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Camford IELTS Speaking Tutorials

Best IELTS Speaking Tutorials to score high IELTS band

Previous IELTS Speaking Tests both IDP and British Council Solved

Perfect IELTS Speaking Tests with answers to score 9 Band in your IELTS test

Camford IELTS brings to you previous IELTS Speaking Tests questions and answers. The tests are chosen from both IDP and British Council exams which are often repeated in IELTS exams across India. To reduce the difficulty, we have included a Meaning Section under which you can see the meanings of difficult vocabs in the tests. All the tests published here are written by Mr. Netto, the director of Camford Academy.

  • IELTS Speaking Test Tutorial 1
  • Part 1 : 1. What games are popular in your country?

    Well, there are a few games to be named, of which both card game and electronic game stand out. While the former involves a couple of participants, the latter can be played solo. These games are popular because they do not need as much space and time as other games.

    2. Do you play any games?

    Yes, I do play card games like bridge and rummy that are so mentally intensive and entertaining that it is hard to take my eyes off. Thanks to my brother, my playmate who is as much interested in the game as I am. What is more interesting is that it is too difficult to see me without a deck of cards while at home.

    3. How did you learn to play this game?

    Hmm, it was from both the elders and the peers who had already got hands-on experience in it. Moreover, the place I hail from is a sort of village where people massively indulged in such games for recreation as to kill the boredom.

    Part 2 : Cue Card Describe an open air or street market which you enjoyed visiting.

    You should say:

    where the market is
    what the market sells
    how big the market is
    and explain why you enjoyed visiting this market

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


    It is the street market in Phnom Penh in Cambodia where I visited couple of months back. Diversified offerings ranging from farmers’ produces to fashion stuffs to street foods were on sale there. Interestingly, the boom of super markets hasn’t dented the popularity of this street market like what we see here in our country.

    This market, which stretches upto more than one kilometre, is as big as the ones we see in Mumbai or Delhi. Even though I have been to many open air markets, this one in Cambodia is amazingly outstanding. It is popular not only with local residents but also with international tourists who find it convenient enough to shop because of accessibility and affordability.

    Besides the numberless merchandises, what surprised me the most was the way everything was arranged and decked. While the west end of the market was seen with foodie stands as well as curry restaurants, the east end was meant for jewellery and clothing stalls spanning the designer spectrum from vintage to contemporary.

    You know, bargaining is as common a feature in the open markets in Cambodia as in India. As it is a famous spot for bargain hunters, people from different walks of life flock to there. I bought a couple of collectables at an affordable price which is even unimaginable here in our country. That’s why I enjoyed visiting this market quite a lot.

    Part 3 : 1. What, do you think, are the advantages of buying things from shops rather than markets?

    Now that many modern shoppers are brand-conscious, markets cannot meet their expectations as only locally manufactured merchandises are sold there. On the other hand, shops are the ones that deal with brands. Moreover, it is too hard to find any buyers who do not want to be respected. Shops are popular for personalised services, for which markets lag far behind. Despite the display of diverse items on sale, markets are notorious for crowdedness which spoils the thrill of shopping at convenience. So, the merits of buying from shops eclipse that from markets.

    2. How does advertising influence what people choose to buy?

    Being short and sharp, adverts are penetrative enough to create surreal demands and so, the choice of a consumer is redirected to freakish needs. Consequently, people are tempted to prioritise what they see in ads. Most adverts with celebrities as brand ambassadors leave an emotional bondage between the products and buyers. However, ads throw up a multitude of choices for what to buy and what not to buy besides the specifications and merits of each product.

    3. Do you think markets are more suitable places for selling certain types of things?

    Obviously, they are. The produces that are locally grown and cultivated, pottery made by local artisans and everyday’s catches like fish are what more suitable to be sold in markets than in shops. No doubt, the destruction of market could mark the end of the livelihood of many local communities who have not yet adapted to the industrialised world. Even though shops can sell all local produces, it is not that easy for local communities to sell it to them because they might not get the intended value from shopowners.

    Peer - a person of the same age; Dent - reduce; Merchandise - goods to be bought and sold; Deck - decorate or adorn brightly; Vintage - something from the past of high quality; Surreal - unusual;

  • IELTS Speaking Test Tutorial 2
  • Part 1 : 1. When do people give gifts or presents in your country?

    Gifts are bestowed at various occasions that fall either annually or once in one’s lifetime. Besides birthday, marriage is an indispensable episode where giving gifts is customary and highly anticipated by both bride and bridegroom. On special instances like promotions and send-offs can also be seen with giving gifts.

    2. When did you last receive a gift? What was it?

    It was 10 years back when I successfully completed my graduation. My niece presented me with a ring that I have been using since then. It was studded with glittering diamond like stone.

    3. Do you enjoy looking for gifts for people?

    To be frank, I don’t because I am a lazy guy who doesn’t like to spend time looking for gifts. It doesn’t mean that I don’t exchange gifts with others. Certainly I do. However, I am bit cautious about how I should spend my time.

    Part 2 : Cue Card Describe something you did that was new or exciting.

    You should say:

    what you did
    where and when you did this
    who you shared the activity with
    and explain why this activity was exciting

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


    My life has always been full of exciting things. The one such thing was to reach food packets to those in need during the time when my state was grappling with Covid 19. It wouldn’t sound as new to those volunteers who intiated this philanthropic activity along with me. However, it was more exciting than any other charity that I had done.

    The Covid 19 pandemic was casting its catastrophic spell and the entire state was quarantined as to break the chain of the spread of the devastating virus. Life almost seemed as still as grave with all shutters down, no vehicular movement and no traces of human beings on roads.

    The entire country was locked down; starvation was at its peak. My friends and I collected money and cooked food. As many as hundred people were fed. It was the time I realized that hunger should be more painful than anyother feelings that man has ever experienced; even gold is not as precious as food.

    However, one might wonder if it is truly exciting. I would say certainly it is. Excitement happens when something new takes place. What could be more exciting and rewarding than satisfying one’s hunger?

    Part 3 : 1. Why do some people like doing new things ?

    Well, it is nothing but an escape from the monotony they feel. Doing new things certainly fills up life with new meanings, which is what makes life quite different from what they have been doing so far. On the other hand, if new things are not tried, life could be very bland. In other words, those who try out new things can be considered as creative. The revolutions what we see today in every field - be it science or technology - are the outcomes of why people like doing new things. People like Mr Marconi, the inventor of Radio and Thomas Alva Edison, the inventor of bulbs, are the epitomes for this.

    2. Is it best to do new things alone or with other people?

    Certainly with other people as it reduces margin of errors a great deal. While doing new things in a group, co-ordination is at its best that in turn heightens up the level of perfection. On the contrary, if new things are tried alone, what we fantasize could turn out faster than when it is tried in a group. However, its accuracy as well as reliability is highly likely to be so weak that it could miss the credibility. The highly intuitive persons could be exceptions. The fact is that not many people are as inventive as we think. So, it is always better to do new things with other people.

    3. Do children and adults learn to do new things in the same way?

    No, they do it differently. While children learn doing new things from observing their elders and peers, adults involve in new things mostly by being intuitive. The former, being in formative period, draw great inspiration from the society itself whereas the latter, having passed the formative years, look to different ways as to do new things. Doing a thing for the first time in their life is what generally considered as new thing. Even though it is absolutely right with regards to children, it is not so with adults who like to do things quite differently from what has been done before. So, they try to be creative enough to set themselves apart from others, for which they not only learn from what is being done and followed in their world but also create changes by doing what others haven’t done.

    Multitude - a large number of people or things; Artisan - a skilled worker; Bestow - present; Indispensable - absolutely necessary; Grapple - struggle; Philanthropic - generous; Catastrophic- causing great damage; As still as grave- lifeless; Monotony - lack of variety;

  • IELTS Speaking Test Tutorial 3
  • Part 1 : 1. How often do you make telephone calls?

    Quite often because it has become almost a routine for me now. Unlike in the past, I am more connected to my society including my friends, family members and colleagues. It is too tough to keep in touch without making calls as calling on everybody at their domiciles is obviously impossible. So, I keep making calls lest I should lose touch with my social circle.

    2. When do you think you will next make a phone call?

    Probably, the very next moment once this test is over because it’s been a while since I entered this exam hall. So, I haven’t made a call to anyone since then. I will make a call right after this test because I need to catch up with my friends who have agreed to take me for a movie.

    3. Do you use mobile phones or fixed land lines to make calls?

    It’s mobile phones that are handier than land lines. I am a sort of guy who likes to be on the move most often. If I depend on landlines, I have to stop over by breaking my journey to make calls. It doesn’t sound to be beneficial for me. Unlike land phone, cell phone is more convenient to use while on the move. That’s why I go for it.

    Part 2 : Cue Card Describe a trip or a journey. (eg by a car, plane, train,boat) that you remember well

    You should say:

    where you went
    how you travelled
    why you went on the journey
    and explain why you remember this journey well.

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


    Being an avid traveller, I have many episodes of journeys which are still afresh. No matter how long back you hit the road; if it was eventful, it is forever to stay on. Visiting the Taj Mahal had been on top of the priorities on my to-do list. So, I set out to Agra from my home state by train to the Taj Mahal, which is not only the jewel of art in India but also a universally admired world heritage.

    However, the uniqueness of the Taj Mahal, which I was supposed to see, was done in by the heterogeneous landscapes and its varied colours. It was an eye opener for me that the road journey is no way comparable to the train journey in India.

    In one way, what I saw on the train compartments was a miniature India with people from diverse walks of life and religions. Indian trains are synonymous to the Indianness which is otherwise missing while on bus journey. Despite the fact that the train was fully occupied by officers, business people and polititians, I could see peddlers selling various produces and poor voluntary cleaners asking for money upon finishing their cleaning the train floor.

    As the train passed each state, different cultural, food and cloth patterns could be seen. Still, there was onething visible - the unity in diversity.

    Part 3 : 1. Why do people need to travel everyday?

    People travel everyday to meet various purposes. As they vary from one another, so do their needs. While some travel for buying stuffs, others do it for social purposes. In addition to travelling for job related needs, the number of travels taken out for entertainment is not few. If there are five members in a family, they might travel for 5 different requirements. Anyway, the more modern the people are, the more diverse their needs. Modern life could be incomplete without travels.

    2. What, do you think, people can learn from travelling to other countries?

    Well, each travel gives us a few takeaways. Especially, when it comes to travelling to other countries, a deep knowledge about how people live is gained. It is irrefutable that we get some insights on a country’s different attributes either from books or on videos on the internet. However, an all-out understanding on all aspects of a country would be impossible to get without travelling to there. A state’s cultural pattern, traditions, practices and customs are so vast that it canot be contained in a video or a book. Nothing can thrill a traveller as much as the explicit comprehension he/she gains while visiting a country.

    3. Can travel make a positive difference to the economy of a country?

    Now that tourism is the biggest booster of revenues of a country, travels contribute a great deal to the economy. Be it domestic or international travellers, they all add up their fairshare to the fiscal activities. Every traveller is expected to spill out a few bucks from their wallet in order to meet their basic needs. The more the travellers in a country, the more the consumption to take place in a market. It is quite logical to assume that travellers have more purchasing power than those who do not travel. It is not uncommon that the spending habits of travellers not only increase the money flow but also create more opportunities at local level. It is worth remembering here that every countries, regardless of their level of development, attract travellers to their regions as to boost up their economy further.

    bland - dull, uninteresting; Epitome - perfect example; Fantasize - imagine; Credibility - reliability; Intuitive - instinctive; Domicile - place of residence; Inventive - creative; Avid - having a keen interest in something; Heterogeneous- varied; Indianness - the feeling of being an Indian; Irrefutable- undeniable; Explicit- direct; Fiscal- financial; Comprehension- understanding;

  • IELTS Speaking Test Tutorial 4
  • Part 1 : 1. How popular are bicycles in your home town?

    As people became financially more stable, the importance of bicycles declined over time. So, it is not as much popular today as it was in the past. Thanks to the easy availability of ever improved four-wheelers and financial schemes and low EMI.However, it is not that unpopular in rural areas especially with financially weaker people.

    2. How often do you ride a bicycle?

    As I don’t have a bicycle, I don’t get to use it as much. Neither my friends nor I have a bicycle. If at all anybody has a fancy bicycle, while going for doing exercise in the morning, I try it out. I hardly get any chance to use it other than that.

    3. Do you think bicycles are useful for all ages?

    Even though it appears to be of merit for all ages, it cannot be ideal for octogenarians whose muscles and bones are too brittle to withstand any damage while cycling. For other age groups and fitness freaks, bicycles serve many useful purposes. However, it is not age but health that decides whether bicycles are useful or not.

    Part 2 : Cue Card Describe a person who has done a lot of work to help people

    You should say:

    who this person is/was
    where this person lives/lived
    and what he/she has done to help people

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


    The modernity is lucky enough to have a number of people who dedicate themselves to help others. Mr. Bill Gates is one of the billionaire philanthropists who have contributed immeasurably to the cause of charity. The phrases like “the chief architect of Microsoft” and “the richest man in the world” are tagged to this generous billionaire who lives in the US.

    Today his name is chiefly remembered as the greatest humanitarian who has donated a fairshare of his income for helping others which is unimaginably higher than any other billionaire’s contribution.

    In addition, he jets off around the world to promote Polio vaccinations which is of great importance and utility to those affected in third world countries in Africa and Asia.

    At this moment, I fondly remember Mahatma Gandhi, who had sacrificed his entire life for serving the humanity selflessly. However, Mr. Bill Gates started his career as an entrepreneur by radically changing the face of communication sector and by creating the gem - like software WINDOWS which elevated him to the pinnacle of fame. He relinquished the title “the chairman of Microsoft” and embraced working for the people. He instituted Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation by allocating a lion’s share of his wealth as its working fund with a view to eradicating poverty and diseases and promoting women empowerment.

    I am pretty sure that his name will be written in the history of philanthropy; he will be regarded as the most benevolent billionaire.

    Part 3 : 1. Why do you think some people like to help other people?

    Even though men are born selfish, as they grow up, so do their compassion and empathy which are the two phenomenal traits that demarcate human beings from animals. The scriptures we read always stress on helping one another and the fellow-feelingness is the corner stone of every religion. Besides schools and teachers, our parents and peers also create profound influence on developing a helping hand. Community feeling is stronger in us than in animals. It is too difficult for us to be quarantined from others because life is very dull without the sense of belonging. Now it is an irrefutable fact that being human means being humane by helping others.

    2. Some people say that people help others in community more now than they did in the past. Do you agree?

    Yes, they do. The more educated we are, the more generous we tend to be. Today, people are more connected to one another than in the past. Being dependent, everybody feels helping others in community is as important as helping his or her family. The technology today including media has brought to us a sense of togetherness so that anything and everything that happens to a person creates instant response in others. In addition, the amount of income one earns today is unimaginably higher than what was received in the past. So, they have no reluctancy to help the community with surplus money. It’s worth remembering about the huge contributions to relief fund during Covid Pandemic in each country.

    3. Which groups of people generally need more support in a community?

    The more vulnerables are the ones who need more support because they are the sort of people who are either underprivileged or ill-equipped to meet both ends of their lives. Such people would be backward in all respects, be it in terms of education or income. If more support is not given to them, they may fail to come up socially.

    Moreover, there are weaker sections in a community, for whom gaining quality education is the only way to be part of the main stream in a society. For which, right support should be extended. The history has shown us that the meaningful and objective education could reduce the disparity between the rich and the poor, and the privileged and the underprivileged. Modern states are the best examples for it.

    Octogenarian - a person between 80 and 89 years old; Philanthropist - one who promotes the welfare of others; Jet off - to go by airplane to a destination; Relinquish - give up; Phenomenal- exceptional; Scripture- sacred writings; Pinnacle- peak;

  • IELTS Speaking Test Tutorial 5
  • Part 1 : 1. How well do you know the people who live next door to you?

