professional service is too costly an affair to be afforded. The risk that unscrupulous health care

    professionals might exploit the vulnerability of the elderly cannot be neglected. To illustrate, the murder of an eighty year old woman

    caused by slow poisoning by a home nurse in Kerala highlights the money motive of health care professionals. The selfless care

    and touch are what motivate the elderly to lead a satiated long life. Professionals being financially motivated cannot be as sincere

    as family members. In the presence of health care professionals, the relatives and the dear ones of an elderly could be

    complacent about their commitment to him.

    In the hindsight, health care professionals offer timely medicare and emotional support to an elderly despite exploitation.

     In my opinion, it is always constructive to employ health care professionals to look after an elderly; but let us not forget

    that the presence of relatives is very much essential to make him feel at home.




    IELTS Question 21: Many countries spend a huge amount of money for the space exploration. Some people feel that it is a boon for mankind, while others believe that it is a bane. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

    Space exploration, though relatively a new term, throws a range of possibilities for the development of society. Still the fact that a huge chunk of a nation’s income has to be spent for the same is a serious concern. Hence, funding for this shares contrasting views where some feel it a blessing because of its potential growth and others feel vice versa for various reasons.

    For some people, space exploration being constructive throws up new alternatives for human inhabitation once the earth is overcrowded and hostile. It also helps agriculture and human lives through weather forecasting. The telecommunication systems today owe so much to it that everything looks within accessibility. Space tourism, though expensive, poses a robust trend for job sector.  The money spent on today’s space exploration will turn out to be future investment. For example, the satellites and rockets launched in the past have become a potential business in communication today.

    However, some fear that various space shuttles, satellites and rockets in the space have become an imminent threat for astronauts and air traffic. The competition of different nations has made the space a pile of dangerous electromagnet pieces. Hence, cleaning up the space trash would not be as easy as it seems. It is too expensive to purge the impurities such as junk floating objects, electromagnets, rocket launch boosters etc. in the space. Astonishingly, poverty eradication, health care and education are less attended to due to the colossal investment on space exploration.

    Even though, space exploration creates business prospects, job opportunities, and healthy living standards, its disadvantages such as massive expense, space trash and its potential harm cannot be neglected. However, in my opinion, spending on the space exploration has to be continued with more efforts given its influence on industries such as computer, agriculture, space tourism etc. Otherwise, the future generation has to pay dearly for our short sight. This investment can be a future solution for today’s problems.





    Question No: 20 Every successful person is considered as highly ambitious. How important is success in one’s life? Is ambition a negative or positive characteristic?
    Essay Prepared by Netto



    The very words ‘success’ and ‘ambition’ are inextricably intertwined in a man’s life. Therefore, it is believed that those who are successful are ambitious. So, the importance of success is irrefutable as it has paramount position in one’s development. Likewise, the gravity of ambition in one’s life always creates positive ripples.

    Even though life is philosophically defined as a mixture of both success and failure, that which adds meaning to it is success. Since happiness is the ultimate aim of a person’s life, success is one of those factors that accelerate it.  Failures unlike success evoke only bitter feelings. So, in the absence of success, life is a recipe of mismatching ingredients. It is too hard to be enjoyed.  While failure drowns a person to his abyss of distress, success rejuvenates his body and spirit into new heights.  Many people in the history have committed suicide when success divorced them. For instance, Mr. Hitler, an invincible despotic until the beginning of the Second World War, had shot himself before his platoons of forces surrendered to the American and British forces.

    Similarly, ambition always has a positive connotation even though over-ambition could be destructive. It is nothing but ambition that becomes fuel for one’s long run. It forces one to try out-of-the-box ways to attain the target. Moreover, it helps a person stay focused through the thick and thin in his life. It also gives him expectations about the summer days ahead.  Even from the pit of failure, the sense of ambition can bring up one’s life to success and hence it can be attributed to the hope while in dejection. The life of Abraham Lincoln, a former American President, can be used here as an epitome. He had risen to the coveted post of American President despite many successive failures. Ambition has made many ordinary people exemplary.

    To conclude, success and ambition are too abstract to be defined easily. However, success is what makes a man’s life more colorful and worthy of living. Likewise, ambition sets objectives and aims in one’s life to move ahead. It is conspicuous that a better fruitful life can be achieved if success is brought by virtuous ambitions.



    Question No 19:  Directors in a company draw more salary than other employees. Why is it so? What effects does it create?

    Answer prepared by Mr.Netto for Camford Academy

    Hierarchical order in an establishment affects a huge disparity in the wages and so, the higher the protocol is, the larger the remuneration is and vice-versa. Directors in a business bag in thicker payment than inferior employees. Ostensibly, it leads to tremendous benefits for the company concerned.

    Tacitly, a plethora of elements cause companies offer its directors a staggering salary over other employees. Firstly, they are the ones who supervise, monitor and ensure the execution of action plans of a company. The efficacy of  its implementation mirrors the scale of success, a touch-stone feature of the headway of a concern. In other words, a director is the base benchmark who devotedly focusses on target and mobilizes public faith on a company. For example, Ms.Chanda Kochhar’s ascent as the Managing Director of ICIC Bank in India with a salary of more than 120 million rupees per annum has accelerated its growth as the second largest bank in India despite being a private bank.