    I know them like the back of my palm because we share a great rapport among us. For me, hardly does a week pass without my meeting and talking to my next door neighbours. Our neighbourhood is so close a community that we share deep bondage in between.

    2. How often do you see them?

    I see them at least once in a week. Even though I don’t get to see them every day, we do chat on whatsapp group before we go to bed. As my neighbours are engaged in different positions, they leave for their work at various times. So, it is hard to see everybody everyday, but most of us are home on weekends.

    3. What kinds of problems do people sometimes have with their neighbours?

    As people differ from one another, so do their problems. The most common problem we see is on the boundary dispute between two houses. Unlike in European countries, in my state, the houses are separated by fences. If the fences are not made of bricks and stones, and if it is made of hedges, the conflict could be more lasting than you can imagine. Few more problems to add to the list are peeping, slandering, eavesdropping and non - payment of debts.

    Part 2 : Cue Card Describe a time you were asked to give your opinion in a questionnaire or in a survey

    You should say:

    what the questionnaire or the survey was about
    why you were asked to give your opinion
    what opinions you gave
    and explain how you felt about giving your opinions in this questionnaire or survey

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


    Giving opinion in a survey has always been a fabulous experience for ordinary persons like me. Around 10 years back, my country was holding elections to the parliament. When I was coming out of the polling booth after casting my vote, I was asked to give my opinion on who would win that election. The question was thrown to me by a leading Television Channel, which is still popular for conducting pre-poll and exit poll surveys.

    I was asked to give my opinion not only as a person who casted his vote in that election but also as a bold one who could give his opinion without inhibition. Even though India has a multiparty system with each party with substantial share of votes, there were 3 major political parties with centrist, leftist and rightist ideologies on the electoral fray. My choice was the centrist party as it was the most popular one that time.

    It was for the first time in my life, I was being videographed and asked for my opinion. Despite being timid at the start, I managed to gain confidence and expressed my thought affirmatively.

    To call spade a spade, I was reluctant to air my opinion in the public as I was crowded by the TV crew as well as onlookers. You know, during elections, the franchise is exercised secretively. For this reason, I was quite uncomfortable.

    However, this experience made me grow in confidence and in the subsequent election surveys, I would wait to be asked for my opinion.

    Part 3 : 1. What kinds of organisations want to find out about people’s opinions?

    A host of organisations collect people’s opinions. Market research firms are the leading collectors of opinions because their very nature of operation involves gathering feedback about a product and subsequently reproduce it with modifications addressing the concerns of consumers. As gathering opinion is the best way to attract as well as to impress future consumers, every manufacturer does it to improve their market. Besides non-governmental agencies, state organs also get into the perception of its people on the projects either implemented or to be implemented. To be precise, reintroduction of a product or a project is highly unlikely to be effective without taking people’s opinions into account.

    2. What reasons might people have for not wanting to give their opinion?

    Giving opinion is always a personal discretion where the respondent is in total control of whether he/she should put forth his/her perception or not. I have come across many people who like to maintain secrecy and hence abstain from expressing their thoughts.

    Furthermore, it is not uncommon that certain individuals hold themselves back from expressing their views lest it should hurt the sentiments of others. Not every persons we stumble across can air views publicly because they care about their privacy a great deal. Last but not the least, the introverts, who are timid and modest, are not few in our society. They find it too hard to convey openly what they think.

    3. Do you think it would be a good idea for schools to ask students their opinions about lessons?

    Asking for feedback is a right step ahead. Its importance is more when students are asked to evaluate about the lessons they are taught. If it is not done, the schools will be in the dark about the efficacy of what is taught in the classes. Once schools get right and unbiased feedback, they can be proactive in giving remedial measures to its faculty who could subsequently restructure the teaching methodology as to make lessons result- oriented. It’s worth remembering that today’s pedagogy is student-centric. So, it would certainly be a good idea for schools to ask students their opinions about lessons.

    Disparity - a great difference; Rapport - a close and harmonious relationship between people; Vulnerables- people who are weak and easily exploited; Underprivileged - poor; Hedge - a boundary formed by closely growing bushes; Call a spade a spade - say something the way it is; Inhibition - reluctance; Timid- shy; Affirmatively- positively; Franchise - the right to vote in an election;

  • IELTS Speaking Test Tutorial 6
  • Part 1 : 1.Which magazines and newspapers do you read?

    I read ‘The Week’ and ‘India Today’ as magazines and when it comes to newspaper, I opt for ‘The Times of India’. All these are published in English language. Both the magazines deal with current affairs while the newspaper reports a wide coverage of news items. I read these especially because the kind of language they use and the transparency of what is reported are quite outstanding.

    2. What kinds of articles are you most interested in?

    To be frank, I am interested in the articles that are different from the ones published earlier. If it is worth reading content-wise and language-wise, I would go for it. In short, the articles I read should have some merits so that I may feel that my time has been used so productively.

    3. Do you think reading a newspaper or a magazine in a foreign language is a good way to learn the language?

    Yes, it is. As far as learning a foreign language is concerned, reading is a great way to improve vocabulary and to understand grammar components that are different from the native language structurally. While reading magazines or newspapers, we come across many facts or ideas that interest us. The modern principles of learning foreign language stress on comprehending it through ideas. No doubt, reading offers you many ideas and of course, different aspects of that language.

    Part 2 : Cue Card Describe a restaurant that you enjoy going to.

    You should say:

    where the restaurant is
    why you choose this restaurant
    what type of food you eat
    and explain why you enjoy eating in this restaurant.

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


    Stunning setting and delicate and appetizing food are what make a restaurant par excellence. One such restaurant that appeals to my aesthetic sense and tastebuds is the Terrace restaurant at The Leela Raviz Hotels located at the picturesque tourist destination in Trivandrum, Kerala.

    I prefer this restaurant because it is one of the few places that focus on gastronomy as well as cuisines around the globe. I can never resist the urge of dining there as it’s what on the table does the talking. The culinary skills of the chefs there are not limited to Indian tastes alone. No matter what food habits we have, they have recipes to satisfy it.

    Inspite of the fact that they have a range of culinary delights to offer, I opt for traditional South Indian cuisines which I have been relishing since my childhood. At times, I try continental food as well.

    I enjoy eating there especially because very few restaurants satisfy my palate as much as this restaurant that adds a full-course meal with lipsmacking starters and yummy desserts. The soothening ambience, the open terrace and the breeze from the Arabian sea - all add up to the dining experience. Unlike other eating places, this one on the coast of the Arabian sea seems to be a miniature world with multinationals flooding in for dining.

    Part 3 : 1. Why do people go to restaurants when they want to celebrate something?

    Rarity demands novelty. The instances of celebration do not come oftenly, but occasionally that needs to be enjoyed differently from the ordinary days. People go to restaurants to celebrate for freshness that adds to the mood as well as ambience to the party. Unlike houses, restaurants are popular to have varieties of cuisines which fit to different palates. The culinary skills are at its best at restaurants. On the other hand, despite the fact that home cooked foods are more delicious than restaurant-cooked items, it is too difficult to prepare as many varieties at homes as at restaurants. No doubt, going out, gathering and dining out at restaurants are what make celebration worth remembering.

    2. What, between fast food restaurants and traditional restaurants, are more popular in your country?

    Obviously, it’s traditional restaurants that outweigh fast food restaurants in great many respects. Even though people are cosmetic in nature, when it comes to food, they are quality - conscious and relish authentic flavours and unadulterated ingredients for which traditional restaurants are known. Those who are health-conscious purposefully refrain from fast food restaurants that are too notorious to keep the quality. Even though such restaurants are outwardly decorative and fancy, fast food doesn’t merit any substance. However, there are still some modern eaters who prefer fastfood, but they are not as many as those who go for traditional food.

    3. What effects has modern technology had on the way food is produced?

    Modern technology has played a phenomenal role in how food is produced. Now that every sector is mechanised, both the time and labour have been reduced substantially. Due to the modern technology, the production of food grains is so high that it is sufficient to feed the ever expanding population. Had the technology not been developed, we would have gone through many instances of famine that could have killed millions of people as was witnessed a century ago. Now, in every stages of farming and cultivation can be seen with the application of machinery that not only eases farming but also fastens harvesting. Technology is involved from the very moment of tilling to sowing to growing to harvesting.

    Par excellence - better or more than all others of same kind; Aesthetic - concerned with beauty; Gastronomy - art or science of good eating; Culinary - related to cooking; Palate - taste buds; Rarity - the state of being rare;

  • IELTS Speaking Test Tutorial 7
  • Part 1 : 1. Do you like to have flowers in your homes?

    Yes, I do because nothing can make the atmosphere, that you are in, as aromatic and awesome as flowers. I decorate my living room with fresh picks from my garden that is full of varied flowers ranging from the commonly seen Jasmine to the rare breed Slipper Orchid. My home is pretty pleasing where the walls are made attractive with vertical garden and floors with flower pots. It looks in perfect sync with the nature.

    2. Where would you go to buy flowers?

    Even though my garden has a number of different flowers, sometimes I depend on florist shops in my town that specialise not only in flowers but also in ornamental plants. In addition, there are many local flower markets that sell certain flowers like Lily, Jasmine and Oleander in large quantity.

    3. On what occasions would you give someone flowers?

    Probably, the most affordable and the most commonly presented gift of all time is flowers which vary from any kind of flowers to bouquets of long stemmed roses to potted flowers. Besides on birthdays and anniversaries, I give flowers to apologize for my errors and to convey best wishes. These two occasions are quite common in my life. Being symbolic and pure, flowers can serve the purpose. No other gifts can convey my feelings as much as flowers.

    Part 2 : Cue Card Describe a meeting you remember going to at work, college or school.

    You should say:

    when and where the meeting was held
    who was at the meeting
    what the people at the meeting talked about
    and explain why you remember going to this meeting

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


    Meetings, that are held to discuss issues and to share thoughts, are an essential part of both education and work. I remember attending a meeting at my college when I was in the final year of my graduation. Those who participated at the meeting were the students in my class. Its agenda was to decide on who all from the class could compete in the programs of the college. The competition was being hosted as part of the college’s golden jubilee celebrations.

    Unlike the other meetings I have taken part, everybody was all ears there. Even though it was not supposed to go beyond 30 minutes, it took more than one hour to wind up the meeting. More interestingly, it was the first meeting where I felt confident to speak up before a group of attendees. Until that meeting, I had been a meek spectator. Being an introvert, I had never been courageous enough to speak up before a crowd, or I had never been asked to contribute in a meeting. My classmates as well as the teacher were friendly enough to encourage me to share my view. It was then I learned that a meeting is a happening place where different ideas are put forward and the right ones are chosen. It was a great feeling to be respected and accepted by a group. That’s why I still remember going to this meeting.

    Part 3 : 1. Why can it sometimes be important to go to meetings?

    It is important to go to meetings where the problems and issues are discussed and solutions are reached at. With regards to developing one’s presentation skill, meetings are the wonderful happenings because multiple thoughts are shared on an issue. We have many positive things to take home like how participants put their ideas across and how one becomes successful in getting his suggestions accepted by the group. If we do not go to meetings, we are likely to miss the opportunity to put up with different thoughts. Undoubtedly, by taking part in a gathering, we become an integral part in the scheme of things of an establishment or a society. That’s why it can sometimes be essential to attend meetings.

    2. Why do you think world leaders often have meetings together?

    The longer the area we represent, the more the problems we come across. As the world today is not a bunch of fragmented societies but a unit of countries with co-operation and co-ordination, world leaders often have meetings to discuss mainly the international matters like boundary disputes, trade issues etc. Most often, such meetings are held with a view to broadening international relationship by which more trade transactions and mutual co-operation are strengthened. They also meet to propose remedies for tension between countries who are at loggerheads. In short, they meet more often for diplomatic affairs.

    3. Do you think that meetings between international leaders will become more frequent in the future?

    As time passes by, the problems that we face are more complex in nature. When it comes to international level, the case will be no different. To address and solve it, international leaders will have to meet more frequently than today. The number of meetings held today internationally is unbelievably more than what we had three or four decades ago. It says that we have more problems now than in the past and so is the number of international meetings. No doubt, there will be a huge cry for peace and diplomatic co-operation, but the tendency for supremacy of a nation over another will be intrinsic to its political agenda leading into more global troubles. So, more meetings between international leaders can be expected.

    Impeccable - faultless; Meek - quiet; Spectator - onlooker; Put up with- tolerate; At loggerheads - - engage in a dispute; Intrinsic - natural/inborn;

  • IELTS Speaking Test Tutorial 8
  • Part 1 : 1. How often do you watch television?

    I watch television once or twice in a week, especially on weekends. Being an employee, I can’t afford to watch TV everyday. When I reach home after my work, it would be too late to watch any programs on TV. As weekends are holidays and I am home, it is so convenient for me to watch TV.

    2. Which television channel do you usually watch?

    My favourite is the Discovery channel that telecasts programs pertaining to nature, animals and different ethnic communities. Very few channels invest their efforts on such adventurous programs. Unlike other channels that televise serials and reality shows, the Discovery channel broadcasts informative and educative shows exploring the fundamentals and details of scientific and historic data that we learn from textbooks at schools and colleges.

    3. Do you enjoy the advertisements on television?

    Yes, I do. Even though the ads are like spoilsport while watching cliffhangers on TV, they do have a thrilling effect. As an advert lasts only for a few seconds, it is made precise and accurate on the facets of the product. Most ads are entertaining while some are informative. I enjoy ads on television not because of its exaggerated presentation but because it familiarises us with products with its merits highlighted.

    Part 2 : Cue Card Describe a friend of your family you remember from your childhood

    You should say:

    who the person was
    how your family know this person
    how often this person visited your family
    and explain why you remember this person

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


    A friend of my family who comes to my mind is Mr Santhosh who used to work with my father. He was the only person other than my relatives to have visited us more frequently. Even though he was living few miles away from our residence, he would take pains to pay a visit to us with his family at least once in a week.

    When I was a child, I loved those who were kind enough. He was the one who would buy me more candies than any other visitors. Besides, he was indeed a friend in need who was ready to help our family no matter what time it was.

    One episode that strikes me was when my father fell ill in the middle of a night one day; we had no other choice than calling him for help. He was there throughout my father’s hospitalisation not only as a bystander but also as a guardian.

    Like any child, I too liked toys. On festive occasions, he would not come to our house without toys. I would expect the same from him as from my parents. The toys like the Care Bear that could talk, tell jokes, and sing while pressing on its paws and Dreamhouse given by him are still fresh in my memory.

    As childhood is a period of innocence, trivial stuffs that grown-ups would not consider as much important, matter a great deal. So, he was a playmate to me; a friend to my father and a guide for our whole family. Fine human qualities like compassion, empathy, and generosity were what made him a uniquely magnificent human being from others I was acquainted with. That’s why I still remember him as a friend of my family.

    Part 3 : 1. What, do you think, makes someone a good friend to a whole family?

    Certain unique qualities that you don’t find in everybody are what make one as a good friend to a whole family. A friend’s integrity and worthiness is sometimes implied when he/she doesn’t put us down; when he/she stands up for us and when he/she doesn’t abandon us when we need him/her the most. Moreover, if one is to be rated as a trustable pal to a whole family, one has to treat everyone in the family as one’s family members. He has to be there with everyone through thick and thin. A righteous friend to a family is he who lends his helping hand when the family members are in a lean patch. If he is truly virtuous enough, he will stand up for them.

    2. Do you think it is possible to be friends with someone who is away? Is this real relationship?

    Certainly, it is possible because it depends on if we are on same wavelength. It is not the physical presence that makes a friendship deeper but it is the mutual respect and understanding. Maybe, friends could be oceans apart, but it doesn’t deteriorate their friendship. Figuratively speaking, absence makes the heart grow fonder. In other words, if distance is an obstacle to be friends with someone, all neighbours should be friends. But it isn’t so. For example, despite being surrounded by countless neighbours, none of them are my friends. So, the relationship with a friend who is away is as real.