    Admittedly, directors’ drawing whopping wages leads to myriad constructive as well as destructive reflections. On the constructive side, handsome pay-scale motivates directors to invent new channels to unfold new possibilities in business. In addition, hefty pay makes broad shoulders to bear more responsibilities and initiatives that are imperative in a business perception. Furthermore, like shepherds or captains, directors steer the rest of employees to meet the target and deadline. On the flip side, heavy salary bags given to directors cause financial disparity. Apparently, such fiscal abysses could lead to lawless social anarchy.  Besides, it could lead to labor unrest. Kerala, for example, has many times borne the brunt of the walk out of employees disrupting and besieging the companies.

    To brief, regardless of the size and gravity of the work directors execute, they receive disproportionate and insensible weighty remuneration. However, that the sense of other employees being marginalized and underpaid causes damages. So, it is the high time that employers applied pragmatic approach to narrow down the non-identical emolument given to both employees and directors.


    Question No 18:  Today many people are working at home because of technological developments. Discuss its merits and demerits

    Answer prepared by Mr.Netto for Camford Academy

    The advancement of computer technology has unquestionably transformed the nature and manner of the execution of work. Resultantly, increasing number of jobs are being done at home. However, such trend has thrown resounding constructive as well as destructive effects.

    On the constructive part, the hurdles of commutation are greatly mitigated by working-at-home. Now that today’s roads are chocked with the ever crowding of vehicles, reaching offices on time is a cumbersome task. Therefore, the time taken for travelling can be saved and rechanneled to productive works. Moreover, when home is made office, familial bonding thickens keeping marital relationships stabler as people can enjoy more leisurely time. Besides making domestic affairs blissful, it substantially reduces the number of broken families effecting children well behaved and fine-mannered.

    On the flip side, the work-at-home concept narrows down the distances between office and house wherein the sense of morbidity and office-fatigue can pervade everywhere and destroy the homely feeling.  It can cut off people from the main stream and alienate them into introverts as social interaction drastically decreases. It might cause personality disorders as well. Nevertheless, many attributes of professionalism like team-building, motivation and rapport between colleagues are all lost irrecoverably. What more! it leaves too little a space to correct errors or update professionally as neither competition nor co-operation takes place in this sort of work. For example, a faltering staff can easily be set on course by team leaders or HR manger in an organizational set-up. 

    To conclude, despite working-at-home offering many a blessing, it is not free from menaces. Therefore, it is the high time that people cut short their working time both at the office or at home and spared enough time for both socialization and leisurely activities. Then, a healthy life style is on the cards.


    QUESTION NO: 17.   Even though ads are annoying and amusing, it influences people to buy things needed or not needed. Do you agree or disagree?

    Answer Prepared by Mr.Netto for Camford Academy, Trivandrum

    Ads whether lackluster or dazzling have managed to create a niche for each product. Despite belying the actual quality, ad is widely used an effective tool to market a commodity. Therefore, I favour the view that it cajoles people into purchasing both wanted and unwanted stuffs.

    Apparently, advertisements succeed in paralyzing human wisdom for opting the best and discarding the worst. Consequently, the efficacy and appealing of an ad deceives the pragmatic decision making faculty of a man. He becomes shopping spree buying things needed as well as not needed. Besides, the splendor and blistering , an advert creates a virtual world of exaggerated fancy and imagination sedating common sense from being a wise customer. What more, the allocation of a fair share of a company’s capital investment forwards advertisements reiterates its importance in marketing a stuff.

    Similarly, ads are made in such a way that easily mesmerizes and captivates consumers. So, the targeted product being over projected is marketed very widely and largely. In addition to the fast paced and wide canvas visual frames, companies always tirelessly try to rope in silver screen celebrities and widely acclaimed sports personalities in their to increase its reaching. To illustrate, Muthoot Fincorp from Kerala has become one of the largest financial institutions in India by casting many leading regional and national movie stars and cricket players in India in their ads. 

    In short, even though adverts have electrifying influences on customers, its qualities and reliability are still very dubious. In this event, I would say that a customer has to become a wise and free to make choice of a product or else advertisements will make consumers into blind followers risking their fine thinking faculty.


    Question No:  16. Every country has poor people and different ways to dealing with them. What are some of the reasons for poverty? What can we do to help the poor? Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience?

    Answers prepared by Mr.Netto for Camford Academy

    Poverty has been alarmingly on the rise unlike in the past. Despite adopting various methods by different countries to tackle this grave issue, it is still on the boil. There are a host of ostensible factors that worsen this scenario. However, it can be cleverly eradicated provided a slew of remedial measures are taken up.