    3. What kinds of influence can friends have in our family?

    Obviously, friends can either shape up or destroy our world. The deeper the friendship, the weaker the family bondage. To many people, it may seemingly be wrong but the experience so far tells me so and my case is best example here. I tend to spend more time with my friends than with my family, because we friends share every bit of even trivial things in our lives leaving no time or nothing to share with my family. On the other hand, when there is weaker friendship, we treat our family members as friends whom we deem as more trustworthy than friends outside. However, friends sometimes inspire us to behave respectfully and to co-operate in our family.

    Trivial - of little importance; Empathy - ability to understand others feelings; Acquaint- make familiar; Put someone down- criticize someone; Through thick and thin- under all circumstances; Righteous- morally right; Lean patch - a period of failure;

  • IELTS Speaking Test Tutorial 9
  • Part 1 :1. What sorts of food do you like eating most?

    No food is foreign to me because I never keep any type of food off my dining table. Be it South Indian or Conti or Chinese, I am only particular on how it tastes. I keep the food that is bland off my menu because my tastebuds are not suitable for flavourless and unappetizing dishes. However, I am averse to refrigerated food stuffs.

    2. Who normally does the cooking in your home?

    It’s my mother, who, like any traditional mother in our region, is the head of the kitchen affairs in our home. Even though she allows us the freedom to suggest, she is the only one who finally calls the shot on what to cook and how to cook. To me, she is the most skilled chef whose right choice of magical flavours and ingredients make the food yummier than most other restaurant foods in my town.

    3. Do you watch cookery programs on T.V.?

    No, I don’t because cooking is not my cup of tea and it is left to my mother. Even though I am good at eating, I am bad at theories related to cuisines and recipes. When TV channels broadcast cookery shows, I switch over to channels that telecast documentaries and historical fiction series.

    4. In general, do you prefer eating out or eating at home?

    No doubt, I prefer eating at home because home cooked foods are not only tastier but also more hygienic than that you get from eateries and restaurants. Unlike in the past, today’s restaurateurs resort to short cuts to make quick bucks, for which the quality is terribly compromised. But in home, besides the quality of the ingredients, hygiene is ensured.

    Part 2 : Cue Card Describe an attractive house or apartment that someone you know lives in

    You should say:

    whose house/apartment this is
    where the house/apartment is
    what it looks like inside
    and explain what you like or dislike about this person’s house/apartment

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


    A house, no matter big or small, is a palace for the residents in it. However, for some onlookers, its architectural features make it a marvellous work of art and a treat to look at and for others, at times, a bland concrete structure. As a matter of fact, the construction of modern houses has come a long way in terms of comfort and convenience. One such house is of my bosom friend who studied with me from school to college. It has been constructed on a hillock on the outskirts of the city.

    The interior of the house is quite amazing with perfect layout that only a master designer can think of. They have taken pains to arrange everything in order by leaving ample space in each room. Right from the frontyard, when we walk into the living room, we are invited to the simple but elegant design with the style and colour of both windows and doors complementing each other. In addition to the spacious bedrooms, enough care has been taken to make the utility room big enough to include washing machine and appliances for other domestic work. The white marble flooring merges with the white painted walls with its beauty enhanced by indoor plants in each corner. The traditional long sofa has been replaced with beanbags. What I like the most in the house is the unobstructed view of the sunrise and sunset. Besides this free view, the house looks so appealing to our aesthetic sense with the sprawling lawn adding to its beauty.

    Part 3 : 1. What kinds of homes are popular in your country?

    As people differ widely from one another, so do their needs and choices. So, a variety of houses can be seen as very popular. Villas that range from king size to ultra large ones with all cozy features like lawn, garden and swimming pool have become increasingly common and popular. In one way, they are in sync with nature as it is surrounded by lush greenery. In addition, studio flats that are tiny ones with no separate rooms have picked up with young professionals who prefer to have all amenities blended together in a room. Apartments are the latest addition to the preference of modern Indians. As everybody wants to live in towns, which are notorious for lack of space, apartments have become a symbol of luxury as well as comfort and convenience.

    2. What, do you think, are the advantages of living in a house rather than apartment?

    Being your master on your premises is worth all richness in life. This is what differentiates a house from an apartment. While the former allows you to set your own rules, the latter makes you follow the rules set by the apartment community. Houses can be structured and restructured in a way that suits to the changing trends of constuction whereas it is not possible with apartments. Few houses in an area form a neighbourhood where everybody knows one another with co-operation and socialization at its best. Each house is made in different architectural shapes and styles that give a unique identity to house owners. The open spaces with varied trees, plants and flowers in it make you live in tune with nature.

    3. Do you think it is better to buy or rent a place to live in?

    Obviously, it is always better to buy a place to live in. If you own a place, it gives you permanency with the freedom of constructing and renovating the house the way you want. The investment that is made on buying a place is an asset for the future with its value definitely to be on the rise in the days ahead. On the other hand, if you rent a place to live in, life could be full of uncertainty. Who could enjoy his/her life if tomorrow is uncertain? As a place is rented only for a specific time period, the tenant is expected to hunt for new houses every once in a while. It is a human tendency to make his life as stable as possible. So, no doubt, renting a house to live in takes the charm out of life.

    4. Do you agree that there is a right age for young adults to stop living with their parents?

    Well, it depends on which region you are in. Even though young adults stop living with their parents at the age of 21 or 25 in Europe and America, it is too difficult to set an age for that. It’s all about individual convenience. However, when an age is set, life might pose more troubles as people may not be prepared financially and mentally. Despite the fact that it is practical in developed countries, it is not so in the third world countries where unemployment is unbelievably higher than what is projected. When we do so, it will destroy the warm touch and sense of belongingness that is felt while living with parents. So, it is better not to fix any age for young adults to stop living with their parents.

    Deteriorate - worsen; Call the shot- be in charge/take decision; Averse - against; Restaurateur - a person who owns and manages a restaurant; Bosom - very close; Hillock - small hill; Sprawl- stretch out;

  • IELTS Speaking Test Tutorial 10
  • Part 1 :1. How often do you go out with friends?

    As I am in good terms with my friends and very sociable by nature, almost every evenings after the work, I go out with them. Only then do I feel at home. My chums are as interested in arts, literature and current affairs as I am. For us, going out means not only dining out but also engaging in serious conversations on anything that interests us. If I do not go out with my pals, I feel that I am locked down. This is not just for me but for most people in my locality.

    2. Tell me about your best friend at school?

    It was Mr Nathan who studied with me in high school. Very few friends showed as much integrity and selflessness as him. There was no secret left unrevealed between us while at school. Whenever I was down, he would lend his shoulder to support me and so would I. I loved him the most as a friend as he would stand up for me if there was a problem. I haven’t seen many friends with such desirable qualities.

    3. How friendly are you with your neighbours?

    I get along with my neighbours very friendly because we share a great rapport in between. What else, I know everyone in my neighbourhood like the back of my palm. As we live in a community, anybody’s function is everbody’s. So, I participate wholeheartedly in my neighbours’ functions and celebrations. I offer gifts to them during festivals and so do they. That’s why I say that I am very friendly with my neighbours.

    4. Which is more important to you - friends or family?

    It’s my family. Everyone in my family sacrifice their happiness for mine. I am part of all scheme of things in my family. Whenever they take a decision, I am included as a beneficiary. Such things cannot be expected from friends who may pretend being more helpful than family. My family members do not sleep until I reach home and my mother doesn’t eat unless I eat. Where else can I see such unselfish love?

    Part 2 : Cue Card Describe a writer you would like to meet

    You should say:

    who the writer is
    what you know about this writer already
    what would you like to find out about him/her
    and explain why you would like to meet this writer

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


    The writer I would like to meet is none other than Mr. Paulo Cohlo, the world renowned contemporary writer par excellence. Despite being a Brazilian writer, he is as famous as Ms JK Rowling. The one marvellous novel, that took him to this towering stature, is Alchemist, the most coveted modern day novel. Even though he is both a lyricist and novelist, he is better known as the latter.

    Being his great admirer, I would like to find out many things about him. I would like to find out how he picks up characters and plots for his novel and if the plots in his novels are real events that he has come across. It would be informative if I could learn from him about the characteristics of a successful writer.

    As he is my all time favourite writer, a chance to meet him would be nothing less than an achievement. Ever since I completed reading his novel Alchemist in one go, I have been cherishing the wish to meet him. Obviously, a great writer should have certain traits that set him apart from the other mediocre writers around us. He is one of the few modern day writers who think out-of-the box and use simple and legible language to drive their ideas home. He is a unique fiction writer who enthralls both laymen and scholars alike by detailing the plot and the events in the life of protagonist. Unlike other writers whom I have read, he expresses his philosophical views about life through his characters. Finally, he fills readers with optimism and exuberance. Like any of his readers, I would cherish if I get a chance to meet him.

    Part 3 : 1. What kinds of books are most popular with children in your country?

    The books which are most popular with the children in my country are the ones that speak about fairytales. Children meet giants, witches, princes and princesses, dwarfs and dragons and fairies that evoke interest and curiosity in them. Besides, picture books with illustrations that often contain different media such as water colour, photography, acrylic and colour pencils are well admired. In addition to books related to myths and folklore, the interactive books that ask to perform various activities are also well liked by children. However, as they age, their interest shifts to fictitious characters as in JK Rowling’s Harry Potter. Children’s books are as in demand as adults’ in my country. Hardly can a book store be seen in the town without children sections.

    2. Why, do you think, some children do not read books very often?

    Most children, who do not read books, have probably not visited libraries and its stacks and rows of books and for that reason, the beautiful and imaginary world created by books is so strange to them. What is seen is followed by children. Possibly, they don’t see their parents reading. No doubt, that which is done by their parents is what makes them interested in. In other words, the electronic gadgets like cellphone and video games are more engaging and entertaining than reading books. The more saddening fact is that many schools don’t entertain reading as a habit. The influence created by parents and teachers is highly consequential in how children look at reading.

    3. Do you think reading novels is more interesting than reading factual books?

    Obviously, novels are more interesting than factual books. While the former cater to the need of entertainment, the latter speak about the world as it is. As people today are chocked with a hell lot of problems from personal to professional, novels take them out of their blues that they are grappled with. Fiction creates an imaginary world full of connected events, be it hilarious or serious, as entertaining enough to hook the readers. Not everybody is knowledge-hunters to read factual books always. Maybe, there is a minority who may have academic interests. However, reading it is not as gripping and amusing as fictions. Even though non - fictional writings take you to the facts, it fails to engage you as much as fictional writing. The popularity of novels like Harry Potter and Alchemist is the epitome of why novels are more enthralling than factual books.

    Chum - close friend; Know like the back of my pain - know very well; Coveted - greatly desired; Stature - reputation; Par excellence - better than all others of the same kinde; Mediocre- of average quality; Enthral- capture the attention of; Exuberance - the quality of being full of energy; Layman - a person without professional knowledge in a subject; Protagonist - the leading character in a novel;

  • IELTS Speaking Test Tutorial 11
  • Part 1 :1. What types of photos do you like taking?

    I like taking the photos of landscape that keeps changing as season does. When I travel to different regions, I see different geographical conditions that vary from place to place. Flowers and plants are a treat to look at and that’s what add beauty to a place. I can’t resist the temptation of getting it photographed. Besides landscapes and flowers, when I chance upon certain buildings that look like works of art, I don’t forget to capture it.

    2. What do you do with photos you take?

    Photos always serve as souvenirs of places we have visited or people we have met. What I mainly do with the photos I take is to print into albums that protect the images from getting damaged in the due course of time. Today, as the social networking sites like Facebook and Instagram have wider reach than before, I post the attractive clicks on it. For that, I get many comments and feedback.

    3. When you visit other places, do you take photos or buy postcards?

    When I visit other places, I take photos that show how good I am at capturing images. Like in every one of us, there is a photographer in me. I cannot pass over the beauty of anything I chance upon. So, I photograph such scenes myself. On the other hand, if I buy post cards, it may be more beautiful than what I take; however, it won’t do any justice to the photographer in me.

    4. Do you like people taking photo of you?

    To be frank, I don’t because I am more conscious about how I look in the photograph. The other thing is that, to pose for a photo is a kind of artificial activity which I don’t enjoy. If the photographer is a skilled one, I don’t mind being photographed. Still, I am too shy to the core to be photographed.

    Part 2 : Cue Card Describe a day when you thought the weather was perfect?

    You should say:

    where you were on this day
    what the weather was like on this day
    what you did during the day
    and explain why you thought the weather was perfect on this day

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


    Both travel and weather go inarguably hand in hand. A perfect weather adds to the thrill of travellers. I was at Ooty, the most popular destination for leisure-hunters in South India. Tourists flock massively to this place not only for its mountainous beauty but also for countless species of plants and flowers. The weather was inclement because it was raining too incessantly. After few hours, the sky was clear and blue despite the bone- chilling air. However, in the beginning, I was very sceptical if the fickle weather would put a damper on my trip. But to my surprise, when the sun shone, the lush greenery and woodlands were visible making me optimistic about the enjoyment on the cards. When the sunlight rolled in, the mist burnt off quickly. If you want to enjoy any hill tourism, you should expect whimsical weather that is a hill characteristic. Even though the time was limited, I had a lot on my plate. I saw varied flowers and plants that adorned the landscape and walked through woods and went boating. The weather was so marvellous and suitable that I could enjoy as much as possible. The giant peaks and rich woodlands appeared more captivating in one sweet slice of sunshine. Before the pesky Nilgiri fog blanketed the hill, I strolled in many gardens.

    While I was heading back to my town, the images in the little slice of paradise kept haunting me.

    Part 3 : 1. What types of weather do people in your country dislike the most?

    Anything in excess is not good for us. This applies to the weather as well. People dislike both summer and winter the most that might stretch up to any extreme level. Unlike in European countries where the temperatures hardly touch more than 30 degree celcius, some regions in my country, during summer, cross 50 degree celsius accompanied by heatwave. For farmers in my country, summer is a nightmare as crops and agriculture are too delicate to withstand the scorching temperature. Despite a minimum temperature being a must for cultivation, a rather high mercury level is nothing less than destruction that lands farmers in heavy losses. However, summer is a windfall for A/C dealers. Likewise, the biting winter in which the temperatures fall as low as 10 degree celsius throws lives out of gear and business is badly hit.

    2. What jobs can be affected by extreme weather conditions ?

    Almost all jobs can be affected by unfriendly weather conditions. However, the most affected ones are the kinds of jobs that are carried out by moving from place to place or that are done in open air. Street vendors are the most striken by hostile weather conditions because they do not have any particular place for selling. The buyers whom they target are street walkers. The job, that is hard-hit, is of peddlers in open market where there is no roof to protect their business. As weather turns too unkind, most customers stay indoors. The worst is the case of farmers who sell their daily produces in market. As they are too perishable to last more than one week, the farmers are the ones who face an uphill task of selling it and consequently, run into losses.

    3. What is the best way to get accurate information about the weather ?

    Obviously, it is too difficult to get accurate weather updates if it is not from the meteoro- logical department of a country. They are equipped with most modern technologies like satellites to predict the weather changes that are telecasted on various media platforms. The satellite images are helpful enough to forecast the impending weather shifts at least for weeks ahead. As people today have access to the internet, they can get weather projections spot on. Television channels like BBC broadcast precise information on the weather across the globe. The world as well as regional satellites send down weather reports. So, for accurate weather information, stay tuned, read dailies and browse internet.

    Blues - feelings of sadness; Souvenir - reminder; Exotic - unusual and exciting because of coming from far away; Inclement- unpleasantly cold or wet; Sceptical- having doubts; Fickle weather- tending to change suddenly; Put a damper on - make something less enjoyable; Whimsical- liable to changes; Pesky- causing trouble; Throw life out of gear - stop something from working normally; Impending - about to happen;

  • IELTS Speaking Test Tutorial 12
  • Part 1 :1. How did your parents choose your name ?