    Tacitly, various factors that contribute to poverty can be observed. To begin with, unemployment is the major reason that leads to poverty which risks the welfare of a nation. Illiteracy is another worrying factor that prevents creating skilled professionals. Poverty deters a state from developing educational infrastructure. For example, Uganda an impoverished African country whose major population is illiterate and so poverty is at its peak. Population explosion is yet another block which increases poverty because the more the population is, the less the employment rate is. In such situation, the increasing number of population always poses a threat for its job prospects. Consequently, it worsens poverty. Finally, the over exploitation of the natural resources also plays a sizeable share increasing poverty because the optimum utilization of the natural resources leads to famine like situation.

    However, certain useful measures will help us bring down the level of poverty. As for unemployment, sophisticated facilities of infrastructure should be implemented with a view to focusing on industrialization which would create a great deal of job prospects. As regards illiteracy, compulsory free education should be made mandatory and resultantly it would herald a life in knowledge emphasizing the skill development. Considering the population explosion, awareness on methods of family planning is a best tool that could check the population growth. Coming to over-exploitation of the natural resources, equilibrium between the consumption of natural resources and availability should be maintained so that the famine-like situations could well be avoided.

    To brief, despite various factors like over-population, unemployment and illiteracy aggravating the state of poverty, mandatory education, creating infrastructure and family planning are the best tools to eradicate it. A shift in attitude and a concerted effort from both government and corporate giants will surely create a better tomorrow devoid of hunger and poverty. 


    QUESTION NO: 15.  As only a small percentage of people have interest in the arts, government funding for this is a waste of money. Spending this on health and education would be far more beneficial to society. To what extent do you agree?

    Answer Prepared by Mr.Netto for Camford Academy, Trivandrum

    Art is the finest form of humanistic expression bringing forth different emotions and feelings. Still, the number of people interested in it is less. In this context, state financing for the same has become a contentious issue. However, I am completely not in favour of channeling such funds to health and education because it would be non-existent and akin to killing artistic expressions.

    Apparently, arts serve many a purpose in building up an ethical and value oriented fraternity as it is the rarest form that upholds humanistic values. Besides, art is a medium by that dissent against existing social set-up is successfully brought out which, in turn, brings in myriad social revolutions. Furthermore, arts can instill in a man with the fine attributes of being a man like fellow feeling, compassion, empathy etcetera. Such characteristics make a man uniquely different from animals by elevating human spirits to a glorified and virtuous height.

    In spite of both education and health being prerequisite components for the development of a country, it would be fatal if the art is made a scapegoat for the same. Admittedly, education as well as health brings in a great deal of concrete and material growth while arts demonstrate abstract changes. Nevertheless, art, unlike education and health, is a tourism booster which creates enormous job prospects and thereby stabilizes the economy of a country. Louvre museum in Paris that showcases more than 0.4 million pieces of art is a case in point because it stands as an epitome for successful French tourism attracting a huge number of heterogeneous visitors enormously resulting in economic development.

    To be crisp, despite education and health needing astute attention and sufficient funds, making it at the cost of arts will prove detrimental to a state. Therefore, it is the duty of a state to keep the arts alive so that more number of people would be interested in it. Or else, society will lose its human face.


    Question No: 14. Robots are increasingly used in today’s life. What are the merits and demerits of it? Give your opinion with examples? (IELTS Exam held on 13.07.2013)

    Answer prepared by Mr.Netto for Camford Academy

                  Owing to the unexpected progress in science and technology, robots are one of those technological innovations that have boundlessly used in day today life. Despite robots’ serving great many a purpose in a man’s life, it causes a host of unsolicited downsides for various reasons.

                Apparently, on the safer side, society is blessed with too many advantages because of the presence of robots. To begin with, robots could replace human in dangerous jobs in military, spaceship and fire and rescue so that the lives of thousands could be saved. Furthermore,  the performance level of robots are higher and more accurate than humans as it is designed and programmed to carry out the assigned task ultra precisely. For instance, robotic milking systems widely employed in farms in Ontario, Canada have proved to be more yielding and more precise. Moreover, robots, unlike men, do not undergo stumbling blocks like emotional imbalance, perspiration and lack of motivation which slow down the scale of productivity.

               On the flipside, robots, due to absence of logical reasoning, are too inept to debug situational errors so that a human monitoring is very essential in this regard. Unemployment is another threat posed by the wide deployment of robots as it executes jobs tidier than man. Consequently, it substantially reduces the employment prospects leading to starvation and poverty. Presumably, overconsumption of power by robots is another downside that aggravates power crisis plunging life into darkness. Finally, the over dependence of robots can bring in enormous health hazards like obesity, life style diseases etc. As an illustration, countries like UK and USA where technological innovations like robots are used enormously have more obese people than the rest of the world.

              To be crisp, inspite of robots’ bringing in various advantages in a society, the number of demerits brought about by the same is not far less. Therefore, a careful approach in limiting the usage of robots is the ultimate need of the time. Otherwise, the world might be a dust bin of non recyclable robots causing incurable diseases. 


    Question No: 13. Some people think that parents teach children how to be good members of society. Others however believe that school is the place to learn this. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

    Answer prepared by Mr. Netto for Camford Academy

                Growing morally scrupulous and having virtuous qualities have increasingly become a monumental task.  Family and school are two of the institutions which impart it to a man greatly.  However, it has become a debatable topic where a category of people claim that moulding a child well behaved is the obligation of parents, whereas another section of people believe it to be the prime duty of school for various reasons.

                Ostensibly, various factors make a section of people think that parents are the corner stone that can change a young one into an excellent personality with finest mores. Firstly, parents are the true heroes for children because the latter imitates the former like copycat. Secondly, as children spend huge amount of their time with their parents, the latter get more time to guide children to build up a good behavioural pattern. Admittedly, what they learn from their parents is clearly imprinted in their blank minds which later play a pivotal role in framing one’s behaviour. To illustrate this, children living in broken family tend to be more violent and ill-mannered than those in stable and peaceful family. Thirdly, family being biggest institution like religion exerts enormous influence in the overall development of personality which ultimately makes him a highly valued citizen with finest etiquettes and patterns of behaviour.

               On the other hand, some people prefer school to family to mould a child’s character for various reasons. To begin with, peer group interaction at school makes a child highly socialized whereby he learns the accepted behavioural patterns from his fellow students. Also, he realizes the importance of being morally scrupulous. Presumably, the tender hearted children do not appreciate wrong doings. Furthermore, various competitions held at school level teach a child to accept the defeat and to appreciate the success so that it makes him a well behaved person in his future. In addition, school teachers’ modes of behaviour and manners are well absorbed by students and treated as an epitome for the finest behavior. Above all, teachers, being perfect role models, can admonish children for wrong doings and appreciate for good gestures.

             To be crisp, besides school being an ideal temple that can teach a child the value of being worthy member of a society in many ways, parents are the ones who can create a sea of influence during the formation years. Therefore, I strongly feel that the elements of both parenthood and the schooling together mould a child into respectable individual by making him behave nobly and ethically upright and thereby to become committed member in a society.


    Question No: 12.   Competition and co-operation are very much essential for the development of a child. Some believe that competition must be encouraged. Whereas, others prefer co-operation must be encouraged. Discuss both the views and give your opinion?

     Answers prepared by Mr.Netto for Camford Academy 

    What should be the objectives when a child is brought up? It has been periodically redefined.  Now there are predominantly two contrasting schools of thoughts where one section thinks that competition should be the forte in a child and others believe that co-operation should be fostered.

     Apparently, those who argue that the competition is to be encouraged in a child have many reasons to substantiate it. To begin with, the sense of competition is directly linked with refining skill in children that in turn results in its continuous updation. Besides, it turns out to be a platform for children to identify the latent talents in them. Mr. Sachin Tendulkar, the icon of Indian cricket is an exemplary example in this context. His international stature as a cricketer owes much to the innumerable contests held at his school.  Apart from developing self-dependency, it makes a child focused and target-oriented where in, attaining one’s goal is an easy affair. Furthermore, it braces children to face adversities that might arise in his future. Hence competitions lay foundation for a healthier and stronger future. 

    On the other hand, some believe that co-operation must be preferred to competitions for many reasons. Firstly, co-operation builds a value-based society that gives paramount stress to mutual give-and-take policy whereas competition focuses on individual success. Secondly, co-operation strengthens the bond between the members in a society that eventually results in a collective welfare as competition leads to a person’s alienation while friendly association connects him to the rest of his society.  Thirdly, modern society being highly competitive causes terrible stress on children which destroys their mental balance wherein co-operation accelerates distressing and working for mutual benefits. 

    To conclude, despite competition preparing a child to face the hard times in his life boldly, co-operation being corner stone progresses togetherness and unity. In my opinion, a child has to have competitive mentality as well as co-operation as the time to come will prove to be tougher for a child to cope with unless parents and educational institutions mix both in a single platter. 


    Question No: 11. Nowadays, some work places have equal number of workers from men and women. Do you think it gives positive or negative development?

    Answers prepared by Mr.Netto for Camford academy

    Unlike before, gender discrimination has substantially been decreased due to the progress in education and technology. Gender equality is very much ostensible in today’s work places. Presumably, such trend has significantly constructive effects in a society.

    Apparently, there are rafts of developmental changes brought about by employing equal number of both sexes in a workplace. It effects exhibition of fine professionalism at offices due to the mixture of both sexes equally wherein both manifest a sense of respect to the opposite one. Resultantly, it gives them ample opportunity to empathetically treat the emotional changes in the opposite sex. Besides, from the perspective of organizations, productivity at workplace is enormously harnessed by the presence of equal number of genders as they both are good at different skills which fasten the overall development of their personalities and the establishment. To illustrate, recent researches reveal that women have finer team-building skills while men posses more problem-solving skills.