    My parents told me that they had been on a hunt for a better name than the rest in my neighbourhood. Both my mother and father had referred to many magazines that had written about celebrities and their children. Besides, they had listened to many interviews of known people. However, at the end, they stumbled upon the name Elton John, a world renowned pop singer from the UK. That’s how they chose my name.

    2. Does your name have any special meaning ?

    Maybe, my name may have some connotation, but I am not sure about it. I have neither asked about it to my parents nor searched for it. As my name sounds pretty unique and different from the names of the people whom I know, I am very satisfied about it. However, for the sake of answering to such question in the future, I will search for the meaning.

    3. Is your name common or unusual in your country?

    I am not sure whether my name is common or rare in my country because my knowledge is limited to my locality and friends circles. As a matter of fact, I have not come across anybody bearing my name at school, college or workplace. So, I presume my name should be somewhat unusual if not in my country, at least in my town.

    4. If you could change your name, would you ?

    No, I wouldn’t because this name has given me an identity by which I am recognized. As it is a modern and stylish name, I can’t but stick with this name. Moreover, it’s a priceless gift from my parents who painstakingly had searched for it. If at all I change my name, those who are already used to it might find it too difficult to call me by the new name. So, never in my wildest dreams will I think of changing my name.

    Part 2 : Cue Card Describe a TV documentary you watched?

    You should say:

    what the documentary was about
    why you decided to watch it
    what you learnt during the documentary
    and explain why the TV documentary was particularly interesting.

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


    Unlike fictions and movies, documentaries throw light on real events that happen in a man’s life or in a place or in an establishment. Even though documentaries are not as thrilling as novels or cinemas, they are categorically academic that people in pursuit of knowledge cannot keep away from. However, an interesting documentary that I watched on a TV channel was about polygyny in one of the remotest areas of North-East India.

    I decided to watch it because the practice of polygyny is a taboo in modern India despite sociologically digested. Mr. Zionre was the polygamist who was talked about in the programme. Interestingly, he led a family of as many as 200 members with 38 wives and as many as 100 children and the rest as grandkids.

    I could see great man management skill as he made everyone in his family to live with him. Interestingly, there was no conflict of interest among his wives and none of them were against his wish of getting married again.

    The documentary was interesting not because of the polygyny in modern sociological perspective but because of the meticulous planning by the TV crew to make it entertaining as well as informative. The documentary painstakingly tried to interview at least one-tenth of the total family members and each one’s views resonated with that of the supreme leader of their family. The TV crew made the video more gripping by adding many useful still images that detailed how the polygamist led his family.

    I have never watched better thrilling documentary in every aspects- making, script and technology than this one. It seemed like watching a movie with lot of attractive visuals, frames and narratives.

    Part 3 : 1. What are the most popular kinds of TV programmes in your country ?

    Almost all TV programmes have its own viewers, of which both soap operas and reality shows go down well with the people. While the former is more popular with housewives and retired persons, the latter is well received by people from all walks of life. The soap operas deal with daily issues faced by the characters in it when the reality shows showcase the talents in various areas like singing, dancing or acting. Such shows are as popular in my country as anywhere in the world. Interestingly, News and Panel discussions fall next to these two shows in terms of popularity. Despite being informative and educative, documentaries are less received than all other programmes. So, in short, these programmes which are so entertaining are well taken in my country.

    2. Do you think TV is the main way for people to get the news in your country ?

    Obviously, it has been the main source of news for the past 2 or 3 decades and it is still continuing so. Now-a-days, it is too difficult to see houses without the access to television that has gained more trust of people than the print media. Inspite of the fact that many people turn to the internet and social media like Facebook to know what happens around them, it is believed that the news stuffs on these platforms are not as authentic as that on TV. Admittedly, a significant number of people still depend on dailies for news. However, what is seen is more believed than what is read or heard. So, with the coming of television channels, the traditional sources of news like radio and newspapers have been pushed far behind. Unlike other modes of news, TV feeds people with live, updated news items. The popularity of channels over many newspapers is an epitome for why people consider TV as the main way for news.

    3. How important are regulations on TV advertising ?

    As visuals have penetrative influence on viewers, making it unregulated will cause far reaching consequences. Adverts are made such amazingly that it impacts the decision of a buyer. Every manufacturers resort to crooked ways to make their products an instant hit. Ads are the best tools to reach the products to consumers in no time. The sad part is that most ads are made in a larger than life canvas with features of products exaggerated beyond imagination or the actual quality. Such hyperbolic presentation is a trick by which buyers are deceived. Many celebrities endorse various products, that they have never experienced, as the best buy on visual ads. Therefore, if ads on TV are not monitored or regulated by the government, people will be cheated more, and the government can be treated as a party to the business. That being said, TV advertisements should be regulated without an iota of doubt.

    Connotation - hidden meaning; Polygyny- the practice in which one man is married to several women; Taboo - prohibition; Meticulous- very careful; Polygamist - a person has more than one wife or husband at the same time; Hyperbolic - deliberately exaggerated;

  • IELTS Speaking Test Tutorial 13
  • Part 1 :1. Is it important to you to eat healthy food ?

    Yes, it is tremendously important as what you eat is what you are. Healthy food has all essentials to keep us as fit as a fiddle. So, I take balanced meal which is a snapshot of a diet with proteins, carbohydrates and vegetables. This is what gives me fuel to work actively throughout a day. Science says our organs and tissues need proper nutrition that keeps us safe from disease, infection, fatigue and poor performance. That is why I eat healthy food.

    2. If you catch a cold, what do you do to help you feel better ?

    In addition to using humidifier in my room and taking in some moisture from a hot shower, I breathe in steam that loosens up my stuffy nose. Sometimes I keep myself hydrated with plenty of fluids so as to make my throat moist and to break up the congestion. Moreover, I make sure I stay warm and get enough rest. This is how I make myself feel better when I catch a cold.

    3. Do you pay attention to public information about health?

    Yes, I do because public information about health, that may come from a government agency or health department, serves too many purposes as to keep people including me well-informed about health issues as well as its precautions. It makes me proactive enough to be prepared and to take remedial measures. Every piece of information about health has its value. So, I always stay tuned to media for the same.

    4. What would you do to have a healthier life style ?

    As I am health conscious, I can’t but follow a healthier life style, for which I become calorie-conscious by choosing a balanced diet with a proportionate mixture that meets nutritional values. In addition, I make physical workout a routine by which I burn extra calorie and strengthen muscles. I am pretty sure that frugal eating habit alone will not help if it is not followed by exercise. For me, keeping away from overeating is as important as abstaining from adulterated food.

    Part 2 : Cue Card Describe an occasion when you had to wait a long time for someone or something to arrive

    You should say:

    who or what you were waiting for
    how long you had to wait
    why you had to wait a long time
    and explain how you felt about waiting a long time.

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


    It’s too hard to find anybody who hasn’t waited for anybody in his life. I also had to wait many an occasion that was not enjoyable. It was not long back I had to sweat around expecting my friend to turn up. We were about to attend our bosom friend’s marriage which was being held nearly 5 kilometers away from my residence. I was hanging about a crossroad where he was expected to arrive.

    I had to wait for one hour more than what he had agreed upon. This one hour was too long a time to spend expecting him given the seriousness and importance of function we had to attend. In my country, marriage is a monumental event that marks a new chapter in a persons’ life. That means, there is no other episode in one’s life as momentous as marriage.

    I was left with no other choice than waiting as I had no alternative transport facility except his car. However, I could have walked to the wedding venue, but I hadn’t lest it should take more time.

    Waiting for a short time is not uncommon in my life but waiting for long is nothing less than excruciating. However, this waiting was both agonising and learning. In one way, expecting somebody and when they don’t show up, you feel that life is still and consequently, the precious time is wasted. I did feel so because I was time-conscious. On the contrary, it prepared me to be patient enough in my life thereafter. To be successful, patience is very vital. During that episode of waiting, I became aware about the importance of respecting others’ time by not making them wait long for me. That said, maybe, there are many instances that tell us about the importance of time but nothing can be as eye-opening as waiting long for some one.

    Part 3 : 1.In what kinds of situation should people always arrive early ?

    People should arrive early in situations that are not recurrent. Especially the events, which come about either only once or happen very rarely in one’s life time, are considered so important that people should arrive early. Take the case of attending a funeral of a person. His burial cannot be delayed if people arrive late to it. Marriage is a one-off event in most people’s lives that takes place at a specific time. Arriving late is treated as disrespectful and weird. So, people should make their presence at this occasion early. Besides, meetings and conferences that discuss issues and suggest future course of actions are too indispensable for us to reach late. We have to show up much early at such situations.

    2. What kinds of jobs require the most patience ?

    Of all jobs that require the most patience, teaching stands out as it deals with a number of students at a time in a class. They might not sit in the class as attentive as the teacher expects. Moreover, students, who are inquisitive, may come up with many doubts. If a teacher is too short-tempered to handle it, the class won’t be as result-oriented as intended. How can an impatient teacher drive his ideas home? The job of a scientist needs more analytical ability to reach a conclusion from many hypotheses. If he runs out of patience during his research, a constructive as well as fruitful finding cannot be reached at. Rearing children is equally a task cut-out. So, the roles of nannies and mothers are no less important than those of teachers and scientists. Babies are too young to speak out their feelings, if they are not cared for tenderly, it will badly affect their growth and character formation. So, the need of patience is at its peak with regards to bringing up a child.

    3. Who is more patient- the older or the younger ?

    Obviously, the older are more patient than the younger because the former have more experience than the latter who are about to experience the world as it is. Even though patience is a birth trait that is said to be too tough to be changed, every personal attributes are changeable over time. The elderly have undergone many unpredictabilities and hard realities that are good enough to change one’s perception and attitude to life. So, it is assumed that the older you are, the more patient you tend to be. On the other hand, the younger are not as much exposed to the real world as the older. So, they cannot be as much patient as their counterparts. The young ones are notorious for their short temperedness and hasty decisions that speak volume of how much they lag behind in patience.

    As fit as a fiddle - in excellent form or health; Snapshot - a summary; Proactive - controlling a situation without waiting; Frugal - cautious/scanty; Fatigue- tiredness; Hydrated- having absorbed enough water; Abstain - restrain oneself from doing something; Monumental - great in importance; Excruciating - intensely painful; Momentous - very important; Lest- for fear that/in case;

  • IELTS Speaking Test Tutorial 14
  • Part 1 :1. Did you enjoy singing when you were younger ?

    Yes I did. Singing has always been my hobby. However, many people didn’t know that I was good at singing. I enjoyed singing when I was young as it needed no particular training. Whenever I was alone, nothing would interest me as much as singing. When I sang, I forgot myself and the surroundings I was in. It used to be a kind of meditation for me whenever I started crooning a melodious song.

    2. How often do you sing now ?

    I don’t set any particular timings to sing. To sing depends on what mood we are in. However, I make sure that nobody listens to my singing. I acknowledge myself as a bathroom or bedroom singer. I sing anytime when I am in my comfort zone. While taking bath, it is a routine for me to sing. Besides, while being in bed before falling asleep, I do sing.

    3. Do you have a favourite song you like listening to ?

    Yes, It is Elton John’s song that starts with ‘Its human sign’ from the album ‘Sacrifice’. He has many songs to his credit. As a matter of fact, none of his other songs have impressed me as much as this one which is more melodious than many other songs. The lyrics are written philosophically with its tune set mellifluously. So, no doubt, it is so haunting that its repeated listenings never make me bored.

    4. How important is singing in your culture ?

    Singing is encouraged very much in my culture that promotes various art forms limitlessly. The history says that kings in my country had encouraged music as an art and the tradition is still continuing. At temples and churches, singing is part of worshipping. No festival is possible in my country without either playing songs or singing. In short, it is considered as a gift and hence, entertained wholeheartedly.

    Part 2 : Cue Card Describe a film or movie actor from your country who is very popular ?

    You should say:

    who the actor is
    what kinds of films/movies he/she acts in
    what you know about the actor’s life
    and explain why this actor is so popular.

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


    Indian movie industry is the second most popular industry after Hollywood. India has given birth to a large number of matinee icons who have enjoyed global acceptance as well. As many names are flashing across my mind, it is seemingly a difficult choice to pick up one as very popular actor. However, I would talk about Mr. Kamal Haasan who has acted in as many as 250 movies so far. His fame as an actor is the most coveted one as he is the only actor in India to have acted in the most number of languages.

    He acts in almost all genres of movies and no category is alien to his style and versatility. Be it drama, action, comedy, he transforms his body and expression so as to suit the mannerisms of the character. Unlike his peers, he acts in parallel movies as well as in highly successful box office hits.

    While most of the Indian actors enter into acting as an adult, he is the only actor to have started his acting career at the age of 3 or 4. Most of the leading stars today are either graduates or post graduates but this guy is a school drop-out. Interestingly, he has managed his lack of schooling with the vast reading that not many actors are interested in. Instead of attending school, he dedicated his time for mastering the cinematic skills like martial arts and classical dance.

    This guy, whose skills cannot be matched by any of his contemporaries, is very popular for making his body adaptable for the characters which may be of an octogenarian or a young revolutionary or a romantic one. While his peers are surviving in this industry with their stereotype styles and mannerisms, he prepares his body as clay to suit different characters. Many actors envy his eyes that are powerful enough to show any feelings. He is the only methodical actor in India whose brilliance has been accepted as many as 4 times by the national award committee for the best actor award. Besides, he is the only actor to have been awarded with the most number of filmfare awards in the country.

    Part 3 : 1. What are the most popular types of movies in your country?

    The most well-received movies are in genres of action and comedy. Unlike family dramas which are filled up with melodramatic sequences, these two genres of movies thrill the audience to the deep. That’s what movies are made for. People in my country never prefer slow-paced movies. For them, movies are an entertainment that takes them out of their stress and strain at least for the time they are watching it. Moreover, action movies are made in a whopping budget with interesting twists and turns and high octane adventurous instances that leave the viewers stuck on the edge of the seats. So, its popularity is as much in my country as anywhere in the world. Comedy movies are no less popular as it is so funfilled with many hilarious moments that make viewers laugh. That’s why these two kinds of movies are the most popular in my country.

    2. What is the difference between watching a movie in the cinema and watching a film at home?

    The effect of a movie is measured against how much entertainment it gives and it varies tremendously according to where you watch it from. Hence, a huge difference is experienced between watching a movie in the cinema and watching it at home. The former is more amazing an experience than the latter. Cinemas take you to the larger than real world as it is well-equipped enough to entertain you in every possible bit. The 70 mm screen, Dolby Atmos sound system and luxurious in-theatre amenities like recliner chairs - all these take viewers to more colourful world. However, watching movies at home needs no spending of money nor any lengthy preparations as with watching in cinemas. This is all about convenience despite losing theatrical richness and impact. Watching movies in the cinemas is more refreshing and lively than watching it at home.

    3. How strong is it today in your country to go to the cinemas?

    Every two in 5 people in my country are movie buffs. It is so strong a tradition to go to the cinemas. Hardly does a day pass in my country without our people discussing movie making and the matinee icons. Watching movies has been a key leisure activity for the people for the past 6 to 7 decades and this trend is highly likely to continue and gather more steam in the days ahead. It is now so common that the movie stars have a huge say in the Indian politics and social arena. The fact that the families with children, parents and grandparents flock to the cinemas is a proof of how strong going to theatre in my country is. The huge investment in the sector and the upgradation of cinema halls with state-of-the-art amenities testify the fact that going to the theatre is a strong habit in my country.

    Cash-strapped - extremely short of money; Shopping binge- excessive indulgence in shopping; Shopaholic- one who enjoys shopping and does it a lot; State of the art- modern; Recession- slowdown in economic activities; Financial crunch- Financial difficulty; Quick fix - solution; Tighten belt - reduce expenses; Pal - a good friend; Write-off - disregard/dismiss someone or something as insignificant; Materialistic- money oriented; Abstract- that cannot be touched nor seen; All ears- very attentive; Pamper - give special treatment to a person to make him comfortable; Momentary - short-lived;

  • IELTS Speaking Test Tutorial 15
  • Part 1 :1. Where do you buy most of your clothes?

    I buy most of my clothes from exclusive showrooms that deal with brands only. As I am very brand-conscious, I am so particular about what I wear. At times, I buy it from retail outlets when they give offers and reductions. If I am cash-strapped, open market is also an option where bargaining is possible.

    2. How often do you buy new clothes for yourself?

    I am neither a shopaholic nor a shopping binge. However, I am so careful about when I should buy new clothes for me. There are some occasions where a crowd is expected. I purchase new clothes in order to be as smart as possible. Besides, on the occasions of festivals like Christmas and Deepavali, I don’t forget to go for new garments. It is based on the occasions that I decide whether I should go for new clothes or not.

    3. How do you decide which clothes to buy?

    I take few factors into consideration to decide which clothes to buy. Mostly, I try the clothes on to see if it suites me. If it doesn’t, I discard it at once. I give value to the brands that have created a feedback as lasting long in quality. In addition, I blindly go for the clothes that are endorsed by my favourite movie actors.

    4. Have the kinds of clothes you like changed in recent years?

    Yes, it has. As the fashion is not permanent, my choice isn’t either. The apparel market frequently updates the style and quality of fabrics we wear as to attract more buyers and to increase the selling. I was fond of wearing cotton shirt a few years back, but now it has changed to linen which has been the trend for few months now.

    Part 2 : Cue Card Describe an interesting discussion you had about how you spend your money?

    You should say:

    who you had the discussion with
    why you discussed this topic
    what the result of the discussion was
    and explain why this discussion was interesting for you

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


    The one interesting discussion I had about how I spend my money was with Mr. Lee who is a post-graduate in economics as I am. His chief interest lies in holding dialogues on issues pertaining to finance. In one of the routine talks, he related to the way I spent money. Despite an average income, I was spending more than what others would do with the same. Even though it was he who initiated the talk, I was as interested in it as he was because I was going through a financial crunch like other employees due to the recession. I presumed some quick fix might come out of the talk.

    The result of the discussion was a conventional remedy that I should tighten my belt. That means, I should prioritize the necessity from the need and by that, I can keep my expenses well below the income. My pal is good at both convincing and suggesting remedies for any issue at hand. However, many would write off this suggestion as usual and traditional. As a matter of fact, since I was the beneficiary of this dialogue, I felt it really rewarding.

    In one way, this discussion was really interesting enough to keep me hooked on his narration which was as objective as a serious conversation. The discussion, where the result is pretty predictable, cannot be interesting, but between us, there was a great rapport and we both were all ears to each other. However, I was more of a listener throughout the talk. I followed the outcome in the talk in letter and spirit until the recession was over.

    Part 3 : 1. Why do some parents give their children money to spend each week?

    Children are too young to earn and hence, are struggling to meet their expenses. So, some parents know that it is their responsibility to support their children until the latter are financially stable. In other words, children are the weakness of some parents who cannot but help them in every possible way. Like grown-ups, children do have needs that cannot be satisfied without money. Sometimes, it can be treated as pampering because parents believe that which satisfies children satisfies them as well. When children get money from parents, they learn how to spend money judiciously prioritizing their needs. Literate parents know that young ones develop the skill of both decision making and calculation.

    2. Do you think it is a good idea for students to earn money while studying?

    The base idea of education is not only providing knowledge but also making self- reliant. If students are allowed to earn money while learning, they might become more target- oriented than otherwise. Not every students are research-oriented. Many consider education as a platform to shape up their careers. When they meet their own expenses, they become independent financially as well as personally. That’s going to be the stage which will decide how they will come up in their future. European and American countries allow the children to work while they study. So, they are a burden neither to their parents nor to the Government. That’s why I think it is a good idea for students to earn money while studying.

    3. Is it true that money cannot buy happiness in today’s society?

    It is not always true. As we are living in a materialistic world, being in the possession of material things, to an extent, makes us happy. Even though the word ‘happiness’ is an abstract one, it can undoubtedly be said that money can buy things that can make us happy. For those who live in the spiritual world where everything is momentary, money can’t assure happiness. But do we all live in such world? Certainly not. We live in a world where it is experienced that the less the money, the weaker the comfort and convenience and so is the level of happiness. If we don’t live in metaphysical speculation, money can buy things that can give happiness. Europeans are the epitomes here for enjoying more happiness. Being more developed, they can afford to buy anything or to travel anywhere.

    4. Do you think richer countries have a responsibility to help poorer countries?

    Yes, they do. The richer countries with their vast resources and wealth are already out of poverty. They are known as safer places to live since they are on top of the development and welfare indices. On the contrary, poor nations fare very badly in all these respects with malnutritious children, ill equipped systems and poor infrastructure. Without the help from richer countries, poorer ones may find it too hard to come out of such maladies. Nevertheless, the gap between the rich and the poor could become worsely wider than ever before leaving many children to die of starvation. It is worth remembering here the sad plight of Somalians and Ugandans in Africa who struggle the most without a balanced meal in their whole life. Thanks to the formation of the UNO that made different countries into a global society. As the world performs like a single society, richer countries have a huge responsibility to help poorer nations.

    Coveted - greatly desired; Matinee icons - film stars; Contemporary - peer/a person living at the same time as another; Octogenarian - a person between 80 and 89 years old; Stereotype - fixed image of a person/similar/repeated; Whopping - very large; Revolutionary - a person who engages in political revolution; Genre- category; High octane- intense/high-powered;

  • IELTS Speaking Test Tutorial 16
  • Part 1 :1. Did you enjoy art lessons when you were a child?

    Yes, I did. Art is creative. For every child, how images come up in a blank paper or a board is curious as well as amusing. The art lessons that I received at kindergarten and primary school were so amazing that I got hooked on. My mother was so good at drawing. She used to teach me how to draw in sketch paper. Apart from watching kids’ videos, nothing did I enjoy as much as the art lessons when I was a child.

    2. Do you ever draw or paint pictures now?

    I do still have a habit of doodling in sketch papers that comes spontaneously when I am idle. I always keep pencil, blending stump charcoal and erasers that are indispensable when it comes to drawing. However, drawing is not my cup of tea. As my plate is full, I have many other engagements. For me, drawing is only a part time activity. Even though I draw, I don’t give as much importance to it as to my other activities.

    3. When was the last time you went to an art gallery or exhibition?

    It was hardly 2 months ago that I visited an art gallery. An art exhibition was taking place at the art centre in the town. My friend, who was the curator of that exhibition, invited me to that show. I could see different marvellous and thought provoking paintings drawn by various eminent artists across my state. I felt the show was a kind of learning experience for me because each drawing with its profound meaning had a story to tell.

    4. What kind of pictures do you like to have in your home?

    I like to have the pictures of landscapes that are diverse in colour and shape. As they are captivating enough, they decorate the wall. The more attractive the pictures are, the more unique the house seems to be. I also prefer to have the works of art like ‘Monalisa’ by Leonardo da Vinci and ‘Last Supper’, the famous 15th century mural painting.

    Part 2 : Cue Card Describe a time when you visited a friend or a family member at the workplace

    You should say:

    who you visited
    where this person worked
    why you visited the person’s workplace
    and explain how you felt about visiting this person at his workplace.

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


    It was not long ago that I had to visit a friend of mine at his work place because I had not seen him much since the completion of our graduation.

    He was working at Infosys as a software engineer. I had been a regular visitor to his house during the college days. Few years thereafter, I had got stuck up in my work and so had he. So we hadn’t paid any visits to each other for many years. However, one day, just for inviting him and his family to the wedding of my sister, I had to go to his house. But to add to my sadness, he had moved from there to a new place about which I had no clue. But I knew that he was working with Infosys in my town.

    It was first ever time that I was entering the posh looking building with state-of-the- art amenities that I couldn’t see at any other offices. I was made to wait until it was the time for lunch. The visitors’ lounge where I was waiting was quite adjacent to the reception area which was busy with many people entering and exiting. He came out and greeted me. Even though it was a meeting after a long gap, we both were too formal to show up our true friendship. We tried to hold back our emotions and feelings despite being chums for many years. It was not that we didn’t have as much affection as when we had been together but it was the official atmosphere that made the difference. After spending hardly 10 minutes, we had to depart assuring each other that we would meet sooner. In one way, it was a learning experience that formal occasions are not ideal for informal meetings and gatherings.

    Part 3 : 1. What things make an office comfortable to work in?

    A host of things can be considered that make an office comfortable to work in. Ambience with suitable furniture like revolving and recliner chairs, controlled temperature and proper lighting are what make an office ideal to work in. The atmosphere should be good enough to motivate and refresh the workforce. Besides, flexi shifts provide various convenient timings, from which employees can choose the one that makes them comfortable. However, long working hours without overtime remuneration dilutes the commitment of employees to their work. In addition, the presence of encouraging colleagues, who appreciate and accept others, makes an office so rewarding an experience that no worker can give a miss. Finally, a handsome payscale with periodical appraisals and perks and incentives is more important than any other factors aforementioned.

    2. Why do some people prefer to work outdoors?

    Being indoors in office for prolonged hours is not as enjoyable as it seems. Flexibility is what makes work more enjoyable. It doesn’t happen with the work indoors that in one way adds to health risks as well. Human beings thrive in changing scenery which doesn’t come by in a monotonous desk job setting inside office. Those who work outdoors come in contact with the nature that reduces stress level greatly. Being outdoors is quite refreshing and makes people focussed on what is done. It in turn adds to productivity. On the contrary, many studies suggest that being inside the office for long increases the stress level and reduces the concentration. And what is the end result of all these if not sleep-deprivation and lack of motivation? So, people apparently prefer to work outdoors to make themselves as energetic and motivated as possible.

    3. What would life be like if people didn’t have to work?

    Well, It seems to be a hypothetical question. However, life would be a hell of dullness if people didn’t have to work. In that case, the time would be too slow for us to take note of the movement. Unlike in the past, mobility is what sometimes measures the freedom one enjoys. If we didn’t have to work, we would be contended with where we were or what we were. Apparently, success in a man’s life is measured by how much change he or she has managed to make with regards to income, personality, identity and attitude. All these would be undoubtedly less noticeable. What else, competition that marks the face of modern society would be missing and consequently, the technological brilliance, scientific and infrastructure development would all be absent. However, the best part would be that people wouldn’t be as much busy, selfish, materialistic and competent.

    4. Why do some people become workaholics?

    The people who are highly ambitious generally tend to be more workaholic. They are the sort of people who always feel to work more and more and consequently have very less socialisation. Today, technology is the main culprit that has made the world of work open. The easy accessibility to cell phone, laptop or desktop has made anywhere, be it a home or a park or a restaurant, a kind of workplace. They are sort of people who like to finish their work without delaying it for the next day. Sometimes they are motivated by the performance appraisal that they might be accorded with for their skill and commitment par-excellence. For example, one in every three employees in today’s Information and Technology industry are workaholics because of the ultra competitive mentality existing among workers. It is a known fact that IT companies promote only those who are workaholic to higher positions.

    Speculation - forming a theory without evidence; Malady - ailment; Doodle - to draw idly; Blending stump - cylindrical drawing tool; Plight - a dangerous/difficult or otherwise unfortunate situation; Idle - lazy; Curator - keeper of a museum; Eminent - famous and respected; Profound - intense; Remuneration - money paid for work; Appraisal - assessment; Aforementioned - denoting a thing previously mentioned;

  • IELTS Speaking Test Tutorial 17
  • Part 1 :1. Where do you usually watch TV programs or shows?

    I watch TV programs/shows mostly on television, but there are times I miss it. But then, I watch it on You Tube or Facebook because every TV channels have a channel link on the internet.

    2. What is your favourite TV program/show?

    My favourite TV program is a talent hunt show telecasted on AXN. It offers many an opportunity to young ones who are yet to tap their full potential to the public. They are encouraged to exhibit their skills in various fields ranging from music to magic. It is truly a wonderful platform for the young talents to be noticed and accepted by the world. It is my all time favourite show; I haven’t watched any better programs than this one.

    3. Are there any programs or shows you don’t like watching?

    I don’t like watching soap operas which show about tangled interpersonal situations with melodramatic and sentimental treatment. Even though it is telecast as an entertainment, it is just a wet blanket with stereotype characters and events. Nonetheless, it doesn’t worth the time I spend. Despite high rating among viewers, I find this genre as dull as dishwater.

    4. Do you think you will watch more or fewer TV programs/shows in the future?

    I will watch more TV shows in the future where the programs will be made in a wider canvas. Given the projected technological advancement in the future, TV shows are supposed to have cinematic impacts. Moreover, the older I am, the lazier I will be. Most probably, TV shows will be the most accessible, especially at no extra cost. I see my parents are now enjoying it more than they did before.

    Part 2 : Cue Card Describe some one you know who has started a business

    You should say:

    who the person is
    what work this person does
    why this person decided to start a business
    and explain whether you would like to do the same kind of work as this person?

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


    The person who started a business is Mr. Luther, who is my next door neighbour. He has been the most trustworthy ever since we shifted to our present domicile. To be frank, I haven’t seen anybody as ambitious as him. Even though he had been a successful operations manager with a multinational software development firm in the town, he had always been thinking bigger.

    He started a logistics business that involves planning, implementing and controlling the flow and storage of goods and services for a customer’s requirement. Despite a sizeable investment, he courageously went ahead with this business. He decided to start this business because he had been fed up with taking orders from his superiors and getting it done to their satisfaction. Even though he had been employed for 8 hours duty, he had been on call round the clock. He believed it was contrary to the conditions laid out in the offer. So, he thought of himself becoming his master so that he would be more satisfied.

    However, I wouldn’t like to do the same kind of work. It is not even in my wildest dreams. Besides sound investment, I have to have perseverance, meticulous approach and strategic planning in order to start such a business. As a matter of fact, I am no way near him in all these respects. Above all, he is sort of a person who is not only adventurous enough to take any risk but also patient enough to wait for the result. But I find myself too incapable to be a business man. While he excels being adventurous, I perform better being in my comfort zone. I can’t even imagine myself to be as pro-active or audacious as he is. So, it appears better for me to be an employee than to be an employer.

    Part 3 : 1. What kinds of jobs do young people not want to do in your country?

    Many jobs are increasingly found lacklustre unlike before. That which attracts young people are handsome pay, state-of-the-art office amenities and flexi shifts which are not always available with every types of jobs. The job of door-to-door marketing is the least popular with the young in my country as it involves a great deal of travelling besides knocking on the doors of reluctant customers. In addition, the jobs which have some set targets are also considered quite mediocre because it inflicts unwanted stress and strain on young people who don’t like to take as much risk as experienced ones. Being young as well as inexperienced, they always love sort of jobs that put them in their comfort zone.

    2. Is money always the most important thing when choosing a job?

    Well my experience so far suggests that nothing is as important as financial aspect when choosing a job. Even though there are factors like ambience, amenities, easy access, frequent promotions just to name a few, the amount of salary explicitly overrides all these. On the other hand, if there are any who overlook the money part when choosing a job, they could be either a minority or unprofessional. That’s why many jobseekers, during the time of interviews, shoot the queries like how much the salary could be and if they will be entitled to periodical appraisals in salary with additional perks and incentives. For example, the adverts nowadays for job interviews highlight all such money aspects lest they should lose talented workers.