    Similarly, it ensures balancing of social life between partners for the upliftment of their growth. In addition, it can substantially reduce violence against women in a parochial minded society as such practice of equality lays foundation for the transition of a male dominated society into an egalitarian society without the exploitation of the weaker sex. For example, the recent gang rape reported in Delhi is a clear testimony of those men who do not work united with women. Had they been in a work place with the latter, such heinous brutality would not have happened. Above all, such working environment builds up a culture of mutual respect, understanding and co-operation between them leading to women empowerment.

    To conclude, besides bringing in prosperity, the presence of both sexes in working place ensures socio-political and cultural equality. In my opinion, it is the high time that every establishments and countries ensured gender equality in their schemes of activities that can bring out miraculous growth in a society.


    Question No.10 Children are largely sent to boarding schools (in our country and other countries). What are the reasons for this? Do you think that it is positive? Add reasons and examples in your answer.

    Answer prepared by Mr. Netto for Camford Academy 

    The trend of sending children to boarding schools has alarmingly been on the rise for the past few years. Modernization and materialistic approach are to be blamed as it has become a universal phenomenon. Apparently, various factors push parents into the practice of leaving their younglings at boarding schools. However, what purpose it serves for a child concerned is still a contentious matter as it badly affects the equilibrium of his/her delicate growing pattern.

    Tacitly, there are myriad mundane concerns for why children are sent to boarding schools. Firstly, the ever-evolving nuclear family system, the byproduct of industrialization and modernization, is the culprit as both parents are employed, with no one left at home to take care of the children. Secondly, achieving material prosperity has conspicuously become the motive of modern life wherein the economic development is considered as the yardstick of gauging one’s success. Thirdly, besides today’s life being fast paced, the soaring expenses have made living so dearer that one cannot afford to abstain from work and stay back at home.  To illustrate, now the cost of children’s education in my state is double the amount of that in the previous year.

    However, I do not find this trend positive since juveniles at boarding schools have to undergo enormous emotional imbalance which hampers the overall development of their personality. Since such schools are strictly supervised and controlled, students find it hostile and consequently, getting adapted to it needs mammoth effort. Despite the availability of ample time for study, the fact that they are away from their parents makes them homesick adding it to their solitude and eventually resulting in poor performance. Parents are not only food providers but motivators and educators for children so that their living with their children inculcates moral values and ethics in them. Therefore, their long absence from their sprats might turn them into delinquents. Some juveniles in the United States are so good a case in this context that they enter into a shooting spree killing scores of people on the spot.

    To conclude, in spite of the economic benefits and the professional mobility that boarding schools offer for parents, the emotional stability and the personality of their younglings are worst affected. Hence, the education is not delivered in its true meaning. So, it is the high time that parents realized that they remain in the vicinity of their juveniles rather than sending them to boarding schools. If so, a healthy generation is surely on the cards.


    Question No.9 As computers are being used more and more in education, there will be soon no role for teachers in the class room.  Discuss this and give your comments.

    Answer prepared by Mr.Netto for Camford Academy, Trivandrum, Kerala

    Education is a journey to manifest one’s innate qualities. Admittedly, computers have made substantial transformations in teaching redefining the role of a teacher in a class room. Despite computers’ considerably reducing the role of a teacher, that the presence of a teacher creating huge amount of influence in a classroom cannot be substituted by it.

    Tacitly, computer has created rapid strides effecting radical transformations in classroom teaching wherein the role of a teacher has been redefined.  Why such a thought has gained momentum in society is because it has admittedly succeeded in building up virtual classrooms without the active participation of a teacher.  As an illustration; an array of online sites offer classes on various subjects such as music and art regularly resulting in a beeline of visitors. Besides, well paced interactive module is facilitation by computer that makes students hooked in their target, which in turn has enhanced the learning so enjoyable and attracting.

    However, can computers replace or undermine the role of a teacher in a class room?  Ostensibly, it looks too far from reality since machines cannot mix human feelings in the interaction. Class room management is one of the rudiments that make learning productive as well as interesting where a teacher can be an active player taking the full control of class room affair. In addition, a machine can only execute prerecorded instruction and facts where doubts and queries of a student will remain unattended to. On the other hand, a teacher can lend a human face to education by employing various teaching techniques such as eliciting, prompting and appreciating. To illustrate, one of my schoolmates, an average student, when prompted and appreciated by our class teacher, showed remarkable progress in his further studies.

    To sum up, a teacher in a classroom, unlike the computer, exerts a great deal of influence on students. Despite computer’s executing modules flawlessly, it is not as valuable as a teacher in imparting flexibility and variety in classroom. Therefore, in my opinion, , in spite of the increasing use of computers, the role of a teacher in the learning process will here to stay with a slender periodical restructuring in it.


    Question No: 8. Fashion and clothing industry are increasingly becoming important in modern society. Does it make negative effect or positive effect? Give reasons and examples in your answer

    Answers prepared by Mr.Netto for Camford Academy

    Fashion and clothing that makes a man unique from his fellow beings, is of paramount importance in the contemporary era. Therefore the trend of creating the culture of new fabrics and other accessories has been ascending for a quite a while now. Apparently, it results in enormous effects which, I think, are almost constructive and encouraging.

    Ostensibly, fashion and clothing industry brings about far-flung effects in one’s life. To begin with, they are actively involved in creating ever-new trends with a wide range of varieties in the apparels and other fashionable articles. Besides being a largest job provider, it heralds the changes which society is likely to embrace without a second thought. It also adds charm and grandeur to one’s views and thoughts so that they are powerful enough to cause radical transformations effecting a complete make-over in the totality of strictly official as well as tidy and astute in execution of tasks.

    Similarly fashion and clothing industry, unlike other industries, is very much innovative and broadly open to changes which, in turn, affect the behavior and the course of action of the people a great deal. Furthermore, the costumes and accessories that one wears decide one’s personality so that the fashion and the cloth that one prefers are directly indicative of one’s true identity. In spite of wide chasms created by such trends among the different categories of people in a society, being trendy, which acts as a motivating factor, inspires people to be innovative in all aspects of life and business. As an illustration, celebrities are the ones who fully make use of the changing trends in apparels and various other accessories that enforce their being popular.

    To sum up, the fact that fine clothes and various other articles make fine people with fine attitude is no longer a myth today as it brings about a complete paradigm shift in a society. Therefore, doubtless is the fact that fashion and cloth industry fabulously contribute to the constructive ideas and thoughts of a society which plays a pivotal part in making a society prosper. 


    Question No.7 Sports have become an integral part of a growing society. Still some people feel that it disrupts the development of a nation whereas others think that it is very constructive for a nation. Discuss both the views and give your opinion. Add reasons and examples in your answer.

    Answer prepared by Mr.Netto for Camford Academy, Statue, Trivandrum 

    Sport paves a platform which closely knits every fragmented society into a single entity. Sports  besides being mesmerizing leisure activity, have always been subjected to contrasting arguments  where a section of people rate it something that thwart developmental prospects of a society and some feel it the otherway around for various reasons.

    Various factors lead some section of people to believe that sports prove to be detrimental to a society. Firstly, the loss of productivity of a people during a sporting event is a predominantly hampering effect as a large number of fans throng each playground by availing a day off from the work. Despite sport being a highly athletic activity for those who play it, watching it does not involve any physical action since it is passive for spectators. Consequently, it could lead to obesity which is a growing concern for every modern society. Thirdly, watching a game in a playground is sometimes too expensive to be afforded so that worse is the scenario when an unemployed becomes a sports fanatic. Cricket crazy fans in India who hardly miss a cricket match are a best case in this context, their meager daily earning notwithstanding.

    However, it is counter argued by some that sports effect many a constructive and developmental process. Their ostensible claim is that international sporting events like Olympics is fostering universal brotherhood which envisages a new era devoid of conflicts and misunderstanding. In addition, sports played between countries encourage international co-operation easing out the escalating tensions between rival countries. As an illustration, cricket matches between India and Pakistan, the two rival countries have played significant part in building up bilateral relations encouraging trade and commerce between them. Furthermore, sports lay stress on the importance of being physically fit as well as develop a mentally stable generation. Above all, sport is considered to be a tourism booster that generates huge employment prospects and thereby becoming a major source of revenue for a state.

    To sum up, in spite of the fact that sport is beset with many destructive effects, its constructive purposes are far-flung with regards to reinforcing international commitment, importance of staying healthy, creating a global society and so on. Therefore, I strongly think that sports activities must be encouraged to create a stable generation with a society without boundaries or else each country will be an island literally cut off from one another. 


    Question No.6 Government is more responsible to control damage to environment. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons and examples from your own experience.

    Answer prepared by Mr.Netto for CAMFORD ACADEMY 

    The scale of damage that befalls on environment has been rampant ever since industrialization and consumer sector dominated society. Despite each individual’s being equally responsible, the government of a country is the major authoritative body to control contamination on environment. Therefore, I favor the view that it is a government who has to initiate coercive steps to control damage to environment given the prerogatives of a state over its citizens.

    There many reasons why a state is responsible to introduce corrective measures to safeguard nature. To begin with, a state is a statutory body with full rights to enact any law as to protect environment, and as a result, its citizens are bound to adhere to such laws. Hence, they are left with no choice so that a government can ensure punitive measures against those people who disrupt the ecological balance.

    Similarly, with its legal powers a state can slap those erring companies and factories with a staggering penalty as they are the ones who emit colossal amount of fumes with hazardous pollutants in it. Such governmental rules ostensibly lend credence to the effort for protecting nature. To illustrate, following the setting up of Pollution Control Board in India, the amount of carbon monoxide exhaled by vehicles has considerably come down, the mammoth rise in the number of vehicles notwithstanding.

    In addition to the well defined organizational set-up and extensive resources a state can easily propagate the campaign on the environmental destruction. Likewise, it can carry out wide reaching awareness programmes on the same so as to reach to its masses. Furthermore, a government can be a model by implementing afforestation so that people might also try to follow it. Kerala Road Development Authority is worth mentioning in this context as they have succeeded in planting a huge number of saplings and plants on either sides of each newly built road.