    3. Do you agree that many people now a days are under pressure to work longer hours and take less holidays?

    Seemingly, they are because of job insecurity and negative feedback from supervisors. Nonetheless, their performances are evaluated weekly and they are immediately appraised of it. So, employees are forced to work too long to enjoy the work. Besides, the inclusion of additional monetary benefits like perks and incentives in addition to the salary is no less than an overtly sugarcoated trap to make employees work long hours and take less holidays. Hence, no jobs in today’s offices are taken permanent because they can be axed anytime on account of poor performance. As companies are apparently profit-oriented, the pressure put on their employees in no way bothers them. Despite the low productivity and health risks of working long hours, employees are treated as machinery. No matter if there is any strong labour rule protecting the workers’ interests, it is not applied as compulsory as needed.

    4. What is the impact on society of people having a poor work-life balance?

    Many studies evidently suggest that a poor work-life balance creates untold dire consequences by leaving employees’ health parameters in tatters. As it takes a heavy toll on the physical as well as mental health, they become quite prone to stress, anxiety and depression. It is better to understand that every employee is a part of a family and hence, of a society. The stress created by work-life imbalance throws not only a person but also the family or society out of gear. Despite knowing this, both governments and organisations are not bothered about it. As a consequence, the happiness as well as satisfaction of employees appears to be not as important as the gains and material development witnessed by organisations and nations.

    Hypothetical - imagined but not necessarily real; Contented- satisfied; Accorded - give someone recognition; Tangled - complicated and confused; Melodrama - a scene which exaggerates a small problem; Wet blanket - something which spoils others fun; Soap operas - TV or radio drama serials; As dull as dishwater - boring/tedious; Perseverance - determination; Lackluster - dull; Mediocre - average; Audacious - bold; Explicitly - clearly; Override - overthrow; Overtly - openly; Overlook - fail to consider; Perks - extra money or goods; Lest - for fear that; Tatters - badly damaged;

  • IELTS Speaking Test Tutorial 18
  • Part 1 :1. Are you happy to be the age you are now?

    Yes, I am because I enjoy more freedom at this age than before. As I have started earning for myself, I have my identity and attitude that make me different from my peers. Unlike few years back when I was completely dependent on my parents, I enjoy more say in the family matters. Moreover, I don’t need to wait for the permission from my elders. So, unlike before, I am in control of my life with more mobility and flexibility.

    2. When you were a child, did you think a lot about your future?

    To be frank, not much. Like every child, I was focussed on the immediate needs like getting toys as gift, playing with friends or buying some candies from a confectionery. I believe that I was too young to think about things to happen in my future. Apparently, no child takes any calculated move for the future. That’s why I think my farsight wouldn’t stretch longer than one week.

    3. Do you think you have changed as you have got older?

    Certainly, I have changed as I got older. I tremendously grew in stature as well as posture. Besides the physical growth, I became more matured over time. Both the playfulness and mischievousness have been taken over by seriousness that forces me to be as productive as possible. I admit that I am more time-conscious as well as image-conscious than what I was previously. Presumably, change happens involuntarily in us. No matter whether I am aware about it or not, the passage of time has changed me in every bit.

    4. What will be different about your life in the future?

    Even though how I am living today will somewhat remain the same in the future, I will apply analytical thought on what I will accomplish. As I am bit more cautious today than what I was 5 years ago, I will be more critical on the activities in my future. So predictably, I will be more committed and responsible to my family and my society. My today’s attitude to wait for things to happen will be changed by my being proactive.

    Part 2 : Cue Card Describe a time when you started using a new technological device [eg. Computer/Phone]

    You should say:

    what device you started using
    why you started using this device
    how easy or difficult it was to use
    and explain how helpful this device was to you?

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


    It was almost seven years ago when the cell phone market was being flooded with different brands with quite various features that I happened to use Samsung smartphone. Until then, I had been using the base version of cell phone with the features of making calls and sending text messages only. It was altogether too novel an experience to forget.

    I started using the smartphone because nearly half of the cell phone users had by then shifted to it. The base version of the phone had become so outdated that I couldn’t have thought of using it any further. Nonetheless, financial transactions, online shopping and communication had advanced to a greater level. If I hadn’t updated myself technologically, I would have been considered as a luddite.

    As smartphones are introduced with larger number of apps and facilities, it was not as easy to be used as it seemed outwardly. The dedicated keys were replaced by touch screen which took some time for me to be familiar with. The best thing was that it had many useful utility apps integrated in it that made this phone worth the money.

    How could a device with vast number of apps and utilities be a substandard one when it comes to usefulness ? Beyond any doubt, it was tremendously helpful in all respects. The inbuilt features like push-mail and net surfing replaced the need of a desktop computer or laptop. Despite being very small, this smart phone made my world bigger than it had been. The safety features like finger-print-scanning and password-lock protected my valuable personal details including credit and debit card and bank account details from getting hacked or misused. Besides, this device was like my personal identity by which I did money transfers and online shopping hassle-free. That said, it narrowed down the wider world onto my finger tips with round-the-clock access. The ease of communication, that this device brought in, was far better than any other technology.

    Part 3 : 1. What is the best age for children to start computer lessons?

    Being young is being receptive to ideas. So, computers can be introduced to children at the age 8 or 9. Even though they start their school education at the age of 5, it is at this stage they learn basic language and arithmetic skill. When they are at the age of 8, they should have already mastered the basics of a language. Now they can move their fingers across the keyboard fast enough. As their minds are not overfilled with too many stuffs except few basics of both language and mathematics, they can easily learn computer as a skill. On the contrary, if it is learnt at a later stage, it wouldn’t be as much easy. Nevertheless, they may not necessarily develop profound interest in it. That’s why I think the age 8 or 9 is the ideal time for children to start computer lessons.

    2. Do you think that schools should use more technology to help children learn?

    There was a time when students either kept their devices out or switched off while entering into classrooms. But now that both the school management and teachers have realised its importance in education, children are allowed to carry their smart phones or laptops into the classrooms. However, there are states where technology is not as much used as needs be. So, schools should compulsorily use more technology to enhance the learning so that children can be more innovative to develop their own ideas. As a result, they might be more creative. Just setting up a computer lab or a smart class isn’t enough to make them innovative and creative; introducing more technology like virtual classrooms, online learning, browsing for various academic information on internet should be made part of the education. Such exposure will make them more motivated than otherwise. Hence, learning will become a fun not a stress.

    3. Do you agree that computers will replace teachers one day?

    Teaching has always been a human activity and not a machine one. The topic if computers will replace teachers one day pops up quite often in our discussions. However, let’s not forget about the vast and extensive roles of a teacher in the education. Computers can present the stuffs as programmed but cannot make any contribution of its own. Teachers are known to be empathetic and compassionate enough to treat students as their own children. So, they can give additional attention to weak students in addition to suggesting measures to the problems the latter struggle from. A teacher employs many attributes in the class like elicitation and appreciation that make the classroom more vibrant. Computers can never do these as they show only pre-programmed items as it is no matter whether students understand it or not. On the other hand, a teacher will ensure it. That is the beauty of the presence of a teacher in a class. Therefore, I can say that as long as classrooms are there, teachers cannot be replaced by computers.

    4. How much has technology improved how we communicate with each other?

    The less the development of technology, the weaker the communication is. There was a time people communicated only by letters. However, today technology has made it possible to communicate with anybody anywhere undermining the geographical distance and differences. So, it has enormously improved the way we converse. Thanks to the introduction of email and social applications like Facebook and Whatsapp that fasten the communication with people who are apart and distant from one another. As a result, the relationship is strengthened like never before. It is the same technology that has united the different countries into a global community. Arguably, technology has eroded the warm touch that we have in the face to face communication. However, the very same technology has made the way we talk so friendly.

    5. Could you suggest some reasons why some people are deciding to reduce their use of technology?

    Most probably because the more they use technology in communication, the less sincere it turns out to be. This is a dark side of the influence of technology in relationship. It is powerful enough to redefine how people interact one another. Arguably, the change brought about by this is too destructive to make any healthy relationship. Nevertheless, some users tend to be addicted to it. It causes unwanted stress and strain and thereby consequential depression. As many studies evidently prove so, people are left with no other choice than reducing the use of technology. Nonetheless, the quality time that is supposed to be spent with family is being spent on technology. Therefore, people are deciding to reduce their use of technology.

    Confectionery - place whare sweets or chocolates are made; Farsight - look into future; Novel - interestingly new; Luddite - one who is opposed to new technology; Elicit - bring out, induce;

  • IELTS Speaking Test Tutorial 19
  • Part 1 :1. When you go for shopping, do you pay in cash or by card?

    I pay by card that is safer to carry than money. While paying by card, many shops and banks offer bonus points which can be availed at the next purchasing. When I don’t have cash in wallet, I have noticed that I don’t spend as much. The use of cards would remind me to be as frugal as possible by shopping for necessities only. However, it may not be the case of others.

    2. Do you ever save money to buy special things?

    Yes I do, especially for buying electronic gadgets like smartphones. Being a technophile, I am passionate about having a feel of the latest entrants in the electronic market. Every leading smartphone manufacturers apparently keep innovating their existing products and introduce it in the market with more refined features. Once either a new or an updated model of a smart phone is about to be introduced, I start saving more by reducing unwanted expenses.

    3. Did you ever take a job which had low pay?

    Yes I did. My first job salary was far less than what one could guess because the company considered me as a novice in the industry. As I was selected from the campus interview, I was treated only as a fresher despite my academic brilliance. However, I had to settle on that low pay because I was a job hunter like many. To be frank, what I really wanted was to get into a job and gain industrial exposure for the future.

    4. Would winning a lot of money make a big difference to your life?

    It would definitely make a big difference in my life as it gives me a licence to go for any item which may be priced too exorbitantly for others to think of. Admittedly, we live in a rather materialistic world, where being in the possession of costliest objects will make me more accepted by my fellow beings. No doubt, winning a lot of money would give me more flexibility as well as mobility than otherwise.

    Part 2 : Cue Card Describe an interesting discussion you had as part of your work or studies

    You should say:

    what the subject of the discussion was
    who you discussed the subject with
    what opinions were expressed
    and explain why you found the discussion interesting

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


    It was as part of my studies that I had an interesting discussion. I was in 12th standard then. As the first two terms had been completed, we were heading to the most important annual examination. My performance in the first two terms impressed neither my parents nor my teachers. As had been asked by my parents, I did a discussion with my class teacher about the problems and difficulties that I was facing in my learning process. My intention was to get some remedial measures to my problems from her. I couldn’t choose anybody other than my class teacher. She was more approachable than many other teachers at my school. I told her that I found it too tough to give as much focus to English and Maths as to other subjects. What impressed me the most was that she was all ears until I finished talking about my concerns. To my surprise, she convinced me about what I should do as remedies with funny stories and experience from her own life.

    The discussion was interesting because the time I spent with her was not as much serious as I had thought. I was made to feel at home by her friendly approach. She suggested solutions to my problems by remaining smiling throughout. She was more of a mentor and guide than a teacher. What could be more interesting than a discussion turning out to be a casual chatting? As a matter of fact, all credit goes to the teacher who was empathetic to my problems. That’s why I found this discussion very interesting.

    Part 3 : 1. Why is it good to discuss problems with other people?

    Every problem needs a solution. No matter what problem one struggles from, once it is shared, it opens up a way for venting out the gravity of the issue. Unless it is revealed, the stress created by the problem could aggravate unbearably. The man who discusses his problem with other people receives more constructive keys to solve it than when he doesn’t. This is why people maintain social groups and widen their social network of friends. A problem discussed is a problem half-solved. In one way, everyman’s life is a bundle of problems that, if not discussed, will erupt like volcano. Consequently, the man, whose problem is undisclosed and unresolved, might resort to the extent to which he would make his life at stake. That said, it is beyond any doubt that it is always good to discuss problems with other people.

    2. Do you think it is better to talk to friends and not family about problems?

    No, I don’t, but I think the other way. Those who stand up for us in hard times are the ones who don’t put us down. However, the question here is if friends can be more trusted than family. Even though it differs from person to person, my experience always goes with family members who stand with us through thick and thin. So, it is better to talk to them about problems. What is important with regards to discussing one’s personal problems? Of course, it has to be kept as a confidential matter besides suggesting solutions. As we can make and choose friends, they may not necessarily stand with us when needed. On the contrary, as family is not chosen, it is more permanent than friends. In many countries like India, a problem of a family member is a problem of the family as a whole. Therefore, it is better to talk to family and not to friends about problems.

    3. Which communication skills are most important when taking part in meeting with colleagues?

    Meetings are not uncommon in work places. As the number of employees increases, so do the meetings. Being objective in meetings is tremendously important because it is conducted in a time bound manner. If we are not attentive in the meeting, it will cost a huge time and the colleagues would not be satisfied with us. Besides, an open interaction is needed to accept any suggestions that come up in the meeting. To listen to other colleagues in a meeting is as important as to speak up. That means, one has to be accommodative enough to accept different ideas and opinions that may be contrary to one’s perception.

    4. What are the possible effects of poor written communication skill at work?

    The clearer the written communication is, the more legibly its intention is understood. At the same time, it could prove very destructive if the writing is ambiguous. A well written communication involves careful choice of words, accurate grammar with spellings and punctuation and right usage of cohesive devices as to make the whole text coherent. As the size of work force increases, so does the importance of effective written communication. If the writing is too poor to comprehend, it will adversely affect the workings of the company. As every piece of written communication, be it an email, a text or chat, has a purpose and message. If the structure is weak, the communication wouldn’t serve the purpose and consequently, will hamper the transition of the company to the next stage.

    Undermine - reduce; Technophile - a person who is enthusiastic about new technology; Exorbitant - unreasonably high; Wallet - purse; Mentor - an experienced and trusted adviser; Vent - give a free expression to a strong feeling; Aggravate - increase; At stake - at risk; Preposterous - foolish; Ambiguous - unclear/vague; Coherent - logical; Thick and thin - up and down; Cohesive - words or phrases to link sentences;

  • IELTS Speaking Test Tutorial 20
  • Part 1 :1. Are there many animals or birds where you live?

    Even though I live in town, we can see many birds but not as many as what is seen in villages. My house is well surrounded by some abandoned plots with many trees and plants in it, where different species of birds can be seen. However, we cannot see any animals except dogs and cats. Despite being in the town, the areas adjacent to my house are overgrown with trees like banyan with huge number of birds nesting in it.

    2. How often do you watch programs or read articles about wild animals?

    To say the truth, very rarely because I am not keen on such programs or articles. Inspite of the fact that I like the presence of birds, they are not my area of interest. So I don’t bother if there is anything related to it on TV or in dailies. However, when I scroll through different channels, if I come across any such programs worth watching, I go for it. But, I don’t read any articles on birds even if I see it in print media.

    3. Have you ever been to a zoo or a wild life park?

    Yes, I have been to a zoo couple of times. It is a wonderful feeling to see animals in a close range. Like every one, I would also like to see these animals that I have seen only on TV programs and school textbooks. Besides, the beauty of visiting a zoo is that you get to see various species of animals in the same place which otherwise wouldn’t happen in a lifetime.

    4. Would you like to have a job working with animals?

    To be straight forward, I don’t like a job working with animals. That has never been in my wildest dreams. Even if I settle on such a job for the sake of an income, I wouldn’t enjoy it. I know there are people who are passionate about it but I am not. Nevertheless, to be with animals, you need a different mindset as they live in an entirely different atmosphere from ours. So, I am sure that such job will add up to my stress and problems.

    Part 2 : Cue Card Describe a website you use that helps you a lot in your work or studies

    You should say:

    what the website is
    how often you use the website
    what information the website gives you
    and explain how your work or studies would change if this website didn’t exist

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


    Despite the fact that there are a countless number of websites that help us a great deal in our work and studies, a few stand out as more useful. The one such website is that covers anything worthy from the earth to the galaxy.

    I browse this website often because I come across many topics that need detailed understanding and clarity. Being a marketing executive, I have to meet many people who have to be convinced to buy the products. As I have to meet the targets set up by my employer, the work is not as simple as many other jobs. Being knowledgeable about various aspects of not only the product but also its related stuffs gives me an edge in selling it. Unlike most other websites, that are dedicated for particular subjects, does not restrict its interests to any category. However, I scroll through only the contents which suit my purpose. It is to be noted that everybody can find any search items on this website. Being a marketing executive, it is important for me to keep myself motivated. For that, I need to go through the stories and experiences of people who rose to fame by doing similar jobs.