    To brief, even though the protection of ever-depleting environment is a common issue, a state is more responsible than its citizens. It is the high time that a state became more proactive than waiting for individuals to take charge of it or else future generations have to pay a heavy price. 


    Question No 5: There are many stages of life, for example, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, middle age and old age. Choose one that you consider the most difficult for man and one for women. It may be the same one.Give reasons for the difficulty and say how it can be overcome.

    Answers prepared by Mr.Netto for Camford Academy 

    The transition of each stage in one’s life poses substantial changes in attitude as well as in aptitude. Furthermore, the existing socio-cultural environment accelerates the amount of change. Tacitly, both the genders have their own typical difficulties as both vastly differ not only physiologically but psychologically.

    Presumably, the most difficult stage in a man’s life is adolescence wherein a host of daunting factors dominate the purview of his thoughts and actions. As this is a period of storm and stress, tackling such problems turns out to be a cumbersome task which demands enormous efforts. This period is marked by the sudden physiological growth with the characteristic of hormonal changes. A boy at this stage is less focused on his goals and consequently, the lack of parental monitoring can hamper his future. Despite the scanty freedom of movement, his overdependence on his parents gives him an invisible identity that he can no longer enjoy. As a solution, an astute guidance and monitoring by parents and elders in this context would be immensely useful. Besides being empathetic, both parents and teachers can spend a fair amount of time to address to his needs. To illustrate, recent surveys across the countries have revealed the fact that adolescents are getting addicted to narcotics due to parents ‘detachment from their children and their being career-ambitious.

    On the other hand, the toughest stage in the life of women is adulthood which throws a considerable number of challenges. Attaining self-reliance is major challenge and characteristic of this age. So, she has to run through thick and thin to see through her ambitious job. In addition to reinforcing financial status, she ought to get into a stable marital relation that almost decides the success of her life. So, finding a suitable life partner is a colossal task with an increasing number of marriages failing today. As remedial measure to job issues, establishing job placement cells and career-guidance bureau at all educational institutions is could be a viable option. Moreover, setting-up of pre-marital and post-marital counseling would prove effective.

    To conclude, each stage of life causes its considerable share of problems in the lives of both genders. Presumably, the early stages of one’s life such as adolescence and early adulthood are more vulnerable than the later stages such as middle age and old age. However, these problems can well be overcome if parents and governments become proactive.


    Question No.4 People have to have savings when they retire. How far do you agree or disagree?

    Answer prepared by Mr.Netto for Camford Academy 

    Retirement causes abrupt shifts in one’s thoughts and life styles. Financial savings play a pivotal part in ensuring the stability and the security of a man’s life regardless of the age differences. Unsurprisingly, its importance is paramount when it comes to retirement stage. Therefore, I completely favour the view that the people are required to have sound saving s especially when they call it a day as it is a period of old age blues and woes.

    Apparently, one’s saving lends a wide range of assistances. The most annoying characteristic retirement age is one’s body becoming weak and fragile sheltering too many diseases. Age related ailment is yet another menace that a retiring man has to be bothered of since medication and treatments are dearer now-a-days, his thick valet will take care of him. Nevertheless, quitting a job pushes one into seclusion, cut off from his peers and family members. It makes into so an alienated life that he hardly finds anybody to rely on financially. Further, life after retirement is full of twists and turns so that economical stability is what one cannot be complacent to at this juncture.

    In addition to a slew of physical frailties, life after quitting a job offers only grim prospects for the economic prosperity as one’s productivity suffers so badly that one may find fewer employers to hire one’s expertise. Consequently, that the retired one is no longer a bread winner for himself or for his family forces him to live at the mercy of his / her children. The condition of such people is even worse in countries like India where health care and welfare of the elderly are not the prime concern of the state, unlike that in the UK and in the USA. Worse is the scenario when the elderly loses his self-esteem and self satisfaction because he is faced with fiscal stress if he does not have a sizeable saving.

    To brief, savings have got a huge important role in the life after retirement. The less is the saving, the more are the worries. Therefore, a sound saving reduces the gravity of the problems pertaining to life after retirement.


    Question No: 3 Elderly people feel that their time was the best time to live. How far do you agree or disagree?

    Answers prepared by Mr.Netto for Camford Academy 

    Satisfaction is too an abstract term to be defined easily. Hence, factors contributing to it differ enormously from one to another. Therefore, that a particular generation of people feeling their period was so conducive to live is purely subjective. Therefore, I do not completely favour such a view of the elderly as every generation is likely to feel the same because of unique comforts and luxuriousness of each era.

    Tacitly, the elderly does not enjoy the present as the transition of an epoch brings about a host of changes both materially and mentally in him. The ageing process of a man deprives him of many traits which have brought him immense pleasure. Nevertheless, the horizon of older people is shrunk since their socialization time is minimal compared to that of younger ones. To illustrate, the peers of an old man are so committed and responsible that they attach enormous priority to their domestic affairs. Therefore, the interaction between them substantially decreases whereas the young relishes each moments with a great amount of mobility and a number of acquaintances.

    Ostensibly, unlike the elderly, the younger generation has a great amount of recreational activities which makes the latter more sociable than the former. Thanks to the technological innovations and the vast array of electronic gadgets. The majority of youth today being technophiles make their lives worth living and on the other hand, most aged people being technophobes live contented with what they had done in the past. People in their past having set a limited number of goals and dreams lived like a unit in a closely knit society. However, such society does not exist today so that he is completely detached and nonexistent in the contemporary society while the present generation is enjoying their time of increased mobility and whopping ambitions with optimum utilization. Now, the younger generation in India, for example, on reaching adulthood obtains a job and find out more happiness unlike the people in the past.

    To sum up, happiness and satisfaction being very subjective cannot be specifically attributed to any special period because it is the attitude and aptitude of people that decide its purview. So, each generation has a number of unique distinguishing features that add up to their contentment. Hence, the claim of the elderly that their epoch was the excellent to live is blunt since each age brings forth a variety of privileges and amenities to life.


    Question No. 2 Museum is increasingly becoming important in many ways. Still many people argue that maintaining it is very much disadvantageous and some think that it has many utilities in a society. Discuss both the views and give your opinion?

    Answer prepared by Mr.Netto for Camford Academy

    Unlike in the past, museum has increasingly become an integral part of every state. However, the use of a museum has been somewhat a trivially controversial matter for quite a while now. Some people vehemently claim that it poses more number of problems than its blessings and others feel the vice versa for various reasons.

    Apparently, it is believed that a museum is an unnecessary liability due to myriad reasons. Firstly, it adds to the fiscal burden on an exchequer as government has to spend enormous amount of money on building, preserving and maintaining a museum. To illustrate, the employees and the authorities who maintain a museum need to be paid every month, which comprises a very huge amount. Secondly, it eats away a huge chunk of space in a city pushing city dwellers from pillar to post as every city is faced with unavailability of space with a very high density of population and an alarming number of slums. Thirdly, protection and maintenance of the materials in a museum, which are old and sometimes fragile, need a lot of effort. The fourth reason is that, there are various security threats as the museum contains valuable materials for which a government will have to utilize a fair size of its armed forces. Besides, they argue that the knowledge gained from a museum is outdated and consequently, it will not fetch you any profit.

    However, it is counter-argued by another group who believe that a museum is essential and useful. To begin with, a museum is the only place where the history and the heritage of a country can be preserved for generations to come. Moreover, they can provide considerable academic help to new generation, especially in archeological studies. Thirdly, a museum can be a tourism booster, which has already become a revenue generating factor for a state. Adding to these, a museum acts as a symbol for the diversity of flora and fauna with a vast line of trees and shrubs. So, public can always enjoy a calming, relaxing and refreshing leisure time in a museum, which adds to the beauty of a city. For example, the Louvre museum in Paris elevates the beauty and the fame of the city.

     To brief, despite having myriad disadvantages, a museum meets a wide range of constructive purposes. Hence, in my opinion, it is a strong platform offering many a societal utility. It adds to the greenery and grandeur of the city. Therefore, it is a duty of one and all as well as a state to protect this marvelous piece.     


    Question 1: A number of different medical treatment options are now widely used such as Allopathic, Herbals, Acupuncture, and Homeopathy.How important is the patient’s attitude towards his / her treatment in determining the effectiveness of the treatment?

    Answer prepared by Mr.Netto for Camford Academy

    Despite the availability of various curing methods including both traditional and modern, the efficacy of a medication is largely decided by the right attitude of a patient.The significance of patient’s attitude towards treatment in its effectiveness is very high. Irrespective of the mode of treatment positive attitudes can bring about miraculous results.

    Apparently, different patients respond to same sort of treatment in different ways mainly due to difference in attitudes. A group of patients show confident and assertive attitudes whereas others show an attitude of hopelessness and depression which mainly depends on one’s personality. Moreover, there is another group who never believe in the medical practitioners and health care providers completely. Such people are very unlikely to acknowledge any sort of improvement in their condition, which prevents them from improving further. The field of medicine has observed unbelievable improvements in those who have strong will power and belief that could even get rid of mortal deceases like cancer.

    Tacitly, there is a strong connection between mental and physical health, which makes attitude a very important factor. To begin with, when a person preserves his urge to live along with his hopes, his body metabolism will remain active and there will be instant responses to medicines. In order to give such a moral boost to the patient, family members and friends also play a very important role. Secondly, when he stops thinking about his deceases, his mind can get involved with other activities which will again keep him healthy. On the other hand, if his mind is full of discouraging thoughts in the form of depression, disbelief or loss of hope, it affects the body metabolism and whereby medicines will also become ineffective.

    To brief, people respond differently to the action of medicines depending on their mental state. Healthy attitudes can show wonderful outcomes whereas complacent attitudes will lead to its worsening. Therefore, mental health of a patient is as equally important as the treatment option that improves the chances of recovery in future.

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