    If this website didn’t exist, I wouldn’t continue in this profession that throws more stress and strain than I can handle. Nevertheless, my employer would have axed me from my job if I hadn’t met the targets. This website is so rich in information that made me approach my job optimistically. If this website were not there, I wouldn’t know about the strategies of marketing and the skills that distinguish me from my fellow executives. Therefore, I can say that this website has made me a cut above the rest.

    Part 3 : 1. Why do some people find the internet addictive?

    Evidently, the internet is as addictive as drugs. Various factors like getting the information that they search for or receiving a message from their acquaintance acts as stimulants for people to be online longer time. As the gadgets like smart phones and tablets are seemingly on the rise, so does the number of people getting addicted to the internet. Interestingly, the internet junkies cite various reasons for being online routinely. As a defense to the accusation of being addicted, they stress that they need to be online for work, for socializing with loved ones or for entertainment. Admittedly, internet serves all the purposes. Moreover, it is like a friend or guide who is ready round the clock with solutions to any problems besides promising permanent relief from boredom. For all these reasons, internet has become more addictive.

    2. What would the world be like without the internet?

    If there were no internet, people would still cuddle with books for both entertainment and information. The news and events from different parts of the world wouldn’t be combined and available at our fingertips. Presumably, the realization of a global society would be too far to achieve, and every societies would appear as isolated as islands from one another with development pushed far behind. Truly, the growth of the modern society to this level owes a great deal to the internet that has made the farthest continents look like close neighbourhood. As a result, no technology is foreign and strange for us. Today, the problems of people in a region are noticed at once internationally and so is the solution. A case to remember here is the international community’s help to poor African countries like Uganda and Somalia for the poverty eradication. So, in the absence of internet, the world would seem as slow and dull.

    3. What are the ways that social media can be used for positive purposes?

    The social media has undergone a great deal of change in terms of its purposes and uses ever since it was introduced. However, to make most of it, it should be used for widening the socialization by which the number of friends, who could be very helpful in need, can be increased. As the reach of social media today is wider than it was in its initial days, more multinational friends can be added to the list. Unlike in the past, people nowadays are living in ultra nuclear families that are scattered in different regions. In order to retain the familial bondings that otherwise could be lost, social media like Facebook and Whatsapp can be effectively used. Last but not the least, it is popular for being a platform for developing career prospects because many professionals can be seen sharing job openings and tips on social media.

    4. Why do some people post highly negative comments about other people on social media?

    Those who post negative comments about other people on social media are either frustrated with their lives or cynical about the developments of others. In either case, they are seemingly not encouraging. The development of social media has also exposed the fault-finders as well as naysayers among us who vent their frustration by commenting negatively about others’ lives. In other words, it shows the traditional pessimistic attitude of people who always peep into others’ lives. They are sort of people who have not much to do and hence use their free time to tarnish other people. Interestingly, social media give an anonymous identity that in turn makes them courageous enough to post any derogatory remarks. In short, those who lack self-respect cannot be expected to respect others. to the next stage.

    Hamper - obstruct; Give an edge - give an advantage; A cut above the rest - better than other things; Axe - remove; Cuddle - hold close in one’s arms; Junkie - one who enjoys a particular activity for a long time;

  • IELTS Speaking Test Tutorial 21
  • Part 1 :1. What is your favourite meal?

    My favourite meal is breakfast that is rightly called as brainfood as we starve over night for nearly 12 hours after dinner. So, I take a balanced diet for breakfast. The other meals like lunch and dinner are not as important for me as breakfast because I go for both the meals at an interval of 5 hours. Moreover, I prefer to eat lunch as well as dinner lighter than breakfast. That’s why I consider breakfast as my favourite meal in a day.

    2. How important is it to have 3 meals a day?

    To supply our body with all essentials like vitamins, proteins and minerals, three meals a day is very much important. Even though we are not working, while awake, our body needs more energy than we are asleep. So, skipping a meal will cause its substantial change in the energy level in our body. If we don’t take three meals a day, we wouldn’t be healthy enough to carry out the tasks we usually do. As a consequence, we would be down with fatigue.

    3. Who, do you think, enjoys cooking: the older or the younger?

    It seems that older people enjoy cooking better than their counterparts. To enjoy cooking, one has to be patient besides being observant on how new dishes are prepared. As older people have more free time than the younger, they may consider cooking as an art. On the other hand, younger people are too hasty to spend enough time on cooking. So, they wouldn’t enjoy cooking as much as older people.

    4. Do you think more people will eat more microwaved meals in the future?

    I believe that there is a chance for that because people are expected to be busier in the future than today. So, they might resort to short cuts even in cooking. To microwave meals, one doesn’t need as much skill and time as with traditional cooking that is laborious. Due to hectic schedule in the future, they will knowingly settle on microwaved foods. Despite its ill effects, they wouldn’t bother to try to cook meals traditionally.

    Part 2 : Cue Card Talk about a wedding you have been to

    You should say:

    where it was
    when it was
    who you met there
    and explain why this wedding was important to you

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


    Marriages in my country are as popular as festivals with colours, sounds, attractive costumes and yummy dishes. It marks the most important phase in a girl’s or boy’s life. Even though marriage is a contract between bride and groom, it is important to their family members as well. The marriage I attended was of my cousin who was also my school mate. It took place at the most luxurious convention centre in the town which had state-of-the-art facilities. It was in 2010 that the marriage happened.

    It was very important to me because it was the marriage of my cousin and longtime friend. He was getting married to his girl friend with whom, he had been in love for many years. On the occasion of that marriage, I could meet many relatives who were settled in different regions. In addition, it was a platform for me to meet many of my old acquaintances. It looked like the renewal of friendship and relationship.

    As it was the last wedding in our family, my grand parents wished to see it happen before they die. Seeing their last wish fulfilled made me joyous. Besides, I involved in the preparation of the marriage from the day one when they had decided to get married. We all family members had thought of making this event as the most talked-about in our locality. Everything happened the way we wanted. So, it was as important to me as it was to both the bride and the groom. It has been very long now since that wedding. However, my memory is so fresh about every aspects of it. The way we celebrated it with colourful decorations, festive mood and scrumptious food is still the talk of the town.

    Part 3 : 1. What is the best age for a person to get married?

    Even though the constitution in my country has fixed 18 for girls and 21 for boys as the age to get married, I think 28 is the ideal age to get into marital life. What matters the most is the maturity that decides how the later life could be. When a person is 28, he/ she is expected to be financially stable and hence, self reliant. Financial freedom makes life more enjoyable. On the other hand, if one enters into marriage at a young age, he may not approach his life as serious as a matured person. When there are squabbles over trivial issues, it could spill out of the control of both the partners; and hence may turn into unresolvable fight. Presumably, immaturity makes things worse. While at 28, couples could anticipate what could cause discordance in a family and as a result, they can be proactive to avoid any such problems.

    2. The role of men and women are changing. How has this impacted on how people view marriage in your culture?

    The present society has so unpredictably advanced in all respects that both the genders have witnessed a huge change in their roles. Seemingly, the traditional concept of marriage has been impacted very much by this change. The male chauvinism has been replaced by equality. Unlike in the past, women today are self reliant. Resultantly, they are not dependent on their partners for their needs. So, it has been realised that the submissiveness of wife and dominance of husband are no longer valid in today’s marriage. Marriage today is viewed not as a contract but as the union of two true minds. So, live-in relationship is widely preferred to the traditional marriage so as to establish the identity and liberty of both the partners.

    3. Many marriages take place with contracts that are agreed on before. Is this a practical attitude towards marriage?

    It is a fact that many modern marriages come about with some conditions agreed on before marriage. I find it quite unrealistic and impractical. It is admitted that marriage follows some pre-set conditions. However, how many of these are viable after marriage? If any of the conditions is not met, the marriage is highly likely to end up in break-up. Things are not expected to be the same after marriage. What materialises a marriage is not pre-decided contract but how both bride and groom complement each other with regards to attitude and aptitude. The wedlock is more lasting provided both the parties involved in it empathetically understand each other. For example, many celebrity marriages in India have abruptly failed for the nonrealisation of the contracts agreed on before marriage.

    Cynical - negative; Naysayer - a person who opposes something; Derogatory - showing a disrespectful attitude; Counterpart - equal, fellow; Sumptuous - splendid; Squabble - a noisy quarrel; Anticipate - expect or predict; Discordance - lack of agreement; Male chauvinism - the belief that men are superior;

  • IELTS Speaking Test Tutorial 22
  • Part 1 :1. Are there lot of sports centres where you live?

    The place, where I live, can be seen with many sports centres. For each sport, there is a dedicated centre. When football and cricket practices are done in two different centres, there is a sports complex that has separate areas for athletic activities and indoor games beside a swimming pool. These centres are not too far from my house.

    2. Is it important to have sports centers near where people live?

    If there are sports centres near where people live, it will motivate them to engage in sports activities. So, more people can be expected to utilize it. The proximity of such centres will encourage parents to send their children there. It is a safe place for them to play with friends. In other words, sports centres make people to be health-conscious. However, if it is located too far, not many people would engage in these activities.

    3. Do you often stay in hotels?

    Yes, I often stay in hotels because my job demands travelling from place to place. So, there is no other option for me to stay than in hotels. My state has a strong presence of different categories of hotels ranging from budget to five star. I always prefer to stay in budget hotels which offer a competent and affordable tariff. Even though there are many lodges that offer rooms at comparatively low price, they are not as hygenic as hotels.

    4. Which would you prefer - local or international hotel?

    I would prefer local hotels to international ones. As I am a salaried person, I cannot afford to stay in international hotels. Obviously, it is too expensive for me. Even though I choose local hotels, it doesn’t mean that the hygiene is compromised. I would be happier if the local hotels ensure the qualities like cleanliness. Then, I can enjoy the stay in it without any issues.

    Part 2 : Cue Card Talk about some one you know who takes good photos

    You should say:

    who he/she is
    what he/she takes photos of
    what he/she does with the photos
    and explain why you think he/she is good photographer

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


    A good photo has a story to tell leaving the people adoring its beauty and imagining about it in their own perspectives. Even though I have come across many who painstakingly capture images appealing to human aesthetic sensibilities, I respect Mr. Kim the most for consistently creating amazing photos. I am proud of him as he is one of my bosom friends.

    As a photographer, he cannot be classified into any category as he is keen on photographing anything he chances upon that has some freshness and uniqueness to offer. He is good at snapping not only natural images but also human expressions and events.

    As he is an acclaimed photographer, many of his photos are published in print media like newspaper and magazine. He is also active on social media where he posts his clicks. As his social page has many followers, almost all his photos receive huge appreciation and acceptance.

    I consider him a gem-like photographer because he hardly forgets to mix all fine qualities of an outstanding photographer when he opens the shutter of his camera. The photographs he has taken reveal compelling compositions like the symmetry, depth and framing of photography. What makes him quite different is his keen observation on human expressions and emotions. His photos of people have stories to tell because he is too modern a photographer to capture the people with placid expressions. As a result, his photos look quite engaging for viewers. Besides, many of his photos leave a space for viewers to fill it up with their own imagination. If a man can make a viewer as a party to the photos he takes, he can be described as an impeccable photographer. That’s what makes him a truly amazing photographer.

    Part 3 : 1. Do you think people today take more photos than they used to?

    Yes they do. Thanks to the introduction of smart phones with the provisions for selfie and rear cameras. Now that it is too difficult to find anybody without a camera phone, taking photos is increasingly becoming more common than in the past. One of the reasons is that modern people tend to travel more than those in the past and as a result, they chance upon many instances that are mesmerising enough to be snapped. As the camera technology has changed a great deal, one doesn’t need to be a trained photographer to take photos. User-friendly smart phone cameras allow even a beginner to take photos the way he wants. Unlike in the past, people today are more outgoing and socialising and so, more events are hosted with friends and relatives. Hardly does anybody abstain from taking photos at these occasions. What more, photos are posted online and for that, the photographers are appreciated.

    2. Do you think people should take lessons to learn how to take professional photos?

    Apparently, training doesn’t create a genius but the fact to remember here is that not everybody is genius. To be a professional photographer, the training will be an added advantage. When he takes the control of his camera, he should know the basics of photography like lighting, exposure, angles etc. The professional photos evidently differ from the amateurish ones in terms of every aspects. However, taking a professional photo might not look as serious to a man who approaches it very lightly. In other words, a photo can be called as an outstanding one if it is detailing as well as aesthetically appealing enough. For that, the knowledge about technology, theory, tools and software is more essential. Therefore, people should take lessons to learn how to take professional photos to make it perfect with all ingredients of finest photography.

    3. What are some of the differences between a written news story and a news story with photos?

    Today, how news stories are presented has changed a great deal. We have witnessed transition of media from the texts to the texts with photos. The intention of publishing news story is not only to tell the truth but also to attract readers to the page. The newspaper filled up with blocks of texts is not as impressive in today’s perspective. On the contrary, the news story with photos grab the attention of readers. It’s better to quote the famous adage; ‘An image speaks more words than a written text’. Besides brightening up the page, news with image conveys the message faster than a block of text. Obviously, readers today are busier than before and hence skim through the text for relevant information. As they can’t afford spending too much time reading the text, images will connect them faster.

    4. Has journalism changed since photos can be sent immediately from one side of the world to the other within minutes?

    Obviously, technology has changed the way how journalism works. Now that photos can be sent from one end to other end of the world instantaneously, journalism has gained more speed in reporting than before. As text news attached with images in it is more popular with readers, journalism gets more mileage. As an industry, journalism also has a balance sheet of profit and loss. So, the technology of sending photos in a lightening speed has saved the print media journalism in a race to visual media. On the other hand, any photo that is posted on the internet can be seen simultaneously. If media is too late to publish it along with the news item, journalism will definitely lose its importance. That being said, the option of sending and receiving photos at once has changed the face of journalism very constructively.

    Viable - practical; Wedlock - marriage; Proximity - closeness/nearnesse; Placid - calm, peaceful; Impeccable - faultless; Amateurish - done in an unskillful way; Placid - calm/peaceful;

  • IELTS Speaking Test Tutorial 23
  • Part 1 :1. What do you like to wear when you are at home?

    When I am at home, I make myself more comfortable in shorts and T-shirt. I make sure both are made of cotton. If there are any guests to arrive, I wear trousers and shirt. As the area I live in is rather hot, I choose loose clothes that are more convenient and comfortable for me. However, during winter, I don’t mind going for trousers and shirt.

    2. What do people in your country like to wear to parties?

    What people choose to wear to parties vary widely from person to person. Casual party wears are more common in my country. Huge varieties are available. While men mostly wear colourful and attractive clothes like full trousers, pyjamas, shirts and T-shirts,women go for costly sizzling sarees. Some even prefer to wear shift dress and body- con dress. When they go to parties, everybody wants to steal the show. For which, many choose modern and trendy clothes.

    3. Is it important to be polite in your country?

    Politeness is considered an essential part of the etiquettes in my country. Whenever we come in contact with other people, we are supposed to be polite as much as possible. A man who is polite is considered as gentle. On the other hand, if a person behaves rudely, he is treated as impolite, for which he is likely to receive a lot of criticism. Arrogance and rudeness, that are opposite to politeness, are not accepted in my country. The culture in my country is rooted in respecting and accepting others.

    4. Who between older and younger people are more polite?

    Obviously, the older ones are more polite than the younger ones. As older people have undergone more problems and miseries and success and failures, they tend to be more polite. As you grow, your actions and words are well measured and they don’t stem from impulse. However, the case of younger ones is different as they are inexperienced and impulsive. So, their actions are influenced by their immaturity and lack of respect to others. Consequently, they tend to be less polite than older people.

    Part 2 : Cue Card Talk about a decision you made that was difficult

    You should talk about :

    what it was
    when you made it
    why it was difficult
    and explain how it has changed your life.

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


    The more the problems and uncertainties in life, the more the decisions one has to make. Like anybody, I also have taken many difficult decisions. One such decision I remember was whether to go for post graduation or to hunt for a job upon completing my graduation. I was forced to choose either one. I asked for the opinion of my family members. They all said that I should search for a job. However, I was not satisfied with their suggestion. So, I had to make up my mind for the sake of my future and it was a tough call for me. I went ahead with the decision of studying further. However, it was too difficult for me to convince my family members about my choice. It was a testing time for me as my parents insisted on their choice. Interestingly, the children in my country are traditionally expected to accept the decision of their parents.

    I believed that strong academic qualifications would certainly pay the dividends. As far as a job hunter is concerned, the qualification of post graduation gives a cutting edge in the industry. As I had believed, following the completion of my P.G., I was selected to a multi-national company as a software developer. My decision changed my life in all aspects. To be financially stable gives more freedom and flexibility. That is what a job does for us. To become an independent individual with an identity of a professional is no mean an achievement in my society. Had I continued with the decision of my parents, I wouldn’t have been where I am today.

    Part 3 : 1. What are some decisions that most people need to make these days?

    Making decisions becomes compulsory when we are faced with more choices or dilemmas. Most people take decisions at the early stage of life on what subjects they should choose for their studies. This is as serious as any decisions they may take in their later lives because it is supposed to be very instrumental in their careers. The next important decision they take is which company they should work with. For this, they research on the internet and gather opinions of their family members and friends. In most peoples’ lives, marriage marks an abrupt change in roles that they have been following for long. When to marry as well as whom to marry is not as easy a decision as it seems to be. So, a huge amount of time is taken as to reach a conclusion on the same. It clearly speaks that marriage is the most monumental decision in one’s life.

    2. Who, do you think, usually gives best advice in your culture?

    Obviously, the elders are the suitable ones who give the best advice in my culture. Given the vast experience that the elderly have, nobody can match their wisdom. The advice that comes from wise people is the best one that we can ever get in our lives. It is admitted that, to be wise enough, one doesn’t need to be older. However, in my culture, it has been a tradition long followed to take advice from the elderly. The educated also give advice that comes from their knowledge and education. However, they can’t be expected to be as observant and analytical as the elderly. So, when it comes to giving advice, age is not a mere number but a matter to be considered. Hence, the elderly are considered the fittest people to give best advice. For example, many tribal communities in India still consider the eldest as their leader whose advice is treated as the most practical.

    3. What are the important things that a teenager make decisions about?

    With the passage of time, the magnitude of the problems of teens is amplified. So, they make more different decisions than the previous generation. As they are living in a technology driven world, they decide on which electronic gadgets they should go for because they are highly appreciated and respected by their peers for the type of gadgets they use. In addition, they are exposed to the outer world that is fresh and new to them. Another important decision they take is on the selection of friends. For that, they are too hesitant to take any advice from their parents. Despite being inexperienced, they consider themselves as the master of their world. They also make decisions on their academic life as to what to study and where to study.

    4. How does your age make a difference to the way you approach decision making?

    Wisdom comes with age that makes a huge difference in my decisions. The older you are, the more experienced you tend to be. In that sense, I become more matured with time. So, I approach the decision making very practically by carefully analysing its consequences. On the contrary, when I was young, I was too impulsive to apply any practical approach in my decisions. As a consequence, many of my decisions went wrong. Now I understand that age is a big factor to take decisions rationally. Obviously, in the future, I may go for more rational decisions than today. At this age, I think about more of the negative consequences than of the positive outcomes before taking a decision. So, my age makes a huge difference in my approach to decision making.

    Adage - proverb; Instantaneously - instantly; Etiquette - good manners; Impulsive - done suddenly without planning; Stem - Originate/be caused by; Pay the dividend - cause good results in the future; Monumental - important;

  • IELTS Speaking Test Tutorial 24
  • Part 1 :1. Are there a lot of computer shops where you live?

    Computers have increasingly become a necessity in modern life so that many computer shops can be seen where I live. Now that it is indispensable not only for carrying out work but also for communicating with friends and family, it is too difficult to find any household without a computer. Due to this, computers are sold like hotcakes. That is why my place has a strong presence of computer shops.

    2. Do you think people spend too much time using computers in your country?

    Computers are used for multi purposes. No other gadget has as much use as computers. People spend too much time using computers as to interact with near and dear ones, to carry out financial transactions, to access the world of information and to know about what happens around the globe. Now it is too impossible to see the world without computers. It is even said that a computer illiterate would struggle to survive in this world. Therefore, it is unsurprising why too much time is spent on computers.

    3. Do you enjoy spending time with children?

    Children are mischievous as well as innocent. When I spend time with them, I live in innocence as I did in my childhood. They show such affection that the grown-ups can’t. Being with children helps me to relive in the past. I learned to be patient only from children who have the licence to show what they feel to any extent. When I am down with any blues and woes, my feelings are eased when I play with children.

    4. Do you think cities are a good place to bring up children?

    Undoubtedly, cities are the most happening places with a lot of infrastructure, and facilities. If children are brought up in cities, they will learn how to be competent in the future. Unarguably, future will be a time of cut-throat competition. In cities, people are too busy to spend their time idly. On the other hand, village is a cool place where people are not as objective and so, life is spent leisurely.

    Part 2 : Cue Card Talk about someone you met who was interesting?

    You should talk about :

    where he/she was
    who he/she was
    what you did together
    and explain why you think this person was interesting

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


    I am always surrounded by many interesting persons who share great ideas and valuable experience. Of many interesting people I have come across, the one who crosses my mind is Mr. Johny who is a writer, curator and critic. When I met him first, he was relocating to my home town from Delhi. By the time he shifted to my town, he had already been an acclaimed curator and critic.

    We grew thick friends after a few days of meeting. We would go over a coffee in the evenings and more often than not, we would roam around the town. We both loved to go for drive in the rain.

    He was quite interesting because he had a special magnetism that made him quite unique and outstanding. Besides his regular jobs, he had explored many places, of which he was loquacious. Unlike many of my friends, he never spun me a yarn because that which he spoke was from his experience only. I was all ears when he was sharing his thoughts. Interestingly, like me, he didn’t like to follow the bandwagon either as he was passionate about trying new things. Unlike many people whom I have come across, he didn’t hide his quirks as he would speak out his feelings. Even if it was strange to others, he wouldn’t mind. Besides, he radiated a special energy in our groups that made him truely atractive. He had an extensive knowledge on various political and economical issues that the country was facing. That being said, for the impression he left on me and the vast experience he shared, he was really interesting.

    Part 3 : 1. Where do teenagers and young adults usually meet their friends in your country?

    Unlike those in the past, today’s teenagers and young adults are blessed with many places to meet their friends. Coffee shops are the most favourite centres for them to meet their friends. When they go over a coffee, they chit-chat with their friends about trivial to personal issues. Seemingly, it is a happening place for young adults. Besides, meeting at parks is not less common. It is an open place with many shady trees. As it is located in the centre of the towns, it is quite accessible. So, it is as popular a meeting place for them as coffee shops. Besides college libraries and canteens, they gather at cinemas and beaches that have been usual meeting points for decades now.

    2. How has internet changed the relationships of people with each other?

    Two schools of thought exist. While one school of thought says that the internet has changed relationships very constructively, the other says it has deteriorated the relationship; but either way it is right. On the one hand, the internet has been instrumental in broadening as well as strengthening relationships because it connects people one another. In addition, the internet undermines the geographical distances and differences and hence brings the people into a unit. Relationship is stronger when people are within call. On the other hand, it has destroyed relationships beyond repair as it makes the relationships artificial. Face to face interaction has been taken over by online communication making people feel less warmth and affection. As the internet is addictive, they don’t find enough time to be with the near and dear ones. Now, people are net-savvy but not sociable. As a consequence, human relationships have been made weaker and more vulnerable.

    3. Increasing number of people today are forming relationships on social network sites.Why is it so?

    Today, the world including its remotest areas enjoys unlimited access to the internet that has created a shift in the way people make relationships. With the introduction of smartphones, people are more connected to friends. As the use of social network sites is part of routine, new relationships are being formed. Most social network sites give privacy to the data shared. Man has always been fond of socialising. Interestingly, people, who are away, appear to be more mysteriously attractive than those who are near. Man has a strong inclination to be familiar with unfamiliar people. This is what leads to forming more relationships on the social network sites like twitter, instagram and whatsapp. Moreover, it seems to be easier to make friendship because thoughts and aptitude can be shared and matched easily. What more, social networking sites provide users with the options of sending friend request to as many people as they want.

    4. It is often said that we live in a global village. How true is this really?

    It is true in every sense. Like never before, different countries have been brought together as a single unit. Thanks to the technology like internet that connects us to the world. The proof of living in a global village is that every local problem is noticed internationally. Today, a problem in a society is not only a problem of that society but also a problem of the global society. Today’s information and communication technology is so widespread that every village is interconnected. For example, before 1900, Africa was addressed the dark continent because the world didn’t know much about this region. However, today even the Eskimos are part of this global village. With the help of internet, every countries including its tribal communities are part of a family. The formation of UNO was the greatest effort with which we were made into a global village.

    Rationally - by logical means; Magnitude - size/extent; Amplify - increase/expand; Woes - Sadness/worries; Loquacious - talkative; Spin a yarn- tell a story that is not true; Quirks - a particular aspect of a person’s character; Bona fide - genuine;

  • IELTS Speaking Test Tutorial 25
  • Part 1 :1. How do you usually spend your weekends?

    As weekends are customary holidays for me, I am so particular to spend my quality time with my parents who are too aged. I have a dawn to dusk schedule weekdays at my office. So, I hardly get any time to spend for them during these days. I know how badly they miss me when I am at office. Interestingly, they are happier on weekends because we go to the cinemas and beaches and dine out at restaurants. To be honest, I feel that life has a meaning and purpose only when I am with my parents.

    2. What is your favourite part of weekend?

    Mornings during weekends are my favourite part because this is when I feel more relaxed as I don’t need to hurry up to office just telling my parents ‘see you in the evening’. They hate this phrase. So do I. While on hectic duty, more often than not, I crave to be idle without having anything to do at least for a while. Morning on weekends are always a pleasure by sipping a cup of coffee and engaging in casual little chat with my parents at leisure.

    3. Do you think weekends are long enough?

    I don’t think so because I got to do many things on weekends. Even though it seems I have no work at hand on weekends, my plate is fuller on weekends than on weekdays. This is the time I get to socialise with my neighbours as well as my friends whom I don’t happen to see on weekdays. In addition, I have to wash my clothes and clean the room. As my weekends are jampacked, I find it not long enough.

    4. How important, do you think, is it to have free time at the weekends?

    What makes a difference between weekdays and weekends is nothing but the freetime. This free time creates free space which I fill with any sort of activities that I find worthy enough. While official tasks are done on weekdays, weekends are meant for satisfying personal matters. For which, free time is very important. If there is no free time, seven days a week may look identical. Therefore, to refresh, to motivate and to be more productive in work, free time on weekends is quite mandatory.

    Part 2 : Cue Card Describe some one you know who does something well

    You should talk about :

    who this person is
    how you know this person
    what they do well
    and explain why you think this person is good at doing this?

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


    To perform a job faultlessly is not as easy as it seems because a great deal of knowledge and skill application is needed. To be frank, I haven’t come across many who do their jobs well. However, of a few who can be considered as perfect doers of jobs, Mr. Ajith, who is a doctor and painter, crosses my mind.

    Not long ago did I happen to meet this person. If I have to trust my memory, it was during a casual chit-chat over a coffee that I happened to acquaint with this guy who was loquaciously speaking on modern arts and medicine. I listened to his explanation as spellbound as others.

    He can rightly be called as a polymath whose interests stretch from medicine to arts to politics to economics. Despite his various passions, he is known as a doctor for his professionalism, work ethics, confidence and humility. Unlike other doctors, he uses his scientific expertise perfectly to diagnose and treat diseases. Very few doctors are as trusted as him in my town because he is said to be a cohesive person with a panacea for most ailments. However, if I portray him only as a doctor, it wouldn’t justify his fame and skill. He is more meticulous when it comes to painting. Each of his painting is a unique masterpiece in itself, in which, the greatest elements of painting like compositions, colours and subject matter are merged immaculately. It is more than enough to tell us how much he sweats and strives to make his artwork impeccable. He faultlessly canvases not only the natural objects but also the emotions, feelings and sufferings of human beings. Most of his such paintings force the viewers like me to stand up and voice for the oppressed. That said, he is undoubtedly a faultless painter yet striving for perfection.

    Part 3 : 1. What skills and abilities do people most want to learn today? Why?

    More skills and abilities need to be learnt today than before because the current society differs vastly from the past in many respects. The way one communicates influences one’s personality. It is not only respected in social groups but also in career. Seemingly, a person with poor communication skill is not supposed to scale the heights in his personal as well as professional life. In addition, a man is the final outcome of the decision he/she takes. A poor decision is more than enough to make a person a failed one. So, it is too tough to have a stable and respected life without a sharp decision making ability. As many people today don’t like to follow the bandwagon, they are more inventive and adventurous than those in the past. When they try to be the possible best version of themselves, perseverance is indispensable. The attributes like problem solving and analytical ability are imperative that they can’t but learn.

    2. Which skill do you think will be important in the future?

    To stay ahead of the curve, in the future, one can’t but face the cut-throat competition that is going to be the face of the future work places. Nobody can relax then as we are today. So, the problems can be more complex tomorrow. In order to solve it, the critical thinking will be unpredictably important. Presumably, a person with this analytical thinking can be inventive and hence propose innovative remedies to get out of complex issues. He/she can be expected to use his/her logical thinking to evaluate arguments. Those who are analytical by nature are keen observers. They will be creative enough to bring in their observations and to come to logical conclusions. Both emotional intelligence and critical thinking will be a cut above in the future.

    3. What kinds of jobs have the highest salaries in your country?

    As society evolved, so did the remunerations paid for various jobs. The job of creativity is paid the highest salary in my country. Cinema actors, script writers and directors are the ones who are paid more salary than anybody in any other sector. The second most paid are those people who are chief executive officers, general managers and directors in companies. However, these roles and positions are not as permanent as those of teachers, doctors, scientists and other employees who are paid very negligible compared to the aforementioned creative people. They can lose their creativity anytime and consequently lose their jobs. They remind us of the proverb “make the hay while the sun shines.”

    4. Some people say that it would be better for society if everyone got the same salary. What do you think about that?

    Well, it reminds us of a kind of communist society. Even though the same salary to every jobs appears to create an egalitarian society, the country wouldn’t develop at a faster rate because not many jobs will be created. Consequently, it may lead to the loss of jobs. On the other hand, meritorious jobs should be treated differently from the ordinary ones. As different jobs need different skillsets, salary cannot be the same. As salaries vary from profession to profession, people constantly sharpen their skills. They try to be more inventive, innovative and creative just to get more salary than they usually do. Besides, it adds to variety and richness to life that in turn creates more opportunities. It is a fact that different salaries create different classes of people with ever widening gap in between. However, no country can survive if it doesn’t make enough business by which the money flow in the market becomes stronger. So, the same salary would turn the colourful and happening world into a dull and underdeveloped one. Undoubtedly, different salaries would motivate people to be adventurous enough.

    Customary - usual/normal; Idle - lazy; Spellbound - fascinate; Panacea - a remedy for all difficulties/solution; Polymath - a person of wide knowledge or learning; Immaculate - perfectly; Ailment - disease; Bandwagon- refers to an activity that is currently fashionable; Scale of heights - achieve high levels of success; Indispensable - crucial; Imperative - crucial; A cut above - noticeably superior to;

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